N.M. Admin. Code § 8.370.12.25

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A.Plan: Each hospital shall have in operation a written plan for disaster and emergency management developed with the involvement of the hospital's executive, medical, and nursing staff and designed to ensure that each hospital is prepared to provide effective and efficient response to disasters and emergencies occurring in the community directly served by each hospital and in neighboring communities in New Mexico and adjacent states.
(1) Description of plan: The written plan for disaster and emergency management shall:
(a) identify the responsibilities and authorities of those involved in the conduct of disaster and emergency management activities within the hospital, including the responsibility and authority of chief executive officer of the hospital for the activation of the plan;
(b) be consistent with the concepts, principles, standards, guidelines, and terminology of the national response plan and the national incident management system;
(c) be coordinated with the local emergency operations plan, or the metropolitan medical response system plan, of the community directly served and with the New Mexico state all-hazard emergency operations plan;
(d) address the natural, accidental, negligent, and intentional hazards, identified through a hazard vulnerability analysis, to which the hospitals may be expected to respond;
(e) provide for direction, planning, education, training, exercise, drill, staff qualification and certification, equipment acquisition and certification, resource management, communications and information management, and ongoing management, improvement and maintenance;
(f) describe the direct responses of the hospital to disaster and emergency occurring in the community directly served by the hospital, the overflow and back-up responses of the hospital to disaster and emergency occurring in neighboring communities not directly served, and the efforts of the hospital in support organized and sponsored health professional disaster and emergency volunteer teams.
(2) Exercise and drill of plan: Exercises and drills of the plan, both internally, and in conjunction with local and state disaster and emergency exercises and drills, shall be conducted at least twice a year to practice response and to serve as a basis for plan improvement.
(3) Evaluation and revision of plan: The appropriateness and adequacy of the plan shall be evaluated on an annual basis, and the plan shall be revised as necessary.
B.Communications systems: With the assistance of the New Mexico health care authority each hospital shall establish and maintain connections with the various disaster and emergency management communications systems in New Mexico.
C.Bed polling: Each hospital shall participate in the electronic bed polling system operated by the New Mexico health care authority.
D.Mutual aid agreements and regional response plans: Coordination of hospital disaster and emergency management plans with local emergency operations plans and with the New Mexico state all-hazard emergency operations plan shall be recognized to serve the purposes of individual mutual aid agreements and of regional response plans.
E.Public health emergency response: In the event that a public health emergency is declared pursuant to the Public Health Response Act, Sections 12-10A- to 12-10A-19, NMSA 1978, the secretary of the health care authority, in coordination with the secretary of public safety and the director of homeland security, may:
(1) utilize, secure or evacuate health care facilities for public use; and
(2) inspect, regulate the allocation, sale, dispensing, or distribution of, or ration health care supplies in short supply within New Mexico.

N.M. Admin. Code § 8.370.12.25

Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXV, Issue 12, June 25, 2024, eff. 7/1/2024