The value of an applicant/recipient's individual countable resources must not exceed the amount set forth in Section 8.200.510.14 NMAC, resource amounts for supplemental security income (SSI) related medicare savings programs (QMB and SLIMB/QI). The resource limit for an applicant couple is the amount set forth in Section 8.200.510.14 NMAC. An applicant/recipient with an ineligible spouse is eligible if the couple's countable resources do not exceed the amount set forth in Section 8.200.510.14 NMAC, when resources are deemed. The resource determination is always made as of the first moment of the first day of the month. The applicant/recipient is ineligible for any month in which the countable resources exceed the current resource standard as of the first moment of the first day of the month. Changes in the amount of resources during a month do not affect eligibility for that month. See Section 8.215.500.13 NMAC, countable resources, and Section 8.215.500.14 NMAC, resource exclusions, for specific information on exclusions, disregards, and calculation of countable resources.
N.M. Admin. Code § 8.240.500.10