N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 16 § 255.927

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 41, October 9, 2024
Section 255.927 - Internal corrosion direct assessment (icda)
(a) Definition. Internal corrosion direct assessment (ICDA) is a process an operator uses to identify areas along the pipeline where fluid or other electrolyte introduced during normal operation or by an upset condition may reside, and then focuses direct examination on the locations in covered segments where internal corrosion is most likely to exist. The process identifies the potential for internal corrosion caused by microorganisms, or fluid with C02, 02, hydrogen sulfide or other contaminants present in the gas.
(b) General requirements. An operator using direct assessment as an assessment method to address internal corrosion in a covered pipeline segment must follow the requirements in this section and in ASME/ANSI B31.8S (as described in section 10.3 of this Title), section 6.4 and Appendix B2. The ICDA process described in this section applies only for a segment of pipe transporting nominally dry natural gas, and not for a segment with electrolyte nominally present in the gas stream. If an operator uses ICDA to assess a covered segment operating with electrolyte present in the gas stream, the operator must develop a plan that demonstrates how it will conduct ICDA in the segment to effectively address internal corrosion, and must provide notification in accordance with section 255.921(a)(4) or 255.937(c)(4) of this Part.
(c) The ICDA plan. An operator must develop and follow an ICDA plan that provides for preassessment, identification of ICDA regions and excavation locations, detailed examination of pipe at excavation locations, and post-assessment evaluation and monitoring.
(1) Preassessment. In the preassessment stage, an operator must gather and integrate data and information needed to evaluate the feasibility of ICDA for the covered segment, and to support use of a model to identify the locations along the pipe segment where electrolyte may accumulate, to identify ICDA regions, and to identify areas within the covered segment where liquids may potentially be entrained. This data and information includes, but is not limited to:
(i) all data elements listed in Appendix A2 of ASME/ANSI B31.8S;
(ii) information needed to support use of a model that an operator must use to identify areas along the pipeline where internal corrosion is most likely to occur. (See subdivision [a] of this section.) This information, includes, but is not limited to, location of all gas input and withdrawal points on the line; location of all low points on covered segments such as sags, drips, inclines, valves, manifolds, dead-legs, and traps; the elevation profile of the pipeline in sufficient detail that angles of inclination can be calculated for all pipe segments; and the diameter of the pipeline, and the range of expected gas velocities in the pipeline;
(iii) operating experience data that would indicate historic upsets in gas conditions, locations where these upsets have occurred, and potential damage resulting from these upset conditions; and
(iv) information on covered segments where cleaning pigs may not have been used or where cleaning pigs may deposit electrolytes.
(2) ICDA region identification. An operator's plan must identify where all ICDA regions are located in the transmission system, in which covered segments are located. An ICDA region extends from the location where liquid may first enter the pipeline and encompasses the entire area along the pipeline where internal corrosion may occur and where further evaluation is needed. An ICDA region may encompass one or more covered segments. In the identification process, an operator must use the model in GRI 02-0057, Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment of Gas Transmission Pipelines--Methodology, (as described in section 10.3 of this Title). An operator may use another model if the operator demonstrates it is equivalent to the one shown in GRI 02-0057. A model must consider changes in pipe diameter, locations where gas enters a line (potential to introduce liquid) and locations downstream of gas draw-offs (where gas velocity is reduced) to define the critical pipe angle of inclination above which water film cannot be transported by the gas.
(3) Identification or locations for excavation and direct examination. An operator's plan must identify the locations where internal corrosion is most likely in each ICDA region. In the location identification process, an operator must identify a minimum of two locations for excavation within each ICDA region within a covered segment and must perform a direct examination for internal corrosion at each location, using ultrasonic thickness measurements, radiography, or other generally accepted measurement technique. One location must be the low point (e.g., sags, drips, valves, manifolds, dead-legs, traps) within the covered segment nearest to the beginning of the ICDA region. The second location must be further downstream, within a covered segment, near the end of the ICDA region. If corrosion exists at either location, the operator must:
(i) evaluate the severity of the defect (remaining strength) and remediate the defect in accordance with section 255.933 of this Part;
(ii) as part of the operator's current integrity assessment either perform additional excavations in each covered segment within the ICDA region, or use an alternative assessment method allowed by sections 255.901 through 255.951 of this Part to assess the line pipe in each covered segment within the ICDA region for internal corrosion; and
(iii) evaluate the potential for internal corrosion in all pipeline segments (both covered and non-covered) in the operator's pipeline system with similar characteristics to the ICDA region containing the covered segment in which the corrosion was found, and as appropriate, remediate the conditions the operator finds in accordance with section 255.933 of this Part.
(4) Post-assessment evaluation and monitoring. An operator's plan must provide for evaluating the effectiveness of the ICDA process and continued monitoring of covered segments where internal corrosion has been identified. The evaluation and monitoring process includes:
(i) evaluating the effectiveness of ICDA as an assessment method for addressing internal corrosion and determining whether a covered segment should be reassessed at more frequent intervals than those specified in section 255.939 of this Part. An operator must carry out this evaluation within a year of conducting an ICDA; and
(ii) continually monitoring each covered segment where internal corrosion has been identified using techniques such as coupons, UT sensors or electronic probes, periodically drawing off liquids at low points and chemically analyzing the liquids for the presence of corrosion products. An operator must base the frequency of the monitoring and liquid analysis on results from all integrity assessments that have been conducted in accordance with the requirements of sections 255.901 through 255.951 of this Part, and risk factors specific to the covered segment. If an operator finds any evidence of corrosion products in the covered segment, the operator must take prompt action in accordance with one of the two following required actions and remediate the conditions the operator finds in accordance with section 255.933 of this Part;
(a) conduct excavations of covered segments at locations downstream from where the electrolyte might have entered the pipe; or
(b) assess the covered segment using another integrity assessment method allowed by sections 255.901 through 255.951 of this Part.
(5) Other requirements. The ICDA plan must also include:
(i) criteria an operator will apply in making key decisions (e.g., ICDA feasibility, definition of ICDA regions, conditions requiring excavation) in implementing each stage of the ICDA process;
(ii) provisions for applying more restrictive criteria when conducting ICDA for the first time on a covered segment and that become less stringent as the operator gains experience; and
(iii) provisions that analysis be carried out on the entire pipeline in which covered segments are present, except that application of the remediation criteria of section 255.933 of this Part may be limited to covered segments.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 16 § 255.927