The appellant shall institute an appeal within 30-days of providing timely notice of intent to appeal to the Secretary by complying with the provisions of this section. Failure by the appellant to institute a timely appeal as required by this paragraph shall be deemed consent by the filing entity to publication of the subject report(s). To institute an appeal, the appellant shall:
(4) Notwithstanding paragraphs (2) and (3) of subdivision (d) of this section, a filing entity may institute and serve an appeal on the Secretary of State through an electronic filing system maintained by the Department of State. FORM FOR AFFIDAVIT OF PERSONAL SERVICE
COUNTY OF .............) ss:
...................... being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is over the age of eighteen years, and is not a party in this proceeding, that on the ..... day of ........, 20... at No.............., in the City of Albany, County of Albany, (s)he served the annexed appeal on ....................., by delivering and leaving the same with ...................., at said time and place. ..................... (signature) Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...... day of .........., 20..
(1) The Secretary of State shall, within 10 days from service of the appeal pursuant to subdivision (d) of this section, prepare a response, in letter format signed by respondents or respondents' counsel, that shall contain the following information: (i) the name of the appellant ;(ii) the name of respondent;(iii) the underlying decision by the Secretary of State relating to the report at issue;(iv) the name and contact information of the administrative hearing officer;(v) a reference to the particular sections of the statutes and rules involved, where possible;(vi) a clear and concise statement, not to exceed five hundred words, setting forth respondents' position with respect to appellant's claim, including any applicable defense to such claim;(vii) the record and exhibits supporting respondents' position; and(viii) the name, address and phone number of respondents' counsel.(2) The Secretary of State shall serve a copy of such joint response upon the appellant or, if appellant is represented by counsel, upon appellant's counsel. Such service may be made electronically, if appellant has consented to electronic service. In the absence of electronic service, the Secretary of State shall immediately transmit by first class mail the original response and the record of prior proceedings to the administrative hearing officer, together with either an affidavit of personal service, in the form set forth above, or an affidavit of service by mail in the form set forth below: COUNTY OF ............) ss:
................. being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is/they are over the age of eighteen years and is not a party in this proceeding; that on the ....... day of ............., 20.., deponent served the within response upon ................... in this action, at ......................, the address designated by ......................... for that purpose, by depositing a true copy of the same by mail, enclosed in a post paid, properly addressed wrapper, in .................... a post office ........... official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Post Office Department within the State of New York.
........................... (signature)
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this ............ day of ........., 20...
............................... (signature and title of officer)
(3) The record of prior proceedings shall include but not be limited to: (i) any submission made by the filing entity to the Secretary of State in connection with the report at issue;(ii) all records relied upon by the Secretary of State in issuing its notice of intent to publish;(iii) the notice of intent to publish;(iv) the reports of the filing entity subject to the notice of intent to publish, in the form in which the Secretary of State intends to publish such reports.