V = MR1([LA]/[LA + PV]) + MR2([PV]/[LA + PV])
PV =the nonborrowed portion of the policy value.
LA =the amount in the loan account.
MR1 = the minimum reserve for the policy calculated in accordance with section 4217 of the Insurance Law.
MR2 =the minimum reserve for the policy calculated in accordance with section 4217 of the Insurance Law, except that in lieu of using the calendar year statutory valuation interest rate or rates determined in accordance with that section, the company shall use a rate of interest of either (x) or (y) (which shall be consistently applied) for the period remaining until the end of the current guarantee period and thereafter the calendar year statutory valuation interest rate or rates that were applicable to such policies under section 4217 of the Insurance Law on the preceding year-end, where:
N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 11 § 43.10