N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. Medical director means a physician functioning as the service EMS medical director as defined and described in 7.27.3 NMAC, medical direction for emergency medical services. Medical control means supervision provided by or under the direction of a physician.
B. Prior to approving a new skill, technique, medication, or procedure, it shall be documented by the service director, medical director, or approved EMS training institution that the EMS provider has been appropriately trained to perform those new skills, techniques, medications, or procedures.
C. Service medical director approved: All service medical director approved skills, techniques, medications, or procedures are considered advanced life support. Prior to utilizing any skill, technique, medication or procedure designated as service medical director approved, it shall be documented by the service director, medical director, or approved EMS training institution that the EMS provider has been appropriately trained to administer the medications or perform the skills, techniques, medications or procedures. Additionally, each EMS provider must have a signed authorization from the service's medical director on file at the EMS service's headquarters or administrative offices.
D. Any device in an EMS agency's treatment guideline/protocol designed and utilized to facilitate successful completion of a skill or other treatment modality, including but not limited to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) devices, intraosseous placement devices, and positive pressure ventilation devices, must be approved by the service medical director.
E.Wilderness protocols: The following skills shall only be used by providers who have a current wilderness certification from a bureau approved wilderness caregiver course, who are functioning in a wilderness environment as a wilderness provider (an environment in which time to a hospital is expected to exceed two hours, except in the case of an anaphylactic reaction, in which no minimum transport time is required), and are authorized by their medical director to provide the treatment:
(1) minor wound cleaning and management;
(2) cessation of CPR;
(3) field clearance of the cervical-spine;
(4) reduction of dislocations resulting from indirect force of the patella, digit, and anterior shoulder.
F.Community emergency medical services and mobile integrated health programs: Community EMS (CEMS) and mobile integrated health (MIH) programs shall be provided by EMS caregivers who, after completing a bureau approved CEMS/MIH caregiver course, are functioning as part of a program that has been reviewed and approved by the EMS bureau. The providers must be authorized by their medical director to perform the skills listed in their application as part of the program. These programs may include referrals that involve transport to non-hospital locations, and for non-transport decisions. Skills and interventions may include any of the approved skills and interventions for the appropriate level; any skill that exceeds the scope of practice must be approved through the special skill process. Skills may include, but are not limited to:
(1) education of patients in self-medication administration, and assessment of compliance with physician recommendations for health conditions;
(2) assessments for preventing falls and other sources of injury by identifying risks in patient homes;
(3) provide education on disease prevention;
(4) administering immunizations;
(5) in collaboration with a healthcare team, assist in developing a care plan, and educate the patient in following the care plan;
(6) perform in home patient assessments commensurate with level of education and licensure and facilitate telemedicine clinician contact if available in order to provide information to a care team as to the progress or condition of a patient receiving therapies for medical conditions;
(7) provide assistance in locating and contacting appropriate providers of needed social services;
(8) treat discovered acute healthcare issues, transporting to emergency department if necessary;
(9) for chronic and non-acute issues, confirmed with online medical direction and agreed to by the patient, options other than EMS transport may be considered, including:
(a) arrange for non-emergent and non-EMS transportation to and care at an appropriate facility, such as a physician's office or urgent care center;
(b) provide referral information and arrange for follow up by appropriate care team members or social service personnel.
(10) assist with ongoing prescribed wound care.
G.Critical Care Transport services skills: Paramedic critical care transport skills shall be used only by paramedic providers who have successfully completed a bureau approved critical care transport paramedic or critical care flight paramedic course. Subsequent to completing the approved course, the critical care paramedic must successfully complete a bureau administered or approved third party exam within one year. Additionally, the paramedics shall be functioning as part of a ground or air EMS agency with an approved critical care transport special skill and authorized by the agency medical director to utilize these skills. Critical care transport program skills are only authorized for use during inter-facility critical care transport activities, with the exception of air ambulance agencies providing emergency scene response; or ground critical care agencies requested to a scene by the local authorized and certified 911 response and transport agencies. Critical care transport special skills and medications that may be administered include, but are not limited to any of the below skills and medications; service specific skills and medication requests must be listed on the EMS agency critical care transport special skill application completed per NMAC:
(1) monitoring of infusions including but not limited to anti-arrhythmics, nitrates, vasopressors, blood products, thrombolytics, sedation, pain management and antihypertensive medications that have required titration within the past two hours and may need to have their dosages adjusted during transport;
(2) performance of skills not listed in the paramedic scope of practice, such as but not limited to escharotomy, fasciotomy, insertion of chest tubes, pericardiocentesis, blood administration, and nerve blocks; administration of medications, initiation of infusions, and utilization of routes, not listed on the paramedic scope but requested in the EMS agency's special skill application and approved by the medical direction committee and EMS bureau;
(3) utilization of advanced patient monitoring, such as invasive hemodynamic monitoring via monitoring of central venous pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, intracranial pressure monitoring, Swan-Ganz catheters, arterial lines, fetal monitoring, point of care lab values, and other monitoring or tests not listed in the paramedic scope, but requested in the EMS agency's special skill application and approved by the medical direction committee and EMS Bureau;
(4) utilization of intensive care unit (ICU) level ventilator support, to include ventilators delivering positive end expiratory pressure, with multiple adjustable mode and setting parameters that include inspiratory plateau pressures, pressure regulated volume control, pressure support ventilation, pressure control ventilation, airway pressure release ventilation and others; also, any ventilator delivering a mixture of nitric oxide or other beneficial gas mixtures;
(5) transport of patients with intra-aortic balloon pump, temporary internal cardiac pacing, left ventricular assist device or a bi-ventricular assist device and other appropriate devices to address hemodynamic instability as requested in the EMS agency's special skill application and approved by the medical direction committee and EMS bureau;
(6) administer paralytics and sedatives to maintain airway control previously initiated, and administer and perform rapid sequence airway pharmacology and techniques in order to secure an airway in response to patient condition, as requested in the EMS agency's special skill application and approved by the medical direction committee and EMS bureau;
(7) pediatric intubation or endotracheal tube management as requested in the EMS agency's special skill application and approved by the medical direction committee and EMS bureau.
H. Utilization of pharmacological agents for the primary purpose of sedation, induction, or muscle relaxation to facilitate placement of an advanced airway requires medical direction committee special skills approval.
I.Over the counter (OTC) medications and products: A physician medical director may approve a list of over the counter (OTC) medications and products (i.e. NSAID's, antihistamines, anti-diarrheal, laxatives, antacids, vitamin supplements, hygiene products and other products) for distribution by an EMS caregiver working under medical direction to a requesting individual during scheduled stand-by situations. Examples are long-term wildfire responses, public events (concerts, rodeos, etc), various industry situations such as movie production and ski patrol, long-term construction & manufacturing projects, long-term search and rescue or tactical operations, and other situations where scheduled stand-by EMS is provided.
(1) The OTC medication/product must be properly labeled in individual dose packaging when distributed to the patient. Distribution from a bulk or multi-dose container is not permitted by this scope of practice, as well as other state and federal laws and regulations; medications will be distributed per manufacturer recommendations and labeling directions.
(2) The agency/EMS caregiver will maintain a written guideline that contains the list of physician approved OTC medications/products and the conditions for which they may be distributed. Specific dosing information and indications for pediatric patients must be included.
(3) The EMS agency/EMS caregiver must develop a method of documentation for the appropriate distribution of the OTC medications/products. This documentation shall include the OTC medication documentation and appropriate patient care report, per NMAC (records and data collection) and NMAC. Public regulation commission (PRC) certified ambulance agencies shall complete patient care documentation per NMAC.
(4) OTC medications/products are distributed for the patient's self-administration and use. EMS caregivers will not administer OTC medications/products, unless approved elsewhere in the scope of practice for specific EMS patient care situations.
J.Licensed emergency medical dispatcher (EMD):
(1) Medical direction is required for all items in the EMD scope of practice.
(2) The following allowable skills may be performed by EMDs who are licensed by the EMS bureau and functioning with an EMS bureau certified New Mexico emergency medical dispatch agency utilizing protocols and any EMD priority reference system approved by the EMS bureau and service medical director.
(a) Process calls for medical assistance in a standardized manner, eliciting required information for evaluating, advising, and treating sick or injured individuals, and dispatching an appropriate EMS response.
(b) Provide pre-arrival instructions to the patient through the caller when possible and appropriate to do so while functioning in compliance with an emergency medical dispatch priority reference system (EMDPRS).
K.EMS first responders (EMSFR):
(1)The following allowed drugs may be administered and skills and procedures may be performed without medical direction:
(a) basic airway management;
(b) use of basic adjunctive airway equipment;
(c) suctioning;
(d) cardiopulmonary resuscitation, according to current ECC guidelines;
(e) obstructed airway management;
(f) bleeding control via direct pressure and appropriate tourniquet use;
(g) spinal motion restriction;
(h) splinting (does not include femoral traction splinting);
(i) scene assessment, triage, scene safety;
(j) use of statewide EMS communications system;
(k) emergency childbirth;
(l) glucometry;
(m) oxygen;
(n) other non-invasive procedures as taught in first responder courses adhering to United States Department of Transportation curricula.
(2)The following require service medical director approval:
(a) allowable skills:
(i) mechanical positive pressure ventilation utilizing a device that may have controls for rate, tidal volume, FiO2, and pressure relief/alarm and does not have multiple automatic ventilation modes; this skill includes devices that provide non-invasive positive pressure ventilation via continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP);
(ii) application and use of semi-automatic defibrillators, including cardiac rhythm acquisition for ALS caregiver interpretation or transmission to a care facility; this includes multi-lead documentation;
(iii) hemostatic dressings for control of bleeding;
(iv) insertion of laryngeal and supraglottic airway devices (examples: king airway, LMA), excluding multi-lumen airways).
(b) administration of approved medications via the following routes:
(i) nebulized inhalation;
(ii) nasal mucosal atomization (MA);
(iii) intramuscular or subcutaneous;
(iv) oral (PO).
(c) allowable drugs:
(i) oral glucose preparations;
(ii) aspirin PO for adults with suspected cardiac chest pain;
(iii) atropine and pralidoxime via IM auto-injection for treatment of chemical or nerve agent exposure;
(iv) albuterol (including isomers) via inhaled administration;
(v) naloxone via nasal mucosal atomizer;
(vi) epinephrine, 1:1000, no single dose greater than 0.3 ml, subcutaneous or intramuscular injection with a pre-measured syringe (including autoinjector) or 0.3 ml TB syringe for anaphylaxis or status asthmaticus refractory to other treatments.
(d) patient's own medication that may be administered:
(i) bronchodilators using pre-measured or metered dose inhalation device;
(ii) naloxone, if provided with a nasal MA or IM delivery system.
(1)The following allowed drugs may be administered and skills and procedures may be performed without medical direction:
(a) basic airway management;
(b) use of basic adjunctive airway equipment;
(c) suctioning;
(d) cardiopulmonary resuscitation, according to current ECC guidelines;
(e) obstructed airway management;
(f) bleeding control to include appropriate tourniquet usage;
(g) spinal motion restriction;
(h) splinting;
(i) scene assessment, triage, scene safety;
(j) use of statewide EMS communications system;
(k) childbirth (imminent delivery);
(l) glucometry;
(m) oxygen;
(n) other non-invasive procedures as taught in EMT-B courses adhering to DOT curricula;
(o) wound management.
(2)The following require service medical director approval:
(a) allowable skills:
(i) mechanical positive pressure ventilation utilizing a device that may have controls for rate, tidal volume, fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) and pressure relief/alarm and does not have multiple automatic ventilation modes; this skill includes devices that provide non-invasive positive pressure ventilation via continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP);
(ii) use of multi-lumen, supraglottic, and laryngeal airway devices (examples: PTLA, combi-tube, king airway, LMA) to include gastric suctioning;
(iii) application and use of semi-automatic defibrillators, including cardiac rhythm acquisition for ALS caregiver interpretation or transmission to a care facility; this includes multi-lead documentation;
(iv) acupressure;
(v) transport of patients with gastric tubes, urinary catheters, heparin/saline locks, PEG tubes, or vascular access devices intended for outpatient use;
(vi) performing point of care testing; examples include serum lactate values, cardiac enzymes, electrolytes, and other diagnostic values;
(vii) hemostatic dressings for control of bleeding.
(b) administration of approved medications via the following routes:
(i) nebulized inhalation;
(ii) subcutaneous;
(iii) intramuscular;
(iv) nasal mucosal atomization (MA);
(v) oral (PO);
(vi) intradermal.
(c) allowable drugs:
(i) oral glucose preparations;
(ii) aspirin PO for adults with suspected cardiac chest pain;
(iii) activated charcoal PO;
(iv) acetaminophen PO ;
(v) atropine and pralidoxime via IM autoinjection for treatment of chemical or nerve agent exposure.
(vi) albuterol (including isomers), via inhaled administration;
(vii) ibuprofen PO in pediatric or adults to treat fever or pain;
(viii) ipratropium, via inhaled administration, in combination with or after albuterol administration;
(ix) naloxone by SQ, IM, or IN route;
(x) epinephrine, 1:1000, no single dose greater than 0.3 ml, subcutaneous or intramuscular injection with a pre-measured syringe (including autoinjector) or 0.3 ml TB syringe for anaphylaxis or status asthmaticus refractory to other treatments.
(d) patient's own medication that may be administered:
(i) bronchodilators using pre-measured or metered dose inhalation device;
(ii) sublingual nitroglycerin for unrelieved chest pain, with on line medical control only;
(iii) situations may arise involving patients with uncommon conditions requiring specific out of hospital administered medications or procedures; family members or the designated caregiver trained and knowledgeable of the special needs of the patient should be recognized as the expert regarding the care of the patient; EMS can offer assistance in airway management appropriate to their level of licensure, and administer the patient's prescribed medications where appropriate only if the medication is in the EMS provider's scope of practice; EMS services are not expected to provide the prescribed medications for these special needs patients.
(3)Immunizations and biologicals: Administration of immunizations, vaccines, biologicals, and TB skin testing is authorized under the following circumstances:
(a) to the general public as part of a department of health initiative or emergency response, utilizing department of health protocols; the administration of immunizations is to be under the supervision of a physician, nurse, or other authorized health provider;
(b) TB skin tests may be applied and interpreted if the licensed provider has successfully completed required department of health training;
(c) in the event of a disaster or emergency, the state EMS medical director or chief medical officer of the department of health may temporarily authorize the administration of pharmaceuticals or tests not listed above.
(1)The following allowed drugs may be administered and skills and procedures may be performed without medical direction:
(a) basic airway management;
(b) use of basic adjunctive airway equipment;
(c) suctioning;
(d) cardiopulmonary resuscitation, according to ECC guidelines;
(e) obstructed airway management;
(f) bleeding control including appropriate use of tourniquet;
(g) spinal motion restriction;
(h) splinting;
(i) scene assessment, triage, scene safety;
(j) use of statewide EMS communications system;
(k) childbirth (imminent delivery);
(l) glucometry;
(m) oxygen;
(n) wound management.
(2)The following require service medical director approval:
(a) allowable skills:
(i) mechanical positive pressure ventilation utilizing a device that may have controls for rate, tidal volume, FiO2, and pressure relief/alarm and does not have multiple automatic ventilation modes; this skill includes devices that provide non-invasive positive pressure ventilation via continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP);
(ii) use of multi-lumen, supraglottic, and laryngeal airway devices (examples: PTLA, combi-tube, king airway, LMA) to include gastric suctioning;
(iii) application and use of semi-automatic defibrillators, including cardiac rhythm acquisition for ALS caregiver interpretation or transmission to a care facility; this includes multi-lead documentation;
(iv) acupressure;
(v) transport of patients with gastric tubes, urinary catheters, heparin/saline locks, PEG tubes, or vascular access devices intended for outpatient use;
(vi) peripheral venous puncture/access;
(vii) blood drawing;
(viii) pediatric intraosseous tibial access;
(ix) adult intraosseous access;
(x) point of care testing; examples include serum lactate values, cardiac enzymes, electrolytes, and other diagnostic values;
(xi) hemostatic dressings for control of bleeding.
(b) administration of approved medications via the following routes:
(i) intravenous;
(ii) nasal mucosal atomization (MA);
(iii) nebulized inhalation;
(iv) sublingual;
(v) intradermal;
(vi) intraosseous;
(vii) endotracheal (for administration of epinephrine only, under the direct supervision of an EMT-paramedic, or if the EMS service has an approved special skill for endotracheal intubation);
(viii) oral (PO);
(ix) intramuscular;
(x) subcutaneous.
(c) allowable drugs:
(i) oral glucose preparations;
(ii) aspirin PO for adults with suspected cardiac chest pain;
(iii) activated charcoal PO;
(iv) acetaminophen;
(v) ibuprofen PO to pediatrics and adults for pain or fever; IV or IM ketorolac for pain;
(vi) IM autoinjection of the following agents for treatment of chemical or nerve agent exposure: atropine, pralidoxime;
(vii) albuterol (including isomers) via inhaled administration;
(viii) ipratropium, via inhaled administration in combination with or after albuterol administration;
(ix) naloxone;
(x) I.V. fluid therapy (except blood or blood products);
(xi) dextrose;
(xii) epinephrine (1:1000), SQ or IM (including autoinjector) for anaphylaxis and known asthmatics in severe respiratory distress (no single dose greater than 0.3 cc);
(xiii) epinephrine (1:10,000) in pulseless cardiac arrest for both adult and pediatric patients; epinephrine may be administered via the endotracheal tube in accordance with most current ACLS and PALS guidelines;
(xiv) nitroglycerin (sublingual); must have intravenous access established prior to administration or approval of online medical control if IV access is unavailable;
(xv) morphine, fentanyl, or dilaudid for use in pain control with approval of on-line or off-line (written protocol) medical control;
(xvi) diphenhydramine for allergic reactions or dystonic reactions;
(xvii) glucagon, to treat hypoglycemia in diabetic patients when intravenous access is not obtainable;
(xviii) anti-emetic agents, for use as an anti-emetic only;
(xix) corticosteroids for respiratory illness or allergic reaction;
(xx) hydroxycobalamine;
(xxi) lidocaine two percent, preservative and epinephrine free for IV use) for administration into the intraosseous space on pain responsive adult patients while receiving intraosseous fluids or medications.
(d) patient's own medication that may be administered:
(i) bronchodilators using pre-measured or metered dose inhalation device;
(ii) sublingual nitroglycerin for unrelieved chest pain; must have intravenous access established prior to administration or approval of online medical control if IV access is unavailable;
(iii) glucagon;
(iv) situations may arise involving patients with uncommon conditions requiring specific out of hospital administered medications or procedures; family members or the designated caregiver trained and knowledgeable of the special needs of the patient should be recognized as the expert regarding the care of the patient; EMS can offer assistance in airway management appropriate to their level of licensure, IV access, and the administration of the patient's prescribed medications where appropriate only if the medication is in the EMS provider's scope of practice; online (direct contact) medical control communication must be established with the medical control physician approving the intervention; EMS services are not expected to provide the prescribed medications for these special needs patients.
(e) drugs allowed for monitoring during interfacility transport:
(i) potassium; intermediate EMT's may monitor IV solutions that contain potassium during transport (not to exceed 20 mEq/1000cc or more than 10 mEq/hour);
(ii) antibiotics and other anti-infectives utilizing an infusion pump; intermediate EMT's may monitor antibiotic or other anti-infective agents, provided a hospital initiated infusion has been running for a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the intermediate initiating the transfer, and the intermediate EMT is aware of reactions for which to monitor and the appropriate action to take before assuming responsibility for patient care.
(f) immunizations and biologicals: administration of immunizations, vaccines, biologicals, and TB skin testing is authorized under the following circumstances:
(i) to the general public as part of a department of health initiative or emergency response, utilizing department of health protocols; the administration of immunizations is to be under the supervision of a physician, nurse, or other authorized health provider;
(ii) administer vaccines to EMS and public safety personnel;
(iii) TB skin tests may be applied and interpreted if the licensed provider has successfully completed required department of health training;
(iv) in the event of a disaster or emergency, the state EMS medical director or chief medical officer of the department of health may temporarily authorize the administration of pharmaceuticals or tests not listed above.
(1)The following allowed drugs may be administered and skills and procedures may be performed without medical direction:
(a) basic airway management;
(b) use of basic adjunctive airway equipment;
(c) suctioning;
(d) cardiopulmonary resuscitation, according to current ECC guidelines;
(e) obstructed airway management;
(f) bleeding control including the appropriate use of tourniquet;
(g) spinal motion restriction;
(h) splinting;
(i) scene assessment, triage, scene safety;
(j) use of statewide EMS communications system;
(k) childbirth (imminent delivery);
(l) glucometry;
(m) oxygen;
(n) wound management.
(2) The following require service medical director approval:
(a)allowable skills:
(i) mechanical positive pressure ventilation utilizing a device that may have controls for rate, tidal volume, FiO2, and pressure relief/alarm and has multiple automatic ventilation modes; this skill includes devices that provide non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (including continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bi-level positive airway pressure (BPAP);
(ii) use of multi-lumen, supraglottic, and laryngeal airway devices (examples: PTLA, combi-tube, king airway, LMA) to include gastric suctioning;
(iii) transport of patients with gastric tubes, urinary catheters, heparin/saline locks, PEG tubes, or vascular access devices;
(iv) application and use of semi-automatic defibrillators;
(v) acupressure;
(vi) peripheral venous puncture/access;
(vii) blood drawing;
(viii) I.V. fluid therapy;
(ix) direct laryngoscopy for endotracheal intubation and removal of foreign body in patients 13 and older; for patients 12 and under, for removal of foreign body only;
(x) endotracheal intubation for patients over the age of 12;
(xi) thoracic decompression (needle thoracostomy);
(xii) surgical cricothyroidotomy;
(xiii) insertion of gastric tubes;
(xiv) cardioversion and manual defibrillation;
(xv) external cardiac pacing;
(xvi) cardiac monitoring;
(xvii) use of infusion pumps;
(xviii) initiation of blood and blood products with on-line medical control;
(xix) intraosseous access;
(xx) performing point of care testing; examples include serum lactate values, cardiac enzymes, electrolytes, and other diagnostic values;
(xxi) hemostatic dressings for control of bleeding;
(xxii) vagal maneuvers.
(b)administration of approved medications via the following routes:
(i) intravenous;
(ii) nasal mucosal atomization (MA);
(iii) nebulized inhalation;
(iv) sublingual;
(v) intradermal;
(vi) intraosseous;
(vii) endotracheal;
(viii) oral (PO);
(ix) intramuscular;
(x) topical;
(xi) rectal;
(xii) IV drip;
(xiii) subcutaneous.
(c)allowable drugs:
(i) acetaminophen;
(ii) activated charcoal;
(iii) adenosine;
(iv) albuterol (including isomers);
(v) amiodarone;
(vi) aspirin;
(vii) atropine sulfate;
(viii) benzodiazepines;
(ix) blood and blood products;
(x) calcium preparations;
(xi) corticosteroids;
(xii) dextrose;
(xiii) diphenhydramine;
(xiv) epinephrine;
(xv) furosemide;
(xvi) glucagon;
(xvii) hydroxycobalamine;
(xviii) ipratropium;
(xix) lidocaine;
(xx) magnesium sulfate;
(xxi) naloxone;
(xxii) narcotic analgesics;
(xxiii) nitroglycerin;
(xxiv) nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) to pediatric or adult patients with pain or fever;
(xxv) oral glucose preparations;
(xxvi) oxytocin;
(xxvii) phenylephrine nasal spray;
(xxviii) pralidoxime, IM auto-injection for treatment of chemical and nerve agent exposure;
(xxix) anti-emetic agents, for use as an anti-emetic only;
(xxx) sodium bicarbonate;
(xxxi) thiamine;
(xxxii) topical anesthetic ophthalmic solutions;
(xxxiii) tranexamic acid; for patients > 15 years of age;
(xxxiv) vasopressor agents;
(xxxv) intravenous fluids.
(3)Drugs allowed for monitoring during inter-facility transports: (initiated and administered by the sending facility with defined dosing parameters and requiring an infusion pump when given by continuous infusion unless otherwise specified); any titration of one of these medications outside of the predefined dosing parameters requires online physician medical control:
(a) potassium (no infusion pump needed if concentration not greater than 20mEq/1000cc;
(b) anticoagulation type blood modifying agents (such as fibrolytic drugs, heparin, glycoprotein IIb-IIIa inhibitors/antagonists);
(c) procainamide;
(d) mannitol;
(e) aminophylline;
(f) antibiotics and other anti-infective agents;
(g) sodium nitroprusside;
(h) insulin;
(i) terbutaline;
(j) octreotide;
(k) nutritional supplements;
(l) beta blockers;
(m) calcium channel blockers;
(n) dobutamine
(o) nesiritide;
(p) propofol in patients that are intubated prior to transport;
(q) proton pump inhibitors and H2 antagonists;
(r) crotalidae polyvalent immune fab (ovine) ("crofab") or anavip (crotalidae immune fab2 (equine)); either may be monitored during inter-facility transport provided the facility initiated infusion has been running for a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the paramedic initiating the transfer and assuming responsibility for patient care.
(4)Immunizations and biologicals: administration of immunizations, vaccines, biologicals, and TB skin testing is authorized under the following circumstances:
(a) to the general public as part of a department of health initiative or emergency response, utilizing department of health protocols; the administration of immunizations is to be under the supervision of a physician, nurse, or other authorized health provider;
(b) administer vaccines to EMS and public safety personnel;
(c) TB skin tests may be applied and interpreted if the licensed provider has successfully completed required department of health training;
(d) in the event of a disaster or emergency, the state EMS medical director or chief medical officer of the department of health may temporarily authorize the administration of other pharmaceuticals or tests not listed above.
(5)Skills approved for monitoring in transport:
(a) internal cardiac pacing;
(b) chest tubes.
(6)Medications for administration during patient transfer:
(a) retavase (second dose only);
(b) protamine sulfate;
(c) non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents in patients that are intubated prior to transport;
(d) acetylcysteine.
(7)Patient's own medication that may be administered:
(a) epoprostenol sodium, treprostinil sodium, or other medications utilized for certain types of pulmonary hypertension;
(b) bronchodilators using pre-measured or metered dose inhalation device;
(c) sublingual nitroglycerin for unrelieved chest pain; must have intravenous access established prior to administration;
(d) glucagon;
(e) situations may arise involving patients with uncommon conditions requiring specific out of hospital administered medications or procedures; family members or the designated caregiver trained and knowledgeable of the special needs of the patient should be recognized as the expert regarding the care of the patient; EMS can offer assistance in airway management appropriate to their level of licensure, IV access, and the administration of the patient's prescribed medications where appropriate only if the medication is in the EMS provider's scope of practice; online (direct contact) medical control communication must be established with the medical control physician approving the intervention; EMS services are not expected to provide the prescribed medications for these special needs patients.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 8/15/14, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVIII, Issue 23, December 12, 2017, eff. 12/12/2017, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXII, Issue 15, August 10, 2021, eff. 8/10/2021