N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 12 §§ 36-2.6

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 36-2.6 - Electric lighting, wiring and equipment
(a) General. Except as may be otherwise specifically set forth in this Part, the following provisions of this section shall apply to all places of public assembly.
(b) Electric lighting required. No other source of artificial illumination of places of assembly shall be permitted except electricity.
(c) Electrical wiring and equipment. All electrical wiring and equipment shall be installed and maintained in accordance with nationally and locally accepted standards.
(d) Lighting of theatres--including motion picture and summer theatres.
(1) Lighting of exitways. During public occupancy, all exitways shall be distinctly illuminated. Illumination providing a light intensity of 0.5 foot-candle or more at floor levels shall be deemed in compliance herewith.
(2) Lighting of aisles. During public occupancy, all aisles shall be so illuminated that the travelled portions thereof shall be visible to the occupants using them. Such illumination shall be independent of light reflected from any picture screen. Such illumination providing a light intensity of 0.1 foot-candle or more at floor level shall be deemed in compliance herewith.
(3) Lighting of auditoriums. During public occupancy, all auditoriums shall be so illuminated that the seats and the occupants thereof shall be visible. Such illumination providing a light intensity of 0.1 foot-candle or more at floor level on the main floor and 0.2 foot-candle at floor level in the balcony and galleries shall be deemed in compliance herewith.
(4) Control. The lighting of exitways, aisles and auditoriums, including exit signs, shall be controlled from locations inaccessible to unauthorized persons. Where normal control is in the projection room, emergency control shall be provided elsewhere.
(e) Lighting of all places of public assembly not covered by subdivision (d) hereof. During public occupancy, all exitways and other occupied portions of such places shall be distinctly illuminated by natural or artificial means. Illumination providing a light intensity of 0.5 foot-candle or more at floor or ground levels shall be deemed in compliance herewith.
(f) Emergency lighting. In every place of public assembly having a capacity of over 300 persons and customarily using artificial lighting during public occupancy, there shall be installed and maintained in addition to the principal lighting system, an independent substitute lighting system powered by a source of electricity other than that of the principal system and capable of providing through the circuits and fixtures of the principal system or otherwise a distinct illumination for a period of 30 minutes of all exitways and aisles. Such substitute system shall be arranged so as to operate automatically upon failure of electric current in the principal system. A light intensity of 0.5 foot-candle at floor or ground levels shall be deemed distinct illumination within the meaning and intent of this subdivision.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 12 §§ 36-2.6