Part 790 - Hospice Establishment
- Section 790.1 - Applications for establishment
- Section 790.2 - Requirements for approval
- Section 790.3 - Amendments to applications
- Section 790.4 - Withdrawals of applications
- Section 790.5 - Revocation, limitation or annulment of approvals of establishment
- Section 790.6 - Hearings
- Section 790.7 - Decisions
- Section 790.8 - Governing authority or operator
- Section 790.9 - Agents, nominees and fiduciaries
- Section 790.10 - Establishment of not-for-profit corporations
- Section 790.11 - Establishment of business corporations
- Section 790.12 - Reporting by business corporations
- Section 790.13 - Transfers of interest by sole proprietors or partnerships
- Section 790.14 - Transfers of stock
- Section 790.15 - Limitation on transfer
- Section 790.16 - Determinations of public need for hospice