N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 12 §§ 45-5.7

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 41, October 9, 2024
Section 45-5.7 - Tents
(a) Flame resistance.
(1) The public shall not be admitted to any tent, nor shall animals be stabled in any tent until the material of the tent has met the requirements for flame resistance set forth in this section.
(2) All tent fabric shall meet the requirements for flame resistance of the small-scale test contained in chapters 1-4 of NFPA 701, "Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame-Resistant Textiles and Films, 1989 edition," which was prepared by the Technical Committee on Fire Tests and published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) on August 7, 1989. The publication may be obtained from NFPA, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, or the document may be inspected and copied at the New York State Department of Labor, Building 12, State Office Campus, Albany, NY, the New York State Department of State, 41 State Street, Albany, NY, the New York State Legislative Library, Albany, NY or at any designated New York State Supreme Court Library.
(3) Written evidence of approval by a nationally recognized testing laboratory that the material of the tent complies with the above standard may be accepted by the commissioner as evidence of proper treatment for 12 months after such approval was granted.
(4) In the absence of the approval required by paragraph (3) of this subdivision, or at the direction of the commissioner, a field test of the flame resistance shall be conducted as follows. Two dry test specimens a minimum of 11/2 inches wide and four inches long shall be cut at random from the top or side wall sections of the tent or a test clamp may be used at an edge or slit in the tent itself. The two test specimens or sections shall be held with the long axis vertical and an open flame shall be applied to the center of the bottom edge for 12 seconds. The test specimen or section shall not flame for more than two seconds after the flame is removed; the average length of char shall not exceed the length of the specimen or more than four inches for test strips.
(b) Tent pole support.
(1) The center poles of every tent over 250 feet long and 125 feet wide or having over four center poles, shall be guyed with wire rope.
(2) Tent poles and their supports shall be of sufficient strength to withstand a wind pressure or suction of 10 pounds per square foot of tent surface and to resist a wind pressure of 20 pounds per square foot of projected area of tent.
(c) Tent capacity. The capacity of tents shall be the sum of the capacities as figured by section 45-5.6(a) of this Subpart. The capacity of tents without fixed seating used for exhibits and social gatherings shall be one person per 10 square feet of floor space designated for such use.
(d) Means of egress.
(1) Aisles and crossaisles. Aisles and crossaisles within the seating portion of the viewing stand as specified in section 45-5.6(g) of this Subpart shall be provided. Aisles within tents not on the seating portion of the viewing stands shall be five feet wide.
(2) Number of exits. Tents with a capacity of 600 or less shall have at least two exits; tents with a capacity of 601 to 1,000 shall have at least three exits; and tents with a capacity of more than 1,000 shall have at least four exits.
(3) Location of exits. The main entrance may be counted as one of the exits. The others shall be in the side walls spaced as uniformly as possible.
(4) Size of exits. Exits shall be maintained at least six feet wide to a height of seven feet above the ground. An attendant shall be placed at each sidewall exit while the tent is being used to see that the required width and height of exit is unobstructed.
(5) Exit signs.
(i) Location. An exit sign shall be provided over each opening to be used as an exit. If these signs are not readily visible in the normal path of approach, exit directional signs shall also be provided.
(ii) Legend requirements. Exit signs shall be worded in plainly legible block letters with the word EXIT for exit signs and the word EXIT with a suitable pointer or arrow indicating the direction of exit. Letters for signs shall not be less than six inches high with three-quarter inch wide strokes.
(iii) Illumination. Every exit and exit directional sign shall be illuminated so that it is readily discernible to the occupants at all times. The emergency lighting system as required by subdivision (e) of this section shall illuminate the exit and exit directional signs.
(e) Emergency lighting. An emergency lighting system conforming to the requirements of Part 1032 of Title 9 NYCRR, "Emergency Power and Lighting," of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, effective January 1, 1984, shall be provided.
(f) Spot or effect lighting. When spot or effect lights are within six feet of any combustible material other than tent poles, such material shall be protected by incombustible nonconductive material at least one-quarter inch thick.
(g) Combustible materials. No hay, straw, shavings or similar combustible materials other than that necessary for the daily feeding and care of animals shall be permitted within any tent, except that sawdust or shavings may be used if kept damp.
(h) Smoking. Smoking shall be prohibited in any tent. This requirement shall be announced to the audience before and at least once during any meeting or performance. Signs with three inch high block letters reading "No Smoking" shall be conspicuously posted at all entrances and at frequent intervals in view of the audience.
(i) Cooking and open flames. Cooking and open flames shall be prohibited in any tent.
(j) Fire extinguishers.
(1) Every tent having over 1,000 square feet of ground area, shall have conspicuously placed therein, at least one approved 15 pound A, B, C, or equivalent type fire extinguisher.
(2) Additional extinguishers of the same type shall be provided at the rate of one for each 2,000 square feet of ground area over 1,000 square feet within such tent.
(k) Motion picture film. Nitrocellulose film shall not be used.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 12 §§ 45-5.7