N.M. Admin. Code § 8.321.2.18

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 17, September 10, 2024

To help a New Mexico eligible recipient receive medically necessary services, MAD pays for covered CCSS. This culturally sensitive service coordinates and provides services and resources to an eligible recipient and his or her family necessary to promote recovery, rehabilitation and resiliency. CCSS identifies and addresses the barriers that impede the development of skills necessary for independent functioning in the eligible recipient's community, as well as strengths that may aid the eligible recipient and family in the recovery or resiliency process.

A.Eligible providers and practitioners:
(1) See Subsections A and B of 8.321.2.9 NMAC for MAD general provider requirements. To provide CCSS services, a provider must receive CCSS training through the state or state approved trainer and attest that they have received this training when contacting the state's fiscal agent to add the specialty service 107, CCSS to their existing enrollment in medicaid. The children, youth and families department (CYFD) will provide background checks for CCSS direct service and clinical staff for child/youth CCSS programs.
(2) Clinical services and supervision by licensed behavioral health practitioners must be in accord with their respective licensing board regulations:
(a) Minimum staff qualifications for the community support worker (CSW):
(i) must be at least 18 years of age; and
(ii) hold a bachelor's degree in a human services field from an accredited university and have one year of relevant experience with the target population; or
(iii) hold an associate's degree and a minimum of two years of experience working with the target population; or
(iv) hold an associate's degree in approved curriculum in behavioral health coaching; no experience necessary; or
(v) have a high school diploma or equivalent and a minimum of three years of experience working with the target population; or
(vi) hold a certification from the New Mexico credentialing board for behavioral health professionals as a certified peer support worker (CPSW) or as a certified peer family specialist (CPFS).
(b) Minimum staff qualifications for certified peer support workers (CPSW):
(i) must be 18 years of age or older; and
(ii) have a high school diploma or equivalent; and
(iii) be self-identified as a current or former consumer of mental health or substance abuse services, and have at least two years of mental health or substance abuse recovery; and
(iv) have received certification as a CPSW.
(c) Minimum staff qualifications for certified family peer support workers (CFPSW):
(i) must be 18 years of age or older; and
(ii) have a high school diploma or equivalent; and
(iii) must have lived-experience of being actively involved in raising a child who experienced emotional, behavioral, mental health, or mental health with co-occurring substance use or developmental disability challenges prior to the age of 18 years.
(iv) must have personal experience navigating child serving systems on behalf of their own child. Must also have an understanding of how these systems operate in New Mexico; and
(v) have received certification as a CFPSW.
(d) Minimum staff qualifications for certified youth peer support workers (CYPSW):
(i) must be 18 years of age or older; and
(ii) have a high school diploma or equivalent; and
(iii) have personal experience navigating any of the child/family-serving systems prior to the age of 18 years. Must also have an understanding of how these systems operate in New Mexico; and
(iv) have received certification as a CYPSW.
(e) Minimum staff qualifications for the CCSS program supervisor:
(i) must hold a bachelor's degree in a human services field from an accredited university; and
(ii) have four years relevant experience in the delivery of case management or CCSS with the target population; and
(iii) have one year demonstrated supervisory experience.
(f) Minimum staff qualifications for the clinical supervisor:
(i) must be a licensed independent practitioner (i.e. psychiatrist, psychologist, LISW, LPCC, LMFT), psychiatrically certified clinical nurse specialist or clinical nurse practitioner practicing under the scope of their NM licensure; and
(ii) have one year demonstrated supervisory experience; and
(iii) provide documented clinical supervision on a regular basis to the CSW, CPS and CFS.
(3) Staff training requirements:
(a) Minimum staff training requirements for a community support worker includes:
(i) an initial training comprised of 20 hours of documented education within the first 90 days of employment drawn from an array of areas documented in the BH policy and billing manual;
(ii) documentation of ongoing training comprised of 20 hours is required of a CSW every year, after the first year of hire, with content of the education based upon agency assessment of staff need.
(b) Minimum staff training requirements for supervisors:
(i) the same 20 hours of documented training or continuing education as required for the CCSS community support worker;
(ii) an attestation of training related to providing clinical supervision of non-clinical staff.
(4) The clinical supervisor and the CCSS program supervisor may be the same individual.
(5) Documentation requirements: In addition to the standard client record documentation requirements for all services, the following is required for CCSS:
(a) case notes identifying all activities and location of services;
(b) duration of service span (e.g., 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.); and
(c) description of the service provided with reference to the CCSS treatment plan and related goals.
B.Coverage criteria:
(1) CCSS must be identified in the service plan for an individual. When identifying a need for this service, if the provider agency is utilizing the "Treat First" clinical model, they may be placed in this service for up to four encounters without having had a psychiatric diagnostic evaluation with the utilization of a provisional diagnosis for billing purposes. After four encounters, an individual must have a comprehensive needs assessment, a diagnostic evaluation, and a CCSS treatment plan. Further details related to the CCSS treatment plan can be accessed in the BH policy and billing manual.
(2) A maximum of 16 units per each admission or discharge may be billed concurrently with:
(a) accredited residential treatment center (ARTC);
(b) adult accredited residential treatment center (AARTC);
(c) residential treatment center (RTC);
(d) group home service;
(e) inpatient hospitalization; or
(f) treatment foster care (TFC).
C.Covered services: The purpose of CCSS is to provide an eligible recipient and his or her family with the services and resources necessary to promote recovery, rehabilitation and resiliency. Community support services address goals specifically in the following areas of the eligible recipient's activities: independent living; learning; working; socializing and recreation. CCSS consists of a variety of interventions, based on coaching and addressing barriers that impeded the development of skills necessary for independent functioning in the community. Community support services also include assistance with identifying and coordinating services and supports identified in an individual's service plan; supporting an individual and family in crisis situations; and providing individual interventions to develop or enhance an individual's ability to make informed and independent choices.
D.Identified population:
(1) CCSS is provided to an eligible recipient under 21 years who meets the NM state criteria for severe emotional disturbance (SED)/neurobiological/behavioral disorders; and
(2) CCSS is provided to an eligible recipient 21 years and older whose diagnosis or diagnoses meet the NM state criteria of serious mental illness (SMI) and for an eligible recipient with a diagnosis that does not meet the criteria for SMI, but for whom time-limited CCSS would support his or her recovery and resiliency process; and
(3) Recipients with a moderate to severe substance use disorder (SUD) according to the current DSM V or its successor; and
(4) Recipients with a co-occurring disorder (mental illness/substance use) or dually diagnosed with a primary diagnosis of mental illness.
E.Non-covered services: CCSS is subject to the limitations and coverage restrictions which exist for other MAD services. See 8.310.2 NMAC for a detailed description of MAD general non-covered services and Subsection G of 8.321.2.9 NMAC for all non-covered MAD behavioral health services or activities. Specifically, CCSS may not be billed in conjunction with multi-systemic therapy (MST) or ACT services, or resource development by New Mexico corrections department (NMCD).
F.Reimbursement: CCSS agencies must submit claims for reimbursement on the CMS-1500 claim form or its successor; see 8.302.2 NMAC. Once enrolled, a provider receives instructions on how to access documentation, billing, and claims processing information. General reimbursement instructions are found in this rule under Subsection H of 8.321.2.9 NMAC. Billing instructions for CCSS are found in the BH policy and billing manual.

N.M. Admin. Code § 8.321.2.18

Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXX, Issue 23, December 17, 2019, eff. 1/1/2020, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXII, Issue 15, August 10, 2021, eff. 8/10/2021