Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - DEFINITIONSA."Academy" means a separately funded emergency medical services education program administered through the department of emergency medicine of the university of New Mexico school of medicine.B."Act" means the Emergency Medical Services Act, Section 24-10B-1, et seq., NMSA 1978.C."Advance directive" means a written instruction, such as a living will, durable power of attorney for health care, or emergency medical services do not resuscitate form recognizable under state law and relating to the provision of health care when an individual is incapacitated.D."Advisory committee" means the statewide emergency medical services advisory committee appointed by the secretary of health.E."Ambulance service" means any provider of ambulance service subject to the jurisdiction of the department of health pursuant to and subject to the jurisdiction of the New Mexico public regulation commission, pursuant to the Ambulance Standards Act, Section 65-6-1, et seq., NMSA 1978, Article XI of the New Mexico Constitution, the Municipal Transit Law Section 3-52-1, et seq., NMSA 1978, and other laws.F."Applicant" means a person who has indicated an intention to gain licensure as an EMS first responder, emergency medical dispatcher, emergency medical dispatcher instructor, or an EMT in the state of New Mexico, as evidenced by submission of the proper fees, documentation, and bureau approved application form.G."Approved emergency medical services education program" means an emergency medical services education program that is sponsored by a post-secondary educational institution, accredited by a national educational accrediting organization for emergency medical services or active in the accreditation process and is approved by the joint organization on education committee and participates in the joint organization on education committee.H."Basic emergency medical technician" or "EMT-B" means a provider who has been licensed by the department to provide patient care according to the current scopes of practice.I."Bureau" means the emergency medical systems bureau of the epidemiology and response division of the New Mexico department of health.J."Bureau approved" means any course, form, or official document that has received the approval of the bureau for use in an education or licensure context.K."Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)" means training required for licensure that meets the intent of the current national emergency cardiac care (ECC) guidelines for professional rescuers, as approved by the bureau.L."Certified emergency medical service" means an organization that meets minimum standards to provide emergency services and is approved by the bureau, including emergency medical dispatch agencies, pre-hospital or inter-facility care services, and special event services organized to provide emergency medical services.M."Contact hour" means a unit of measurement of 60 minutes of bureau-approved organized learning experience which is designed to meet educational objectives for continuing education.N."Commission" means the New Mexico emergency medical services licensing commission appointed by the secretary of health.O."Continuing education" or "CE" means EMS education that is approved by the bureau and is required every two years for renewal of licensure.P."Conviction" means an adjudication of guilt, and does not include a deferred adjudication that results in dismissal of a charge.Q."Curriculum" means a program of study utilizing approved minimum curricula content based on the national standard curriculum for EMS as published by the national highway and traffic safety administration (NHTSA) and approved by the joint organization on education for formal education courses required for EMS first responder, EMT-basic, EMT-intermediate, and EMT-paramedic.R."Department" means the New Mexico department of health (DOH).S."Distance Education - Asynchronous", also known as distributive education means a method of delivering training and education that does not require an educator and student to interact in real time. This may include computer-based-training and education, self-study modules, recorded broadcasts via satellite, internet, or other media, and other methods of out-of-classroom didactic education that includes an evaluation component.T."Distance Education - Synchronous" means a method of delivering training and education via electronic media that links an educator and students, allowing them to interact in real time despite being in different places. This includes live, instructor interactive satellite broadcasts, or webcasts that allow for live video, audio, or other immediate feedback, and communication between the instructor and the students.U."Emergency medical dispatcher" or "EMD" means a person who is trained and licensed pursuant to Subsection G of Section 24-10B-4 NMSA 1978 to receive calls for emergency medical assistance, provide pre-arrival medical instructions, dispatch emergency medical assistance and coordinate its response.V."Emergency medical dispatch agency" or "EMDA" means any organization, or a combination of organizations working cooperatively, that routinely accepts calls for emergency medical assistance and employs emergency medical dispatch priority reference system (EMDPRS) techniques.W."Emergency medical dispatch priority reference system" or "EMDPRS" means a medically approved reference system used by an emergency medical dispatch agency (EMDA) to dispatch aid to medical emergencies, which includes systematized caller interrogation; systematized pre-arrival instructions to the caller based upon protocols matching the dispatcher's evaluation of injury or illness severity; and prioritized vehicle response.X."Emergency medical services" or "EMS" means the services rendered by licensed providers in response to an individual's need for immediate medical care to prevent loss of life or aggravation of physical or psychological illness or injury.Y."Emergency medical services first responder" or "EMSFR" means a person who is licensed by the department, and who functions within the emergency medical services system to provide initial emergency aid according to the current scopes of practice.Z."Emergency medical services instructor/coordinator" or "EMT-I/C" means an individual who has met the qualifications of the joint organization on education and has been approved by an EMS education institution to conduct and instruct EMS education programs.AA."Emergency medical technician" or "EMT" means a provider who has been licensed by the department to provide patient care according to the current scopes of practice.BB."Examination attempt" means an attempt to successfully complete the bureau approved EMS licensing examination. An attempt constitutes taking a written or practical examination. Retests of either a written or practical examination are considered an examination attempt.CC."Fully licensed" means an individual licensed to practice medical patient care at a specified level.DD."Graduate license" means a license issued to graduates of a bureau approved EMS education program used for performing EMS duties under supervision and direct observation prior to full licensure. The graduate license shall be valid for a period of up to six months from the date of course completion or until failure of any part of the bureau approved licensing examination.EE."Initial licensure" means the first time a person is licensed in New Mexico as an EMD, EMD instructor, EMS first responder, EMT, or subsequent licensure of a previously licensed New Mexico EMT, who has retaken a full curriculum or accomplished re-entry procedures to regain an expired license.FF."Intermediate emergency medical technician" or "EMT-I" means a provider who has been licensed by the department to provide patient care according to the current scopes of practice.GG."License" means a full, temporary or graduate license issued by the department to all EMDs, first responders, and EMTs pursuant to the Emergency Medical Services Act, Section 24-10B-5 NMSA 1978.HH."Medical control" means supervision provided by or under the direction of physicians to providers by written protocols or direct communication.II."Medical direction" means guidance or supervision provided by a physician to a provider or emergency medical services system and which includes authority over and responsibility for emergency medical dispatch, direct patient care and transport of patients, arrangements for medical control and all other aspects of patient care delivered by a provider.JJ."Medical direction committee" means a committee of physicians and EMTs, appointed by the secretary of health to advise the bureau on all matters relating to medical control and medical direction.KK."Medical director" means a physician who is responsible for all aspects of patient care provided by an EMS system or EMS provider service, in accordance with 7.27.3 NMAC.LL."Moral turpitude" means conduct contrary to justice, honesty, modesty or good morals including such acts as fraud, theft, sexual assault, and other similar behavior.MM."National registry" means the national registry of emergency medical technicians based in Columbus, Ohio.NN."Offline medical control" means performing EMS actions or medication administration under standing orders or protocols.OO."Online medical control" means direct voice contact with a medical control physician.PP."Out-of-state transition course" means a standardized education course required and approved by the bureau for an out-of-state EMT applicant seeking licensure in New Mexico.QQ."Paramedic" or "EMT-P" means a provider who has been licensed by the department to provide patient care according to the current scopes of practice.RR."Physician" means a doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy who is licensed or otherwise authorized to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine in New Mexico.SS."Protocol" means a predetermined, written medical care plan approved by the medical director and includes standing orders.TT."Provider" means a person who has been licensed by the department to provide patient care pursuant to the Emergency Medical Services Act.UU."Re-entry" means a process for a person, whose license has been expired for less than two years, to accomplish a given set of requirements to re-enter a previously held level of licensure.VV."Regional office" means an emergency medical services planning and development agency formally recognized and supported by the bureau.WW."Re-instatement" means a process for those persons who have completed the renewal requirements before the December 31st deadline, but fail to renew licensure by March 31st, to renew licensure between April 1st and May 31st of the expiration year.XX."Renewal" means re-licensure every two years after completion of all requirements for specified levels by December 31st that occurs prior to expiration of licensure. Renewal applications shall be received or postmarked by the last day of February prior to the expiration to avoid a higher March fee, and may be postmarked or received by March 31 to avoid expiration or the payment of reinstatement or other higher fees.YY."Retest" means licensing examination given after failure of the applicant's initial examination.ZZ."Secretary" means the New Mexico secretary of health.AAA."Special skills" means a set of procedures or therapies that are beyond the usual scope of practice of a given level of licensure and that have been approved by the medical direction committee for use by a specified provider.BBB."Standing orders" means strictly defined written orders for actions, techniques or drug administration, signed by the medical director, to be utilized when communication has not been made with an online medical control physician.CCC."State emergency medical services medical director" means a physician designated by the department to provide overall medical direction to the statewide emergency medical services system, whose duties include serving as a liaison to the medical community and chairing the medical direction committee.DDD."Temporary license" means a license issued by the department to applicants that are fully licensed in another state or certified with the national registry of EMTs, as determined by the bureau. The temporary license shall be valid for a period of up to six months from the date issued, or until failure of any part of the licensing examination.N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 8/15/14, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVIII, Issue 23, December 12, 2017, eff. 12/12/2017