N.M. Admin. Code § 8.240.500.15

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section 8.240.500.15 - DEEMED INCOME
A. Minor applicant/recipient living with parent(s): If the applicant/recipient is a minor who lives with a parent(s), deemed income from the parent(s) must be considered in accordance with Section 8.215.500.21 NMAC, deemed income, and applicable subsections.
B. Applicant/recipient living with an ineligible spouse: If an applicant/recipient is living in the same household with an ineligible spouse, the income of the applicant/ recipient and the income of the ineligible spouse must be considered in accordance with the following paragraphs.
(1) Evaluation of applicant/recipient's income: The ISD caseworker determines the amount of income available to the applicant/recipient using only the applicant/recipient's own income. Allow the standard $20 disregard in accordance with instructions in Subsection B of Section 8.215.500.22 NMAC of the medical assistance division policy manual. If the applicant/recipient has earned income, allow the earned income disregard as specified in Subsection C of Section 8.215.500.22 NMAC. From the combined total of the applicant/ recipient's remaining earned and unearned income, subtract up to the difference between one hundred percent of the federal income poverty level for two persons and one hundred percent of the federal income poverty level for one person. This is referred to as the FPL disregard. Compare the remaining countable income of the applicant/recipient to the individual income standard for the QMB program. If the applicant/recipient's remaining countable income is greater than the individual standard, they are ineligible for the QMB program. If the applicant/recipient's remaining countable income is less than the individual income standard, proceed to the following section.
(2) Evaluation of the ineligible spouse's gross income: The ISD caseworker determines the total gross earned and unearned income of the ineligible spouse. From this combined amount, subtract a living allowance for any ineligible minor dependent child(ren) of either member of the couple who live(s) in the home. The deductible amount of the ineligible child(ren)'s living allowance cannot exceed the ineligible spouse's total gross income. The amount of the living allowance for an ineligible child is determined by subtracting the child's gross income from the figure which represents the difference between one hundred percent of the federal income poverty level for two persons and one hundred percent of the federal income poverty level for one person. A "child" must be under 18 years of age or under 21 years of age if a full-time student at an institution of learning.
(3) Determination of countable income for eligibility purposes: The ISD caseworker adds the gross unearned income of the applicant/recipient (without applying any disregards) to the gross unearned income of the ineligible spouse. The ISD caseworker then adds the total gross earned income of the applicant/ recipient to the total gross earned income of the ineligible spouse. From the combined total gross earnings of the couple, the ISD caseworker subtracts one earned income disregard (the first $65 of the total earnings plus one half of the remainder). The resulting figure is the total combined countable earnings of the couple. Add the couple's total combined countable earned income to their total gross unearned income. From this figure subtract the standard $20 disregard determined in accordance with Subsection B of Section 8.215.500.22 NMAC. Next, subtract the amount of the FPL disregard which the applicant/recipient was allowed. Finally, subtract the amount of the ineligible child(ren)'s living allowance which was calculated in Paragraph (2) of Subsection B of Section 8.240.500.14 NMAC. The resulting figure is the countable income of the couple. Compare it to the couple standard for QMB. If the countable income of the couple exceeds the couple standard, the applicant/recipient is ineligible for the QMB program. If the countable income of the couple is less than the couple standard, the applicant/ recipient is eligible for the QMB program of the factor of income.

N.M. Admin. Code § 8.240.500.15

8.240.500.15 NMAC - Rn, 8.240.500.14 NMAC, 10/1/12, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXV, Issue 12, June 25, 2024, eff. 7/1/2024