N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 17 § 78.8

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 78.8 - Compliance with aircraft airport noise limits abatement procedures required

Except in an emergency as defined in subdivision (h) of this section, no aircraft shall be operated on the surface of any part of the airport, or take off from the airport, except as provided in subdivisions (a) to (i) of this section, unless specifically exempted by prior permission of the airport operator for an unusual situation, or are public aircraft owned and operated by the United States, the states and political subdivisions of the states, aircraft owned and operated by the Armed Forces of the United States, and aircraft operated in support of military operations.

(a) Preferential runway use program. Consistent with the responsibility of the pilot in command to assure the safe operation of the aircraft, aircraft operators shall adhere to the procedures promulgated by the airport traffic control tower regarding the preferential runway use program at the airport. Such procedures currently in effect are published in Tower Letter To Airmen 91- 1which follows. In keeping with the supremacy of Federal law, directions given by the airport traffic control tower and revisions to such procedures, as may be published from time to time by the FAA, shall supersede procedures contained here; provided that enforcement of the inflight aspect of the Tower Letter shall not be within the province of the airport operator.





ISSUED: March 1, 1991 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 1991




This Letter cancels Republic Tower Letter to Airmen 89-1.


This letter describes the informal runway use program for Republic Airport, and recommended good operating flight procedures to be used in compliance with local noise abatement procedures. The arrivals and departures depicted in Attachments 1, 2 and 3 may be superseded by air traffic control instructions when necessary. It is not intended that any of the procedures contained therein shall in any way abrogate the authority of the pilot-in-command to assure the safe operation of the aircraft. Should the operator of any aircraft prefer to use a runway other than specified, they are expected to advise accordingly.

A. Priority of Runway Use.
1. Departures -- Runway 1

Arrivals -- Runway 32

2. Departures -- Runway 14 and Runway 19

Arrivals -- Runway 19

3. Any other runway or combination of runways.
B. Operational Safety Criteria for Priority of Runway Use.

The priority listed in Paragraph II.A. shall not be used if any of the following conditions exist:

1. Crosswind component:

Arrivals -- exceeds 10 knots with a dry runway.

Departures -- exceeds the following crosswind component criteria with a dry runway:

Single Engine 10 knots

Multi-Engine Piston Driven 15 knots

Turbo-Prop and Turbo-Jet 20 knots

2. Any tailwind component.
3. Pilot report of wind shear.
4. Thunderstorm activity in the initial departure path or final approach path (within 5 NM) of the selected runway.
5. For landings, the reported visibility is less than one statute mile.
6. Runway braking effectiveness reported less than "good," hydroplaning or unusually slippery surfaces reported.
7. Snow, slush, ice or standing water is present or reported.
C. Departure Procedures, VFR. (Attachment #1)
1. Runway 1 -- After departure, fly runway heading to the Long Island Expressway before proceeding on course.
2. Runway 14 -- At airport boundary, turn right, parallel Runway 19 departure path, track southbound over industrial area until Sunrise Highway or 1,600 feet before proceeding on course.
3. Runway 19 -- After departure, fly runway heading until Sunrise Highway or 1,600 feet before proceeding on course.
4. Runway 32 -- At airport boundary, turn right to track over Route 110 northbound until past the Long Island Expressway before proceeding on course.
D. Arrival Procedures, VFR
1. Runway 1 and 32 (Attachment #2) -- Enter downwind over National Cemetery, two miles northeast of airport. Enter base leg over Sunrise Highway. Turn final as appropriate. Runway 32 arrivals are advised to enter the traffic pattern from the northeast to avoid the straight-out departures off Runway 1.
2. Runway 14 and 19 (Attachment #3) -- Enter downwind over landfill area 1 1/2 miles east of airport.
E. Departure/Arrival Procedures, IFR.

All Runways: Use Standard Instrument Departure procedures or departure/arrival procedures specified by air traffic control.

F. Flight Procedures

All VFR aircraft should contact Republic Tower on 118.8 MHz when approximately 10 miles from the airport. Airport and weather information will normally be available on the Automatic Terminal

Information System (ATIS) on 126.65 MHz. If ATIS information is not available, monitor tower frequency, 118.8 MHz for Airport and Weather information. In either case, advise the Tower

Controller on INITIAL CONTACT that you have "Information

In accordance with FAR 91.87, you MAY NOT enter an Airport

Traffic Area until two-way radio communications have been established with the tower and AUTHORIZATION to enter is received. (EXCEPT FOR LOST COMMUNICATION PROCEDURES.)

All transmissions should be clear, concise and brief as possible.

G. Traffic Pattern Altitude.
1. 1,100 feet for piston engine aircraft.
2. 1,600 feet for turbine engine aircraft.
H. Operators are asked to avoid the noise sensitive area northwest of the airport to the maximum extent practicable.

/s/ Anthony C. Darienzo

Air Traffic Manager

Republic Tower




(b) Additional restrictions on night time operations. No aircraft shall takeoff or land on runway 14-32 between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the subsequent day, local time, except under the following conditions:
(1) The use of runway 14-32 is required by actual instrument weather conditions or crosswinds in excess of those specified in Republic Tower Letter To Airmen 91-1 above.
(2) Runway 1-19 is unavailable for use.
(c) Noise abatement procedures for turbojet business aircraft. The Noise Abatement Procedures for Turbojet Business Aircraft established by the National Business Aircraft Association are recommended for operators of jet aircraft, except where superseded by other rules contained herein.
(d) Intersection takeoffs. No aircraft operator shall takeoff from a taxiway intersection with a runway, except for those intersections designated A1, A5, B1, B6, G1, G4, and G5 when required and cleared for such an intersection takeoff by the airport traffic control tower. During such times that the airport traffic control tower is closed, only full length takeoffs shall be made.
(e) Compliance with FAA noise rules, regulations, orders and procedures. All aircraft operations shall be in compliance with all applicable FAA rules, regulations, orders and procedures respecting noise, as the same may be amended from time to time, except as exempted or otherwise authorized by FAA.
(f) Aircraft engine operation for maintenance purposes.
(1) Aircraft engine testing may be conducted on the Compass Rose located off taxiway "A" between runways 1 and 32 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., local time.
(2) No aircraft engine testing shall be conducted on the airport between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. local time.
(g) Flight training. Flight training, including instrument approaches and touch-and-go landings and takeoffs, may be conducted in accordance with all the requirements of this section, provided, in the opinion of the airport operator, such flight training does not interfere with itinerant operations. However, whenever practicable, flight training shall be conducted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., local time.
(h) Exemption of emergency conditions. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, aircraft may utilize the airport under the following circumstances:
(1) An immediate landing is required due to a declared aircraft emergency.
(2) A takeoff or landing is conducted as a part of a medical or life-saving emergency precipitated by the existence of a life-threatening situation.
(3) A landing is required which results from the use of the Airport as a weather alternate airport when there is not sufficient fuel on board or weather conditions do not enable the operator to utilize another weather alternate airport.
(i) Verification of conditions. Upon request of the airport operator, the aircraft operator shall provide verification to the airport operator of the conditions necessitating the exemptions in subdivisions (b) and (h) of this section.
(j) Permissible levels of aircraft noise.
(1) Pursuant to Federal Aviation Administration guidelines, the airport operator prepared Ldn 65 noise contours to determine whether such contours encroach into existing residentially developed areas. No current encroachment was found. However, future encroachment is anticipated unless the following aircraft noise performance standards, measured in accordance with section C36.3 of Appendix C of Federal Air Regulations Part 36, are imposed in conjunction with other noise abatement measures.


80 dBA and above--Takeoff Noise Level

89 dBA and above--Approach Noise Level

(2) Since the Ldn 65 noise contour currently does not encroach into existing residentially developed areas, the above aircraft noise performance standards will not be mandatory until after such encroachment occurs. The airport operator will continue to monitor noise levels at the airport to determine the effectiveness of the noise abatement measures contained in subdivisions (a) through (i) of this section in preventing such encroachment. Should the airport operator determine that these noise abatement measures have not prevented the Ldn 65 noise contour from encroaching into existing residentially developed areas, steps will be taken immediately to impose the above aircraft noise performance standards.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 17 § 78.8