N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 11 § 108.3

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 108.3 - Allocation of expenses to primary lines of business
(a) The allocation of expenses to lines of business shall be by expense groups. Each classification of expense within each expense group shall be allocated separately to lines of business on the bases of allocation prescribed as follows. All bases employed in such allocations shall be applicable and appropriate to the expense group of which such expense is a part.


Expenses which are allocated to lines of business as an overhead on salaries shall be calculated in relation only to the salaries included in the same expense group.

Expenses included in the expense group, loss adjustment expenses

Bases of allocation to lines of business

Claim adjustment services:
Reinsurance assumedActual
Reinsurance cededActual
Commission and brokerage-directSee commission and allowances (section 107.3[c][2] of this Title)
Allowances to managers and agentsSee commission and allowances (section 107.3[c][2] of this Title)
SalariesSee special instructions relating to the allocation of salaries and other expenses (Part 109 of this Title)
Employee relations and welfareOverhead on salaries
PensionsOverhead on salaries
Directors' feesOverhead on salaries
Travel and travel itemsSpecial studies
Rent and rent itemsOverhead on salaries
EquipmentOverhead on salaries
Printing and stationeryOverhead on salaries
Postage, telephone and telegraph, exchange and expressOverhead on salaries
Legal and auditingSpecial studies
Income from special servicesSpecial studies
MiscellaneousSpecial studies

Expenses included in the expense group, acquisition, field supervision and collection expenses

Bases of allocation to lines of business

Commission and brokerage:
DirectActual, but subject to instructions under commission and allowances (section 107.3[c][2] of this Title)
Reinsurance assumedActual
Reinsurance cededActual
Contingent-netSpecial studies
Policy and membershipActual
Allowances to managers and agentsSpecial studies, but subject to instructions under commission and allowances (section 107.3[c][2] of this Title)
SalariesSee special instructions relating to the allocation of salaries and other expenses (Part 109 of this Title)
Employee relations and welfareOverhead on salaries
PensionsOverhead on salaries
Directors' feesOverhead on salaries
Travel and travel itemsSpecial studies
Rent and rent itemsOverhead on salaries
EquipmentOverhead on salaries
Printing and stationeryOverhead on salaries
Postage, telephone and telegraph, exchange and expressOverhead on salaries
Legal and auditingSpecial studies
Income from special servicesSpecial studies
MiscellaneousSpecial studies

Expenses included in the expense group, general expenses

Bases of allocation to lines of business

Commission and brokerage-directSee commission and allowances (section 107.3[c][2] of this Title)
Allowances to managers and agentsSee commission and allowances (section 107.3[c][2] of this Title)
Boards, bureaus an associationsSpecial studies
Surveys and underwriting reportsSpecial studies
Audit of assurance recordsSpecial studies
SalariesSee special instructions relating to the allocation of salaries and other expenses (Part 109 of this Title)
Employee relations and welfareOverhead on salaries
PensionsOverhead on salaries
Directors' feesOverhead on salaries
Travel and travel itemsSpecial studies
Rent and rent itemsOverhead on salaries
EquipmentOverhead on salaries
Printing and stationeryOverhead on salaries
Postage, telephone and telegraph, exchange and expressOverhead on salaries
Legal and auditingSpecial studies
Income from special servicesSpecial studies
MiscellaneousSpecial studies

Expenses included in the expense group, taxes

Bases of allocation to lines of business

Taxes, licenses and fees:
State and local insurance taxesSpecial studies
Insurance Dept. licenses and feesSpecial studies
Payroll taxesOverhead on salaries
All other (excluding federal income and real estate)Special studies

(1) The term actual means that the expenses are susceptible of direct and accurate allocation, and companies shall allocate directly to lines of business and shall not employ any apportionments or estimations.
(2) For definitions of the terms special studies, premiums and overhead on salaries, see section 106.3, supra.
(c)Other bases permitted or prescribed.

For these expense classifications permitting the basis "overhead on salaries or premiums," any other basis of allocation may be adopted which yields more accurate results. The bases "overhead on salaries and premiums" shall not be used if clearly inappropriate.

(d)Other instructions applicable.

In making any allocations to lines of business, companies shall observe the general instructions regarding allocation bases (see section 109.3, infra.)

(e)Records required.
(1) The methods followed in allocating to lines of business shall be described, kept and supported as set forth under detail of allocation bases (see section 109.4[g], infra.)
(2) The effects of the application to each operating expense classification of all bases of allocation shall be shown on records kept in clear and legible form. Such records shall be readily available for examination.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 11 § 108.3