These criteria are based on Cielab color space, 0/45 geometry. For spherical geometry, specular included, maximum lightness is 33 units.
These criteria are based on Cielab color space, 0/45 geometry. For spherical geometry, specular included, the upper limit is 49 units.
Equation 1
(VOC)a is the VOC content of a coating, as applied, expressed as weight of VOC per volume of coating minus water and excluded compounds (keeping units consistent).
(Wv)a is the weight of total volatiles per volume of an as applied coating.
(Ww)a is the weight of water per volume of an as applied coating.
(Vw)a is the volumes of water per volume of an as applied coating.
(We)a is the weight of excluded VOC per volume of an as applied coating.
(Ve)a is the volumes of excluded VOC per volume of an as applied coating.
N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 6 §§ 228-1.2