N.M. Admin. Code § 8.352.2.7

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section 8.352.2.7 - DEFINITIONS
A. "Administrative law judge (ALJ)" means the hearing officer appointed by the HSD fair hearings bureau (FHB) to oversee the claimant's administrative hearing process, to produce and evidentiary record and render a recommendation to the medical assistance division director.
B. "Appeal" means the process open to a managed care organization's member when his or her managed care organization (MCO) has taken, or intends to take, an adverse action related to the member's benefits or services.
C. "Authorized representative" means the individual designated to represent and act on the claimant's behalf during the appeal process. The claimant or authorized representative must provide formal documentation authorizing the named individual or individuals to access the identified case information for a specified purpose and time frame. An authorized representative may be an attorney representing a person or household, a person acting under the authority of a valid power of attorney, a guardian, or any other individual or individuals designated in writing by the claimant.
D. "Claimant" means the individual, or in case of eligibility determinations, the household, requesting a HSD administrative hearing that is claiming to be affected by an adverse action or actions taken or intended to be taken by MAD, its UR contractor or a MCO.
E. "HSD administrative hearing" or "fair hearing" means an informal evidentiary hearing that is conducted by the FHB so that evidence may be presented as it relates to an adverse action taken, or intended to be taken, by MAD, its UR contractor, or the MCO; see Section 10 of this rule for definitions of an adverse action.
F. "MAD" means the medical assistance division, which administers medicaid and other medical assistance programs under HSD.
G. "MAP" means the medical assistance programs administered by MAD.
H. "MCO" means a member's HSD contracted managed care organization.
I. "MCO appeal decision" means the MCO's final decision regarding a member's appealed adverse action it intends to take or has taken against its member.
J. "Member" means a MAP eligible recipient enrolled in a HSD contracted MCO.
K. "Notice of action" means the notice issued by MAD or its UR contractor or a MCO. Adverse actions include:
(1) the intent of MAD or its UR contractor or the MCO to take an adverse action against an individual in the form of a termination, suspension, change or reduction, of an existing service including level of care (LOC) or the transfer or discharge of a nursing facility (NF) resident. If the notice of action is for one of the listed adverse actions, MAD or its UR contractor or the MCO must send the notice of action 10 calendar days prior to the date of the intended adverse action; or
(2) an adverse determination made with regard to preadmission or annual resident review (PASRR) requirements; or
(3) the denial or reduction, or a limited authorization of a service including the type or level of care of a request for a new service or item.
L. "Parties to the hearing" are MAD and as appropriate, its designees, the individual's MCO or the MAD UR contractor, and the claimant or authorized representative.
M. "UR contractor" is a MAD contractor responsible for physical and behavioral health level of care (LOC) reviews, medical necessity reviews, and other determinations as directed by MAD when a MAP eligible recipient is enrolled in a medicaid fee-for-service plan.

N.M. Admin. Code § 8.352.2.7

8.352.2.7 NMAC - Rp, 8.352.2.7 NMAC, 6-15-14