Part 105 - Operating Expense Classification For Annual Statement Purposes
- Section 105.1 - Introductory
- Section 105.2 - Claim adjustment services
- Section 105.3 - Commissions and brokerage
- Section 105.4 - Allowances to managers and agents
- Section 105.5 - Advertising
- Section 105.6 - Boards, bureaus and associations
- Section 105.7 - Surveys and underwriting reports
- Section 105.8 - Audit of assureds' records
- Section 105.9 - Salaries and related items
- Section 105.10 - Employee relations and welfare
- Section 105.11 - Insurance
- Section 105.12 - Directors' fees
- Section 105.13 - Travel and travel items
- Section 105.14 - Rent and rent items
- Section 105.15 - Equipment
- Section 105.16 - Cost of depreciation of edp equipment and software
- Section 105.17 - Printing and stationery
- Section 105.18 - Postage, telephone and telegraph, exchange and express
- Section 105.19 - Legal and auditing
- Section 105.20 - Taxes, licenses and fees
- Section 105.21 - Real estate expenses
- Section 105.22 - Real estate taxes
- Section 105.23 - Reimbursements by uninsured accident and health plans
- Section 105.24 - Miscellaneous
- Section 105.25 - General instructions in connection with operating expense classifications