N.M. Admin. Code § 8.371.5.17

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. The case manager shall provide copies of the completed ISP, with all relevant service provider strategies attached, within 14 days of ISP approval to:
(1) the individual;
(2) the guardian (if applicable);
(3) all relevant staff of the service provider agencies in which the ISP will be implemented, as well as other key support persons;
(4) all other IDT members in attendance at the meeting to develop the ISP;
(5) the individual's attorney, if applicable;
(6) others the IDT identifies, if they are entitled to the information, or those the individual or guardian identifies;
(7) for all developmental disabilities mediciad waiver recipients, including Jackson class members, a copy of the completed ISP containing all the information specified in 8.371.5.14 NMAC, including strategies, shall be submitted to the local regional office of the DDSD;
(8) for Jackson class members only, a copy of the completed ISP, with all relevant service provider strategies attached, shall be sent to the Jackson lawsuit office of the DDSD.
B. Current copies of the ISP shall be available at all times in the individual's records located at the case management agency. The case manager shall assure that all revisions or amendments to the ISP are distributed to all IDT members, not only those affected by the revisions.
C. Objective quantifiable data reporting progress or lack of progress towards stated outcomes, and action plans shall be maintained in the individual's records at each provider agency implementing the ISP. Provider agencies shall use this data to evaluate the effectiveness of services provided. Provider agencies shall submit to the case manager data reports and individual progress summaries quarterly, or more frequently, as decided by the IDT. These reports shall be included in the individual's case management record, and used by the team to determine the ongoing effectiveness of the supports and services being provided. Determination of effectiveness shall result in timely modification of supports and services as needed.
D. The ISP shall be consistent with all relevant health care authority and DDSD rules, policies, procedures operational guidelines, including, but not limited to, the HCA operational procedures; standards and applicable accreditation standards approved by the authority and DDSD; the behavioral support policy, the Jackson management manual (appendices A and B); the medicaid waiver operations manual; the program standards for DD community agencies; the case manager standards and client rights regulations. Confidentiality and individual rights shall be protected at all times.
E. For Jackson class members, the request to initiate a dispute under appendix B of the Jackson management manual shall automatically delay implementation of the disputed portions of the ISP until the dispute is resolved unless the health or safety of the individual would be adversely affected. Any dispute raised under appendix B shall be decided under the hearing officer guidelines for decisions contained in the appendix.
F. Nothing in this regulation shall provide an entitlement to programs, supports, services or benefits or create any legal rights that do not otherwise exist under other law or regulation.
G. The health care authority's decision regarding the allocation of resources to any ISP is final, (within the HCA) in the authority's sole discretion, and is not reviewable in the dispute resolution process or other agency administrative review process.
H. Community service provider agencies and case management agencies shall modify or amend their internal policies and procedures regarding ISP development to reflect the provisions stated within the ISP regulations. All ISPs and all modifications to ISPs shall be developed in compliance with these regulations.

N.M. Admin. Code § 8.371.5.17

Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXV, Issue 12, June 25, 2024, eff. 7/1/2024