N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 17 § 2B.13
DELETE Paragraphs 01-08 and 17.
INSERT the following paragraphs:
00A After an engineering study has been made in accordance with established traffic engineering practices, a Speed Limit sign shall display the limit established by law, ordinance, regulation, or as adopted by the authorized agency. The speed limits shown shall be in multiples of 5 MPH.
00B Speed limit signs inform motorists of speed restrictions established by law or regulation. There are three types of speed limits:
Linear Speed Limit -- A linear speed limit is one which applies along a particular highway, or along a portion of a particular highway.
Area Speed Limit -- An area speed limit is one which applies to all highways within a specified area, except those specifically excluded. The area may be an entire municipality, or only a portion thereof. The defined area may also be the grounds of a school, hospital, or other institution.
Statewide Speed Limit -- The statewide speed limit is established by the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law, and is applicable on all highways where other speed limits have not been established.
00C The R2-1 sign (see Figure 2B-1) shall be used for posting linear speed limits.
00D Except as noted elsewhere in this subsection, the NYR2-2 sign (see Sign Drawing SD-R1) shall be used for posting the statewide speed limit.
00E The NYR2-3 sign (see Sign Drawing SD-R1) shall be used for posting an area speed limit which involves only a portion of a municipality.
00F The NYR2-4, NYR2-5, and NYR2-6 signs (see Sign Drawing SD-R1) shall be used for posting area speed limits which are essentially city-wide, village-wide, and town-wide, respectively. These signs should be used even where there are specific highways or smaller areas (for example, a village within a town) where different speed limits apply. The R2-5aP, R2-5bP, R2-5cP, and R2-5P plaques shall not be used in New York.
00G Where a linear speed limit within an area speed limit has the same numerical value as the area speed limit (a situation which can exist because of legal requirements), the appropriate area Speed Limit sign (NYR2-3 through NYR2-6) shall be substituted for the R2-1 sign in posting the linear limit.
00H Where United States or New York numbered touring routes are on highways subject to area speed limits, such highways should be posted on a linear basis with the appropriate area Speed Limit sign (NYR2-3 through NYR2-6). However, these signs may be omitted within heavily developed urban areas (for example, the central business district of a city).
00I R2-1 signs may be used instead of NYR2-2 signs to post the statewide speed limit on a section of highway in a work zone where a speed limit in excess of the statewide limit has been temporarily reduced to the statewide limit.
00J The word "AREA" in the NYR2-3 sign may be replaced by other generic legend (for example, "CAMPUS", "PLAZA", "MALL", "PARK", etc.) where it would more clearly and appropriately identify a physically defined area.
00K Speed Limit signs shall be installed at or near the places where speed limits change.
00L For area speed limits, additional signs within the area are not required, but may be desirable in extensive or complex areas.
00M A R2-1 sign shall be placed at, or as near as practicable to, the beginning of a linear speed limit facing traffic entering the restriction. Additional R2-1 signs shall be placed at intervals throughout restrictions longer than 1100 feet.
00N The R2-1 sign may be omitted when the beginning of a linear speed limit is at, or near, the closed end of a dead-end highway.
00O Where the beginning of a linear speed limit is at, or just before, an intersection, the Speed Limit sign should be placed beyond the intersection. Where a Speed Limit sign and a Political Boundary sign (see Section 2D.110) would conflict, the Political Boundary sign should be placed at a suitable location before or after the Speed Limit sign.
00P Additional R2-1 signs within a linear speed limit restriction should be suitably placed to remind motorists on the highway, as well as inform motorists entering the highway, of the speed limit. Signs should be placed beyond, rather than immediately in advance of, intersections or locations where reduced speed may be necessary.
00Q The first intermediate sign within a linear speed limit restriction should be placed a maximum of 1100 feet from the first R2-1 sign. The spacing between subsequent intermediate signs should not exceed the distance produced by multiplying the speed limit (in miles per hour) by 100.
00R An appropriate Speed Limit sign (R2-1, NYR2-2 through NYR2-6) shall be placed at, or as near as practicable to, the end of a linear speed limit to indicate the speed limit that follows.
00S No Speed Limit sign should be placed at the end of a speed limit restriction that occurs at, or near, the end of the highway (e.g., a dead-end, at a "T" intersection).
00T An appropriate area Speed Limit sign (NYR2-3 through NYR2-6) shall be placed facing traffic on each highway entering the area restriction. Where a highway within an area has a higher or lower speed limit, area Speed Limit signs shall be placed on each street intersecting that highway, facing traffic entering the area restriction.
00U Where traffic enters an area speed limit restriction at, or just before, an intersection, signs should be placed beyond the intersection on all highways on which the area limit applies. Where an area Speed Limit sign and a Political Boundary sign (see Section 2D.110) would conflict, the Political Boundary sign should be placed at a suitable location before or after the Speed Limit sign.
00V Where a smaller area with a different speed limit exists within an area speed limit restriction, the two should be treated as separate areas having a common boundary.
00W Additional area Speed Limit signs may be placed within an area to remind motorists of the speed limit.
00X If used, additional area Speed Limit signs within an area should not be placed immediately in advance of intersections, or in locations where they would conflict with other traffic signs.
00Y An appropriate Speed Limit sign (R2-1, NYR2-2 through NYR2-6) shall be placed facing traffic on each highway leaving an area speed limit restriction to indicate the speed limit that follows.
00Z Where the end of an area speed limit restriction is at, or just before, an intersection, the signs for the next speed limit should be placed at suitable locations beyond the intersection on all highways on which the area limit does not apply. Where the intersecting highway has a linear speed limit, the normal linear posting may be adequate for this purpose.
00AA A NYR2-2 sign shall be placed on highways entering the State on which the statewide speed limit applies.
00BB NYR2-2 signs shall be placed at the ends of linear speed limit restrictions when the statewide speed limit follows.
00CC Where a highway subject to the statewide speed limit is within, or adjacent to, an area speed limit, NYR2-2 signs shall be placed at suitable locations on that highway to inform motorists leaving the area restriction that the statewide speed limit applies.
00DD Where the highway is a freeway, the NYR2-2 signs should be placed on its mainline roadways beyond the entrance ramps, rather than on the entrance ramps.
00EE The NYR2-2 sign may be used as necessary to inform, or remind, motorists of the statewide speed limit (e.g., on highways subject to the statewide speed limit adjacent to large airports).
00FF Under certain conditions, an END SPEED ZONE (NYR2-11) sign may be used instead of a NYR2-2 sign to post the end of a linear or area restriction. The conditions under which this substitution may be made are described in Section 2B.101.
N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 17 § 2B.13