N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. Community services reviewer refers to persons designated to review, coordinate, track, and ensure the provision of emergency wraparound funds for youth in transition services.
B. Culturally competent services refers to a service delivery system that is responsive to diversity and cultural differences related to age, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual preference.
C. CYFD refers to the New Mexico children, youth and families department.
D. Director of community based behavioral health services refers to the person designated to provide management oversight, guidance, and direction for community based behavioral health care and community based rehabilitative services operated or funded by CYFD for youth on probation or supervised release.
E. Emergency wraparound funds refers to funds of last resort that have been identified for use primarily with juvenile justice clients who are in need of service or goods that will assist in the successful reintegration back into a community after release from a juvenile justice facility and secondarily, with juvenile justice clients on probation to support the successful completion of probationary agreements or plans of care.
F. Facility release panel (panel) is the departmental secretary-designated releasing authority that considers juveniles for supervised release.
G. FACTS refers to the family automated client tracking system, CYFD's management information system.
H. Grievance system refers to systems and procedures available to youth to resolve grievances with transition services operations and staff.
I. Incident reporting refers to procedures in place to report events requiring JJS or CYFD response.
J. Facility refers to a facility operated by, or on behalf of, CYFD's juvenile justice services, for purposes of housing and providing care for clients committed to the custody of CYFD.
K. Juvenile justice services (JJS) refers to the organizational unit within CYFD that operates juvenile justice facilities, and provides other services under the Delinquency Act, NMSA 1978, Section 32A-2-1 et seq. (2005).
L. Multi-disciplinary team refers to the team that meets at central intake and at the facility to develop, monitor, and revise client plans for placement and services. The team includes the client and family member(s), and behavioral health, education, medical, a security representative, the juvenile probation officer and a transition services coordinator if assigned.
M. Single entity for behavioral health services refers to the managed care organization that contracts with the state to manage the delivery of all publicly funded behavioral health services.
N. Transition services coordinator (TSC) means a person whose duties may include coordination of community and aftercare services for a client.
O. Transition services manager refers to the person designated to manage transition services, and to train, supervise, and evaluate transition services coordinators.
P. Transition services refers to the services provided for youth exiting the care and custody of CYFD. Services are youth and family-driven, with individualized case planning and community-based transition services using wraparound models. CYFD provides transition services based on best practices that are culturally competent, gender responsive, and built on the unique strengths and resiliency of youth and their families.
Q. Transition team refers to the team that meets to develop, monitor, and revise transition plans. Transition team includes the transition services coordinator, the facility multi-disciplinary team members, juvenile probation officer, the youth, family, and service providers involved with the youth and the transition plan.
R. Wrap around services refers to a service delivery system that utilizes community resources, is designed to fit the specific needs of the youth, promotes full youth and family engagement in the service delivery, and enhances the client's ability to access resources after CYFD involvement.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N, 04/30/10