Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMSA.Abbreviations and acronyms:(1)ABAWD: able bodied adults without dependents(2)AFDC: aid to families with dependent children (replaced by TANF effective July 1, 1997)(3)BIA-GA: bureau of Indian affairs-general assistance(4)CA: cash assistance (same as financial assistance)(5)CE: categorical eligibility or categorically eligible(6)CFR: code of federal regulations(7)CPI-U: consumer price index for urban consumers(9)CSSD: (HCA) child support services division(10)CYFD: (New Mexico) children youth & families department(11)DOH: (New Mexico) department of health(12)DOJ: (United States) department of justice(13)DOL: (New Mexico) department of labor(14)DOT: dictionary of occupational titles(15)DRIPS: disqualified recipient information processing system(16)E&T: employment and training(17)EBT: electronic benefit transfer(18)EC: employment counselor(20)EW: eligibility worker (now FAA or caseworker)(21)FA: financial assistance (same as cash assistance)(22)FAA: family assistance analyst (caseworker)(23)FCS: food and consumer services of the USDA, now FNS(24)FFY: federal fiscal year(25)FMV: fair market value(26)FNS: food and nutrition service(27)FSP: food stamp program(28)GA: general assistance(29)GBI: guaranteed basic income;(30)GED: general equivalency degree;(31)HHS: (U.S.) health and human services;(32)HCA: (New Mexico) health care authority;(33)HUD: (U.S.) housing and urban development;(34)IEVS: income and eligibility verification system;(35)IPV: intentional program violation;(36)ISD: (HCA) income support division;(37)ISD2: integrated services delivery for ISD;(38)ISS: income support specialist (now FAA or caseworker);(39)JOBS: jobs opportunities and basic skills (a work program under AFDC);(40)JTPA: Job Training Partnership Act (now WIA);(41)LIHEAP: low income home energy assistance program;(42)LITAP: low income telephone assistance program;(43)MFSA: maximum food stamp allotment (benefit amount);(44)MRRB: monthly reporting and retrospective budgeting;(45)MVD: (New Mexico) motor vehicle division;(46)NADA: national automobile dealers association;(47)NFA: nonfinancial assistance (same as non-cash assistance (NCA);(48)NMW: New Mexico works;(50)RR: regular reporting or regular reporters;(51)RSVP: retired seniors volunteer program;(52)SAVE: systematic non-citizen verification for entitlements;(53)SNAP: supplemental nutrition assistance program;(54)SR: simplified reporting;(55)SSA: social security administration;(56)SSI: supplemental security income;(57)SSN: social security number;(58)SUA: standard utility allowance;(59)SWICA: state wage information collection agency;(60)TANF: temporary assistance to needy families (block grant program under Title IV-A of the Social Security Act);(61)TAPP: tribal assistance project program (Navajo);(62)TFP: thrifty food plan (now the maximum SNAP allotment);(63)TFS: transitional food stamp (benefit amount);(64)UBI: universal basic income;(65)UCB: unemployment compensation benefits;(66) USCIS: United States citizenship and immigration services;(67)USDA: U. S. department of agriculture;(68)VA: veterans administration;(69)WIA: Workforce Investment Act (formally JTPA);N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rn, 8.139.650.8 NMAC & A, 2/14/2002; A, 1/1/2004; A, 2/28/2007; A/E, 10/15/2008; A, 7/15/2013, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVIII, Issue 16, August 29, 2017, eff. 9/1/2017, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIV, Issue 20, October 24, 2023, eff. 11/1/2023, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXV, Issue 13, July 16, 2024, eff. 7/16/2024