N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 17 § 79.36

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 79.36 - Fuel handling

All fuel handled in or upon the airport shall be treated with due caution and circumspection with regard to the rights and safety of others so as not to endanger, or be likely to endanger, persons or property. The following prohibitions, restrictions and requirements apply at the airport.

(a) Smoking prohibited. Smoking is prohibited within 50 feet of an aircraft or fuel truck during fuel handling operations.
(b) Fueling while engines are running or being heated prohibited. Fueling is prohibited while engines are running or being heated.
(c) Operation of aircraft radios or electrical equipment prohibited. No person shall operate any radio transmitter or receiver, any other electrical equipment, or switch any electrical circuit on or off, or do any act or use any material which may or could cause a spark within 50 feet of an aircraft during fuel handling operations.
(d) Transfer of bulk fuel prohibited. The transfer of bulk aircraft or vehicular fuel from one vehicular tender to another is prohibited in or upon the airport.
(e) Operation of airborne radar equipment restricted. No airborne radar equipment shall be operated or ground tested in any area of the airport wherein the directional beam of high intensity radar is within 300 feet, or the direction beam of low intensity radar (less than 1.0 KW output) is within 100 feet, of an aircraft fueling operation, an aircraft fueling truck, or an aircraft fuel or flammable liquid storage facility.
(f) Presence of passengers and unauthorized persons restricted. No passenger or passengers shall be permitted to remain aboard an aircraft during fueling operations, unless one set of compatible passenger stairs is in place at the left front passenger exit. Only authorized persons engaged in the fuel handling, or engaged in the maintenance and operation of the aircraft being fueled, shall be permitted within 50 feet of such aircraft during fuel handling operations.
(g) Starting of engines near fuel spill prohibited. No person shall start any aircraft engine when there is any type of fuel on the ground under the aircraft, even though the spillage may have been flushed, unless specific permission to start engines has been granted by the airport operator.
(h) Refueling of automotive equipment restricted. Automotive equipment shall be refueled at the airport only at refueling stations and from dispensing devices approved by the airport operator.
(i) Presence of at least two approved fire extinguishers required. At least two carbon dioxide fire extinguishers (15 pounds or larger), or other type fire extinguishers acceptable to the airport operator shall be immediately available for use during fuel handling operations.
(j) Use of approved fuel storage and delivery facilities required. All operators of aircraft who receive, and all persons who supply, aviation fuel, oil and lubricants at the airport, shall use only those aviation fuel storage and delivery facilities and equipment approved by the airport operator for such use.
(k) Aircraft and fuel dispensing apparatus to be grounded. The aircraft and fuel dispensing or draining apparatus shall be grounded by metal wire or cable to a designated grounding point to prevent the possibility of static ignition of volatile liquids.
(l) Fueling to be conducted at least 50 feet from buildings. Aircraft fuel handling shall be conducted at least 50 feet from any hangar or any other building.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 17 § 79.36