N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 12 § 32.3

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 32.3 - Purpose and intent of part
(a) It is the purpose and intent of this Part to require reasonable and proper precaution against personal injuries to employees and the public from the use and operation of ski tows and other passenger tramways. It is recognized that certain dangers and risks are inherent in the operation of machines of this type. It is also recognized that inherent and other risks or dangers exist for those who are in the process of approaching, loading, unloading, and departing from passenger tramways. This Part is intended to result in passenger tramways that are designed, constructed, operated, and maintained in a manner that helps reduce danger and exposure to risk to passengers, and maintenance and operational personnel. This Part is intended to be construed accordingly and to be read, construed and applied with sections 27, 200 and 202-c of the Labor Law.
(b) No provision of this Part as amended, effective the date adopted, requires or is intended to require any modifications to any passenger tramway whose plan review was completed prior to the effective date of this code, and which complies with prior editions or versions of this Part or with variations granted and in effect thereto, except as may be needed to carry out the provisions of subdivision (d) of this section. Existing passenger tramways, when removed and reinstalled, shall be classified as new installations.
(c) New installations and those with plan reviews completed after the effective date of this code shall be in compliance with this Part.
(d) A passenger tramway modification shall be defined as an alteration of the current design of the passenger tramway which results in:
(1) a change in the design speed of the system;
(2) a change in the rated capacity by changing the number of carriers, spacing of carriers, or load capacity of carriers;
(3) a change in the path of the rope;
(4) any change in the type of brakes and/or backstop devices or components thereof;
(5) a change in the structural arrangements;
(6) a change in power or type of prime mover or auxiliary engine;
(7) a change to control system logic.
(e) Adoption of technological improvements in materials and advances in techniques is essential to enable the industry to keep pace with progress. If a designer or manufacturer proposes to use materials or methods not covered by this standard, those materials, methods, or both, shall be clearly identified and complete design and test information shall be provided to the purchaser or owner and the commissioner.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 12 § 32.3