Providers who furnish services to medicaid recipients must comply with all federal and state laws and regulations relevant to the provision of medical services, including but not limited to Title XIX of the Social Security Act, the Medicare and Medicaid Anti-Fraud Act, and the state Medicaid Fraud Act. Providers also agree to conform to MAD policies and instructions as specified in this manual and it appendices, as updated. See, 8.302.1 NMAC, General Provider Policies. Providers must verify that individuals are eligible for medicaid at the time services are furnished and determine if medicaid recipients have other health insurance. Providers must maintain records to fully disclose the nature, quality, amount, and medical necessity of the services furnished to recipients who are currently receiving or who have received medical services in the past 42 CFR 431.107(B). Documentation supporting medical necessity must be legible and available to medicaid upon request. See 8.302.1 NMAC, General Provider Policies.
N.M. Admin. Code § 8.325.4.11