Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTSA. A caregiver will maintain the home, grounds and equipment in safe condition. The home and grounds must be clean and free of debris or other potentially dangerous hazards. All equipment must be in good repair.B. All electrical outlets within reach of children will have safety outlets or have protective covers.C. A caregiver will not use multiple plugs or gang plugs unless surge protection devices are used.D. A caregiver will keep the temperature of inside areas used by children at no less than 68 degrees Fahrenheit and no more than 82 degrees Fahrenheit. A home may use portable fans if the fans are secured and inaccessible to children and do not present any tripping, safety or fire hazard.E. The home must be adequately ventilated at all times.F. A home will not use un-vented heaters or open flame heaters. Portable heaters will be used in accordance with manufacture instructions. A home will install barriers or take other steps to ensure heating units are inaccessible to children. Heating units include hot water pipes, infrared heaters, ceramic heaters, hot water baseboard heaters hotter than 110 degrees Fahrenheit, fireplaces, fireplace inserts and wood stoves.G. All homes will have hot and cold running water. Water coming from a faucet will be below 110 degrees Fahrenheit in all areas accessible to children. A home may install a water tempering control valve ahead of all domestic water-heater piping.H. A caregiver must provide safe playing areas inside and outside the home. A caregiver's inside and outside play areas must be safe, clean and free of any debris.I. A caregiver's outside play area must be on the premises and approved by the registered authority. The caregiver will fence the outside play area when determined to be necessary for safety by the registered authority. The fence must be at least four feet high and will have one latched gate for emergency exits. For apartment buildings or residences with no outdoor play areas, a common park/playground can be used for outdoor play but will not be inspected or approved by the registered authority. The provider will ensure the play area is safe from hazards prior to allowing children to play.J. The use of a trampoline is prohibited at any time during the hours of operation or by any children receiving care at the registered home.K. A caregiver will keep all poisons, toxic materials, cleaning substances, alcohol, alcoholic beverages, prescriptions and over the counter medications, intoxicating substances, sharp and pointed objects or any other dangerous materials in a storage area inaccessible to children.L. The primary caregiver must have a working telephone in the home and a valid working phone number on file with CYFD at all times. Emergency numbers will be posted on any cordless or cellular telephones. A cellular telephone is acceptable as the only phone in the home. The cellular telephone will remain in the same room, charged and accessible to the provider a caregiver at all times.M. A caregiver will post emergency numbers for the police, fire department, ambulance, and poison control center in a visible location.N. A caregiver will install at least one working smoke detector and a carbon monoxide detector in an appropriate area in the home.O. A caregiver will unload all guns, such as pellet or BB guns, rifles and handguns, lethal and non-lethal weapons and keep them in a locked area inaccessible to children. For purposes of this regulation, a weapon is (including but not limited to): firearms, tasers and stun guns, pepper spray, knives, swords and other items designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.P. A caregiver, will prohibit smoking, the use of e-cigarettes/vaporizers and the drinking of alcoholic beverages in all areas, including vehicles, when children are present. Possessing or knowingly permitting illegal drugs, paraphernalia, or non-prescription controlled substances to be possessed or sold on the premises at any time regardless of whether children are present is prohibited.Q. A home will have a fully - charged 2A-10B:C fire extinguisher in an easily accessible place. A fire extinguisher must be certified once a year and will have official tags noting the date of inspection.R. A caregiver will store combustible and flammable materials in a safe area away from water heater rooms, furnace rooms, heaters, fireplaces or laundry rooms.S. In case of a fire, the caregiver's first responsibility is to evacuate the children to safety. An up to date emergency evacuation and disaster preparedness plan must be available. An up to date emergency evacuation and disaster preparedness plan, which shall include steps for evacuation, relocation, shelter-in-place, lock-down, communication, reunification with parents, individual plans for children with special needs and children with chronic medical conditions, accommodations of infants and toddlers, and continuity of operations. The plan shall be approved annually by the registered authority and the department will provide guidance on developing these plans.T. Caregiver's will conduct at least one fire drill each month and an emergency preparedness practice drill at least quarterly beginning January of each calendar year. A caregiver will hold the drills at different times of the day and will keep a record of the drills with the date, time, number of adults and children participating, and any problems.U. A home will have two major exits readily accessible to children with no obstructions in the pathways of these exits.V. Toys and objects (including high chairs, playpens and cribs) are safe, durable, easy to clean and nontoxic. Toys will be disinfected, at a minimum of, once per week. Frequency of disinfection of toys must be increased in the event of a communicable disease, following appropriate guidance.W. Cribs will meet federal standards (CPSC 16 CFR 1219, 1220), be kept in good repair, and not be used for storage. A home will not use plastic bags or lightweight plastic sheeting to cover a mattress and will not use pillows in cribs. Animals and pets will not be allowed in cribs or on sleeping materials.X. Children will not use a common towel or wash cloth. All toilet rooms used by children will have toilet paper, soap and disposable towels.Y. The home will have a first aid kit stored in a convenient place inaccessible to children, but easily accessible by caregiver. The kit will contain at least band-aids, gauze pads, adhesive tape, scissors, soap, non-porous latex gloves, and a thermometer.Z. A caregiver with pets will comply with the following requirements: (1) A home will inform parents or guardians in writing before pets are allowed at the residence.(2) A home will inoculate any pets as prescribed by a veterinarian and keep a record of proof of inoculation prior to the pet's presence at the residence.(3) A home will not allow on the premises pets or other animals that are undomesticated, dangerous, contagious or vicious in nature.(4) Areas of confinement, such as cages and pens, and outdoor areas are cleaned of excrement daily.(5) A caregiver must be physically present during the handling of all pets or other animalsAA. A caregiver will change wet and soiled diapers and clothing promptly. A caregiver will not change a diaper in a food preparation area. Caregivers will wash their hands and the child's hands after every diaper change. A caregiver will change a child's diaper on a clean, safe, waterproof surface and discard any disposable covers and disinfect the surface after each diaper change.BB. Children may be transported only in vehicles that have current registration and insurance coverage. All drivers must have current driver's license and comply with motor vehicle and traffic laws. A child shall only be transported if the child is properly secured in an age appropriate restraining device. Persons who have been convicted in the last seven years of a misdemeanor or felony driving while intoxicated/driving under the influence cannot transport children under the auspices of a registered home certification.CC. Children less than one year of age shall be properly secured in a rear-facing child passenger restraint device that meets federal standards in the rear seat of a vehicle that is equipped with a rear seat. If the vehicle is not equipped with a rear seat, the child may ride in the front seat of the vehicle if the passenger-side air bag is deactivated if the vehicle is equipped with a deactivation switch for the passenger-side air bag.DD. Children one year of age through four years of age, regardless of weight, or children who weigh 40 pounds, regardless of age, shall be properly secured in a child passenger restraint device that meets federal standards.EE. Children five years of age through six years of age, regardless of weight, or children who weigh less than 60 pounds, regardless of age, shall be properly secured in either a child booster seat or an appropriate child passenger restraint device that meets federal standards.FF. Children seven years of age through 12 years of age shall be secured in a child passenger restraint device or by a seat belt.GG. Vehicles used for transporting children will be enclosed and properly maintained. Vehicles shall be cleaned and inspected inside and out.HH. Vehicles operated by the home to transport children shall be air-conditioned whenever the outside air temperature exceeds 82 degrees Fahrenheit. If the outside air temperature falls below 50 degrees Fahrenheit the center will ensure the vehicle is heatedII. A home will load and unload children at the curbside of the vehicle or in a protected parking area or driveway. The home will ensure children do not cross a street unsupervised after leaving the vehicle.JJ. No one will smoke, use e-cigarettes or vaporizers - in a vehicle used for transporting children.KK. Persons transporting children will also take the safe transportation practices training.N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 08/31/06, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVI, Issue 14, July 30, 2015, eff. 7/30/2015, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVII, Issue 18, September 30, 2016, eff. 10/1/2016, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXII, Issue 14, July 20, 2021, eff. 7/1/2021, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXII, Issue 23, December 14, 2021, eff. 1/1/2022