N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025

There shall be two types of committees of the board of trustees--permanent and special.

A. Permanent committees:
(1) Committee of the whole: The general conduct of the board of trustees' business shall be through the five-member body acting as a whole on matters pertaining to the operation of the medical center, unless otherwise specified in these by-laws or voted by the board of trustees. In acting as a whole, the board should provide for effective means of liaison between the governing body, the medical staff and the administration, and shall evaluate annually the administrator's performance.
(2) Joint conference committee: The joint conference committee shall serve as a liaison between the board of trustees, the medical staff, and the administration. The committee shall provide a forum for effective communication regarding medical center policy and operation; institutional/program planning and goal setting; accrediting and licensing requirements and inspections; requests and recommendations from the medical staff; quality assurance; matters related to the medical staff by-laws, rules and regulations and other matters of mutual concern to the medical staff, the administration, and the board, which may be referred to this committee by the board of trustees. The committee shall consist of the chair and secretary-treasurer of the board of trustees, the chief and vice-chief of the medical staff, and the hospital administrator. The chair of the board of trustees shall serve as chair of the joint conference committee. The committee shall meet at least quarterly, and shall maintain a written record of its attendance, proceedings, recommendations, and actions, which shall be forwarded to the board and to the medical staff.
(3) Credentials committee: The credentials committee shall be composed of three licensed physicians appointed by the board of trustees. The chief of the medical staff shall submit recommendations of qualified individuals to the board of trustees for their review and consideration. The committee shall review the professional credentials of all physicians and health care professionals, except those allied health professionals employed by the medical center, who apply to join or to continue as medical center staff for the purpose of rendering patient care. The committee shall, to the best of its ability, determine the competence of the applicant, the need for the services which the applicant would offer, and the availability of related support services which may be required for quality patient care. After consideration of these factors, the committee shall make a recommendation to the board of trustees regarding the granting, suspension, or revocation of privileges and the appropriate scope of privileges. The board of trustees will act to grant, suspend, or rescind privileges, with consideration of the committee's recommendations.
B. Special committees: The chair of the board of trustees, with the concurrence of the board, shall create and make appointments of such standing and special committees as may be considered necessary or desirable. Such committees may be for, but are not limited to, the purposes of budget and finance, long-range planning, building and equipment, preliminary credentials review, etc. Appointments shall be made during a regular or special business meeting of the board of trustees; such appointments become effective immediately. Reappointment to a committee, including reappointment as chair, is authorized if the individual is otherwise eligible. Each committee so created shall consist of at least two trustees and may include persons who are not trustees. The chair of any such committee shall be a member of the board of trustees. Members of committees who are not members of the board of trustees are accorded full voting participation in the committees of which they are members. Minutes shall be kept of all committee meetings and reports of committee activities and recommendations shall be sent to the board.
C. Committee meetings shall be held on the call of the committee chair: Meetings will be held at a time and place to conserve travel and time of the members. Committees shall have the power of making recommendations to the board of trustees.

N.M. Admin. Code §

Recompiled 10/31/01