N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 10 §§ 7-2.6

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 41, October 9, 2024
Section 7-2.6 - Potable water
(a) All on-site potable water supplies shall comply with the provisions of this section and, in addition, those on-site water systems meeting the definition of a public water system as defined in Subpart 5-1 of this Title, shall also comply with the requirements of Subpart 5-1 of this Title.
(b) A children's camp that utilizes an off-site public water supply must comply with subdivisions (i) through (n) of this section and, when determined necessary to ensure the satisfactory quality of the potable water, the permit-issuing official may require a children's camp operator to implement the annual start-up procedure contain in subdivision (d) of this section.
(1) Minimum treatment for a ground water source shall be disinfection by chlorination in a manner which destroys harmful microorganisms or other disinfection methods acceptable to the permit-issuing official.
(2) For facilities utilizing disinfection by chlorination, the free chlorine residual disinfection concentration in the water distribution system shall be at least 0.2 milligram per liter (mg/1).
(3) Minimum treatment for surface water sources or ground water sources directly influenced by surface water shall be filtration and disinfection techniques, approved by the permit issuing official, capable of 99.9 percent removal and/or inactivation of giardia lamblia cysts and 99.99 percent removal and/or inactivation of viruses.
(4) A waiver from disinfection shall not be permitted.
(d)Annual start-up.

The children's camp operator must ensure that the following actions have been taken 15 days prior to the property's occupancy for which the water supply is utilized each year. The following applies to each on-site potable water system that is not subject to continuous water use and to each children's camp potable water supply distribution system, which receives water from an off-site public water system and is not subject to continuous water use, when due to the seasonal use of the water system, the water may be hazardous to health:

(1) All water mains shall be disinfected by:
(i) completely filling the main to remove all air pockets, flushing the main to remove particulates, and filling the main with potable water. The potable water shall then be chlorinated by feeding liquid hypochlorite at a constant rate such that the water will not have less than a 25 mg/l free chlorine residual throughout the children's camp water system. After a 24-hour holding period there must be a free chlorine residual of not less than 10 mg/l throughout the children's camp water system; or
(ii) using a disinfection method the State Commissioner of Health has determined in writing to be as protective as the disinfection procedure described in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph.
(2) All water mains shall be flushed and free chlorine residual disinfection concentrations shall be measured for the two days immediately following the completion of the main disinfection, as prescribed in paragraph (1) of this subdivision, at representative points in the distribution system, to ensure chlorine residuals of not less than 0.2 mg/l.
(3) Total coliform samples shall be collected in accordance with paragraph (f)(1) of this section following the two-day flushing and chlorine monitoring period prescribed by paragraph (2) of this subdivision and when a free chlorine residual of not more than 4.0 mg/1 is present.
(e)Maximum contaminant levels (MCL):

Total coliformAny positive sample
Escherichia coli (E. coli)Any positive sample
Nitrate10 (as nitrogen) mg/L
Nitrite1 (as nitrogen) mg/L
Total Nitrate and Nitrite10 (as nitrogen)mg/L

(f)Monitoring requirements.

Samples shall be collected from each water source at a representative point in the distribution system for each source and analyzed at a laboratory certified by New York State Department of Health as follows:

(1) At least one sample collected for total coliform analysis from each water source prior to opening for the operating season and at least one additional sample collected from each water source during the operating season. For those children's camps operating more than 30 days in a calendar year. Total coliform samples shall be collected for each month the camp is in operation. When a water supply serving a children's camp is operated continuously year round with total coliform analysis performed monthly, the total coliform analysis prior to the children's camp's operation is not required.
(2) Nitrate and nitrite analysis shall be conducted for new water sources. Nitrate analysis shall be conducted annually for each system.
(3) Additional monitoring may be required when determined by the permit-issuing official as necessary to evaluate water quality.
(4) The camp operator must report sample results that are positive for total coliform or Escherichia coli to the permit-issuing official as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours of being notified by the laboratory. Pre-operational water analysis reports must be submitted to the permit-issuing official prior to permit issuance. All other water analysis reports required to be made by this Subpart or requested or ordered by the permit-issuing official shall be submitted to the permit-issuing official within 10 days of the end of each month in which samples were collected.
(g)Report on water treatment.

Accurate and complete water treatment operation reports shall be maintained daily and submitted to the permit-issuing official within 10 days of the end of each month of operation. Reports must be made on forms provided or approved by the department.

(h)Source protection.

All potable water sources and distribution systems shall be designed, located, constructed and maintained to provide protection against contamination or pollution. All pumps, piping fixtures and appurtenances shall be installed and maintained to protect against contamination of any water source.

(i)Submission of plans; prior approval.
(1) A plan for proposed new or modified potable water supply systems shall be submitted to the permit-issuing official at least 60 days prior to beginning construction. No construction of new or modified potable water supply systems shall commence until plans and specifications have been submitted to and approved by the permit-issuing official. Construction shall be in accordance with the approved plans.
(2) Recommended Standards for Water Works, (See Appendix 5-A, infra.) 1997 edition published by Health Research, Inc., P.O. Box 7126, Albany, NY 12224 available for public inspection at the offices of the records access officer of the New York State Department of Health, Empire State Plaza, Coming Tower, Albany, NY 12237, shall, in their entirety, be the basis on which all plans and specifications for children's camp water systems will be reviewed and approved. The permit-issuing official may allow deviations from these standards when it can be shown that the deviations will provide adequate protection of the health and safety of the children's camp occupants and public.
(j)Minimum standards.

Potable water shall be adequate in quantity and quality as set forth in this Subpart and shall be readily available to occupants of the children's camp. Only potable water shall be easily accessible. Any non-potable water supply shall be conspicuously labeled as a non-potable supply.

(k)Connections prohibited.

There shall be no physical connection between the potable water supply and any non-potable water supply. Any fixture, installation or equipment which is subject to back-siphonage shall be installed and maintained to protect against contamination of the water source(s).

(l) A minimum pressure of 20 pounds per square inch, at peak demand, shall be maintained in all parts of the children's camp water distribution system.
(m)Interruptions, changes in sources or treatments.

Any incident or condition which affects the quantity or quality of the on-site potable water supply shall be reported to the permit-issuing official within 24 hours of occurrence. There shall be no changes made to the source or method of treatment of a potable water supply, either temporary or permanent, without first receiving approval from the permit-issuing official. An adequate supply of potable water must be provided and maintained during all times of operation.

(n) A common drinking utensil shall not be provided. Drinking fountains shall be of sanitary design and construction.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 10 §§ 7-2.6

Amended New York State Register June 22, 2016/Volume XXXVIII, Issue 25, eff. 6/22/2016