(5) The term imaging as used in this section includes scanning, scintiphotography, scintigraphy, etc. (6) Diagnostic. (i) Endrocrine System............. 78000 Thyroid uptake, single determination............ 4.0 78001 multiple determinations (as in 6 and 24 hours, etc.) 5.3 ............ [DOUBLE DAGGER]78003 Thyroid stimulation, suppression or discharge (not including 5.7 initial uptake studies)............ [DOUBLE DAGGER]78006 Thyroid, imaging, with uptake, single determination............ 10.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78007 multiple determinations............ 10.5 78010 Thyroid, imaging only............ 7.2 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78015 Thyroid carcinoma metastases, imaging, neck and chest only 11.5 ............ [DOUBLE DAGGER]78016 with additional studies (e.g., imaging other body areas urinary 15.5 recovery, etc.)............ (Resin uptake T-3 or T-4[RT3U], see 84250) (Triliodothyronine [True T-3], RIA, see 83539) (T-4-thyroxin, CPB [Murphy-Pat-tee ], see 83536) (T-4-thyroxin, RIA, see 83537) (Calcitonin, RIA, see 82308) [DOUBLE DAGGER]78070 Parathyroid, imaging............ RNE° (Parathormone [parathyroid hormone], RIA, see 83970) [DOUBLE DAGGER]78075 Adrenal, imaging............ RNE° (Cortisol, RIA, plasma, see 82533) (Cortisol, RIA, urine, see 82534) (Aldosterone, double isotope technic, see 82087) (Aldosterone, RIA, blood, see 82088 (Aldosterone, RIA, urine, see 82089) (Pancreas, see 78240) (Insulin, RIA, see 83525) (Proinsulin, RIA, see 83526) (Glucagon, RIA, see 82943) (Adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH], RIA, see 82024) (Growth Hormone [HGH], [Somatotropin ], RIA, see 83003) (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone [TSH], RIA, see 84443) (Thyrotropin Releasing Factor, RIA, see 84444; plus long acting [LATS], see 84445) (Follicle Stimulating Hormone, see Gonadotropin, pituitary [FSH], RIA, see 83001) (Luteinizing Hormone, see Gonadotropin, pituitary [LH], [ICSH], RIA, see 83002) (Prolactin level [Mammotropin], RLA, see 84146) (Oxytocin level, see Oxytocinase, RIA, 83951) (Vasopressin level, see Vasopressin [antidiuretic Hormone], RIA, see 84588) [DOUBLE DAGGER]78099 Unlisted endocrine procedure............ BR[DAGGER] (ii) Hematopoietic, Reticuloendothelial and Lymphatic System. [DOUBLE DAGGER]78102 Bone marrow, imaging, limited area............ BR[DAGGER] [DOUBLE DAGGER]78103 multiple areas............ BR[DAGGER] [DOUBLE DAGGER]78104 whole body............ RNE° 78110 Blood or plasma volume, single sampling............ 5.0 78111 multiple sampling............ 7.0 (For dye method, see 84610) 78120 Red cell mass determination, single sampling............ 9.4 78121 multiple sampling............ 10.0 (see also 84610) 78130 Red cell survival study (e.g., 51Cr)............ RNE° 78135 plus splenic and/or hepatic sequestration............ RNE° 78140 Red cell splenic and/or hepatic sequestration............ RNE° 78160 Plasma radio-iron disappearance (turnover) rate............ RNE° 78170 Radio-iron, red cell utilization............ RNE° 78180 Radio-iron, body distribution and storage pools............ RNE° (Cyanocobalamine [Vitamin B-12], RIA, see 82611) (Folic acid [folate] serum, RIA, see 82746) (Human Hepatitis Antigen, Hepatitis Association Agent [Australian antigen] [HAA], RIA, see 86287) [DOUBLE DAGGER]78185 Spleen, imaging only, static............ 13.5 (If combined with liver study, use procedures 78215 and 78216)............ [DOUBLE DAGGER]78186 with vascular flow............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78195 Lymphatics and lymph glands imaging............ BR[DAGGER] [DOUBLE DAGGER]78199 Unlisted procedure, hematopoietic, RE and lymphatic............ BR[DAGGER] (iii) Gastrointestinal System. [DOUBLE DAGGER]78201 Liver, imaging, static............ 13.5 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78202 with vascular flow............ RNE° (For spleen imaging only, use 78185 and 78186) [DOUBLE DAGGER]78215 Liver and spleen, imaging, static............ 15.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78216 with vascular flow of liver and/or spleen............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78220 Liver function (e.g., with radioiodinated rose bengal), with 15.5 serial images............ [DOUBLE DAGGER]78221 with probe technique............ BR[DAGGER] [DOUBLE DAGGER]78225 Liver-lung study, imaging (e.g., for subphrenic abscess) 27.0 ............ [DOUBLE DAGGER]78230 Salivary glands, imaging, static............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78231 with serial views............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78240 Pancreas, imaging............ 23.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78270 Vitamin B-12 absorption studies............ (e.g., Schilling test) without intrinsic factor............ 5.3 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78271 with intrinsic factor............ 5.3 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78280 Gastrointestinal blood loss study............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78282 Gastrointestinal protein loss (e.g. 51 Cr Albumin) ............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78285 Gastrointestinal fat absorption study (e.g., radioiodinated RNE° triolein)............ [DOUBLE DAGGER]78286 Gastrointestinal fatty acid absorption study (e.g., RNE° radioiodinated oleic acid)............ (Gastrin, RIA, see 82941) (Intrinsic factor level, see 84231) (Carcinoembryonic antigen level, RIA, see 86151) [DOUBLE DAGGER]78299 Unlisted gastrointestinal procedure............ BR[DAGGER] (iv) Musculoskeletal System. 78300 Bone imaging, limited area (e.g., skull, pelvis, etc.) 11.5 ............ 78305 multiple areas............ 16.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78307 whole body............ 20.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78380 Joints, imaging............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78399 Unlisted musculoskeletal procedure............ BR[DAGGER] (v) Cardiovascular System. [DOUBLE DAGGER]78401 Cardiac blood pool, imaging, static............ (e.g., as for pericardial effusion)............ 13.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78402 with vascular flow............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78405 Myocardium, imaging............ BR[DAGGER] [DOUBLE DAGGER]78435 Cardiac flow study, imaging (i.e., RNE° angiocardiography)............ [DOUBLE DAGGER]78445 Vascular flow study, imaging (i.e., angiography)............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78455 Venous thrombosis study............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78470 Cardiac output (see also 93561-93562)............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78490 Tissue clearance studies............ RNE° (Digoxin, RIA, see 82643) (Digitoxin [digitalis], RIA, see 82640) [DOUBLE DAGGER]78499 Unlisted cardiovascular procedure............ BR[DAGGER] (vi) Respiratory System. [DOUBLE DAGGER]78580 Pulmonary perfusion imaging, particulate............ 17.5 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78581 gaseous............ BR[DAGGER] [DOUBLE DAGGER]78582 with ventilation, rebreathing and washout............ BR[DAGGER] [DOUBLE DAGGER]78590 Pulmonary ventilation imaging, aerosol............ BR[DAGGER] [DOUBLE DAGGER]78591 gaseous, single breath, single projection............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78592 multiple projections (e.g., anterior, posterior, lateral RNE° views)............ [DOUBLE DAGGER]78593 with rebreathing and washout with or without single breath, 15.0 single projection............ [DOUBLE DAGGER]78594 multiple projections (e.g., anterior, posterior, lateral BR[DAGGER] views)............ [DOUBLE DAGGER]78599 Unlisted respiratory procedure............ BR[DAGGER] (vii) Nervous System. [DOUBLE DAGGER]78600 Brain, imaging, limited procedure, static............ 17.5 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78601 with vascular flow............ 20.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78605 complete, static............ 19.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78606 with vascular flow............ 23.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78610 vascular flow study only............ 5.7 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78630 Cerebrospinal fluid flow, imaging, cisternography (not including 24.0 introduction of material, e.g., for lumbar puncture, see 62288, etc.) ............ [DOUBLE DAGGER]78635 ventriculography............ 24.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78640 myelography............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78945 shunt evaluation............ 24.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78650 CSF leakage............ 21.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78699 Unlisted procedure, nervous system............ BR[DAGGER] (viii) Genitourinary System [DOUBLE DAGGER]78700 Kidney, imaging, static............ 12.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78701 with vascular flow............ 17.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78704 with function study (i.e., imaging renogram)............ 19.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78707 with vascular flow and function study............ 28.0 78715 Kidney, vascular flow............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78720 Kidney, function study (i.e., renogram)............ 8.0 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78721 with serial images............ 11.5 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78725 Kidney function study, clearance............ BR[DAGGER] (Renin [Angiotensin I], RIA, see 84244; Angiotensin II, RIA, see 82163) [DOUBLE DAGGER]78730 Urinary bladder residual study............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78740 Ureteral reflux study............ RNE° (Estradiol, RIA, see 82670; see also 82677 and 82679) (Progesterone, RIA, see 84144) (Testosterone, blood, RIA, see 84403) (Testosterone, urine, RIA, see 84405) [DOUBLE DAGGER]78770 Placenta, imaging............ 8.7 [DOUBLE DAGGER]78775 localization (e.g., radioiodinated HSA)............ 7.2 (See also 74720, 74725 and 76820) (Lactogen, placental [HPL] chorionic somatomammotropin, RIA, see 83632) (Chorionic gonadotropin, RIA, see 82998) [DOUBLE DAGGER]78799 Unlisted genitourinary procedure............ BR[DAGGER] (ix) Miscellaneous Studies............. [DOUBLE DAGGER]78800 Tumor localization (e.g., gallium, selenomethionine, etc.), RNE° limited area............ (For specific organ, see appropriate heading) [DOUBLE DAGGER]78801 multiple areas............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78802 whole body............ RNE° [DOUBLE DAGGER]78899 Miscellaneous unlisted procedure............ BR[DAGGER] (7) Therapeutic............. (Preliminary and follow-up diagnostic tests not included. For these services, see appropriate sections.) (For radiopharmaceutical or other radionuclide material costs, see 99069) (For procedures involving radioactive sealed sources and surface application of radioactive material, see Radiation Therapy) 79000 Hyperthyroidism, initial evaluation of patient and 28.0 administration of radionuclide............ 79001 subsequent, each............ 13.5 79020 Thyroid suppression, evaluation of patient and administration of 28.0 radionuclide............ [DOUBLE DAGGER]79030 Thyroid carcinoma, ablation of gland............ BR[DAGGER] [DOUBLE DAGGER]79035 therapy, for metastases............ BR[DAGGER] 79100 Polycythemia vera, chronic leukemia, etc., per 11.5 treatment............ 79200 Intracavitary radioactive colloid therapy............ BR[DAGGER] 79300 Interstitial radioactive colloid therapy............ BR[DAGGER] 79400 Therapy, e.g., for metastases to bone (non-thyroid) ............ BR[DAGGER] [DOUBLE DAGGER]79499 Unlisted therapeutic procedure............ BR[DAGGER] (For chemotherapy procedure, see 96030-96055) BR[DAGGER] By report; see ground rule 4(a) for detailed information.
RNE° Relativity not established; see ground rule 4(b) for detailed information.
[DOUBLE DAGGER] Code number new to 1974 revision of CRVS.
Relativity for professional component of service only.
[FN[DOUBLE DAGGER]] Not filed with the Secretary of State.
[FN[DOUBLE DAGGER]] Not filed with the Secretary of State.