N.M. Admin. Code §
At the discretion of the New Mexico legislature, the IV-D agency may disburse an amount based on budget availability (refer to NMSA § 27-2B-7 and disregard for child support payments in 8.102.520.9 NMAC for allowable amount), to the IV-A service recipient from collections on current support. Under no circumstances is a current or former IV-A recipient entitled to receive said amount as part of the arrearages owed to them. The disbursement to the custodial party, up to the maximum amount, shall only be made if the recipient is currently receiving TANF and the IV-D agency collects a payment from the non-custodial party. If the non-custodial party pays less than the maximum amount allowed to pass through, the custodial party shall only receive the amount of the payment collected. Neither the IV-D agency nor the IV-A agency will pay the difference to the custodial party between the maximum pass through amount and the amount paid by the non-custodial party. If the custodial party has more than one IV-D case, they will only receive the lower of the amount of the maximum disregard or the current monthly collection received on all cases. A pass through payment is in addition to, not in lieu of, the monthly TANF payment.
N.M. Admin. Code §