The human services department (HSD) is the single state agency designated to administer the medicaid program in New Mexico. HSD is charged with developing and implementing the community benefit to elderly, blind, and disabled individuals who meet both financial and medical criteria for nursing facility (NF) level of care (categories 091, 093, and 094). The department of health (DOH) and HSD are charged with developing and implementing HCBS waivers to medicaid applicants/recipients who meet both financial and medical criteria for intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICF/IID) level of care, for medically fragile (category 095) and developmentally disabled (category 096) individuals. Provision of these services under a waiver allows applicants/recipients to receive the care required at home at less cost than in an institution. The services to be furnished under the waiver must be cost-effective. This means the aggregate cost of care must be an amount less than the cost of maintaining individuals in institutions at the appropriate level of care. The types of services for which recipients are eligible vary based on the individual waiver.
N.M. Admin. Code § 8.290.400.9