N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. General requirements for all medical rescue agencies:
(1) Certification required. A medical rescue agency shall not provide treatment to any patient, nor shall a transport medical rescue agency transport any patient, unless the medical rescue agency holds a valid certificate in accordance with this rule.
(2) Level of service. Any medical rescue agency that represents itself as providing any EMS level of service shall make that level of service available.
(3) Fees prohibited. Medical rescue agencies shall not charge a fee to the patient. Nothing in this rule shall be construed to prevent a medical rescue agency from negotiating reimbursement agreements.
(4) Hygiene and cleanliness. Medical rescue agencies shall maintain clean and hygienic work environments, and shall adopt and implement reasonable infection control practices to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Medical rescue agencies shall properly maintain and dispose of all biohazard material.
(5) Medical rescue emergency motor vehicles. Medical rescue emergency motor vehicles shall provide safe and adequate service, and shall utilize equipment, supplies and facilities that are safe and adequate for the provision of emergency medical services and otherwise consistent with the requirements of this rule. Motor vehicles shall be safe, dependable and suitable for the services rendered. Each motor vehicle shall be maintained in good mechanical and operating condition. The bureau may remove from operation any medical rescue agency vehicle that the bureau determines to be either not road worthy or not response worthy. Transport-capable medical rescue vehicles shall be equipped with a heating, cooling and ventilation system capable of providing a reasonable level of comfort inside the motor vehicle.
(6) Documentation. EMS agencies certified under this rule shall annually submit to the bureau a certificate of safety for each of their medical rescue vehicles, to include the date, name, contact telephone number and location of the certified mechanic performing the inspection.
(7) Drivers. Any person who regularly drives a certified medical rescue (transport or non-transport) vehicle shall:
(a) be at least 18 years of age;
(b) hold a valid New Mexico driver's license or equivalent out-of-state driver's license, equivalent to a class "D" or higher;
(c) be in compliance with bureau requirements for an emergency vehicle operator's course;
(d) not have received a driving while intoxicated, driving under the influence, or reckless driving conviction within the past year;
(e) not be prohibited by law from driving without a breath alcohol ignition interlock device;
(f) not be prohibited by law from operating a motor vehicle for any other reason;
(g) annually provide to their EMS agency a copy of the person's motor vehicle driving record; the medical rescue agency shall validate and submit to the bureau a list of all drivers authorized by the agency together with the agency's annual report; all driver infractions resulting in the loss or potential loss of driving privileges shall be reported to the bureau.
(8) Safety belts. Safety belts shall be utilized by all persons in the forward compartment of emergency motor vehicles. Attending personnel shall wear seat belts when feasible. Safety belts or other safety restraining devices shall be available for patients being transported, and shall be utilized for patients at all times during patient transport, unless extenuating circumstances prevent their usage.
(9) Child restraint systems. Attending personnel shall utilize child restraint systems when feasible and necessary. Child restraint systems shall satisfy all federal and state requirements when in use.
(10) Minimum personnel requirements. All medical rescue agencies (transport and non-transport) shall maintain the following minimum personnel requirements during patient treatment and transportation:
(a) a minimum of one New Mexico licensed EMS provider shall be present at the scene of an emergency;
(b) for transport of a patient, a minimum of one qualified New Mexico-licensed EMS provider shall be present in the patient compartment of the medical rescue vehicle at all times while the compartment is occupied by a patient;
(c) healthcare personnel not licensed as an EMS provider may accompany and monitor a patient in the patient compartment of a medical rescue vehicle, provided that at least one qualified New Mexico-licensed EMS provider is also present in the patient compartment, subject to the policies of the EMS agency.
(11) Mutual aid. All medical rescue agencies (transport and non-transport) shall develop mutual aid plans with appropriate EMS agencies and PRC regulated ambulance services. A medical rescue agency may provide mutual aid to another EMS agency pursuant to a mutual aid agreement only in the event that the other agency cannot respond to a call for service, and only in the following circumstances:
(a) in mass casualty or disaster situations, when requested by state or local authorities in accordance with established local emergency plans;
(b) when requested by another EMS agency or a licensed EMS provider during an emergency and in accordance with established mutual aid agreements;
(c) when requested by a law enforcement agency or officer; or
(d) in a non-emergency, when the responsible local provider's resources are exhausted, pursuant to arrangements made by the responsible local provider for (and for the coordination of) such necessary mutual aid.
(12) Unauthorized persons. A medical rescue agency shall not transport any person who is not a patient (including but not limited to a hitchhiker), other than an on-duty employee of the medical rescue agency, a person authorized by the medical rescue agency to be transported, or a bureau representative on official business, unless the person's transport is necessitated by an emergency.
(13) Accident reports. Every medical rescue agency shall report to the bureau every accident that occurs in the course of the medical rescue agency's operations within the state on either public or private property that results in the death of a person, injury to a person that requires treatment by a physician, or damage to property belonging to either the medical rescue agency or any other person to an apparent extent of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) or more.
(a) In the event that an EMS vehicle operated by a medical rescue agency is involved in a collision that results in a person's death, the medical rescue agency shall, within twenty-four hours of learning of the person's death, submit a copy of the police report of the collision to the bureau.
(b) Police reports of all other collisions involving an EMS vehicle operated by a medical rescue agency shall be submitted to the bureau by the medical rescue agency no later than fifteen days after the date of the collision.
(c) If a medical rescue agency learns after submitting a police report to the bureau that an individual who was involved in a collision involving an EMS vehicle operated by the agency has died, the agency shall file an amended copy of the police report with the bureau no later than fifteen days after learning of the person's death.
(d) For the purposes of this section, a medical rescue agency that has submitted a uniform accident report of the collision to the motor vehicle division of the New Mexico taxation and revenue department may submit a copy of that report to the bureau instead of a police report; provided that the deadline for the submission to the bureau of a uniform accident report shall be the same as the deadline for the submission of a police report.
B. Additional requirements for transport medical rescue agencies. Transport medical rescue agencies shall meet the following requirements in order to be certified by the bureau.
(1) All transport medical rescue vehicles shall carry appropriate supplies and equipment, including the minimum required equipment identified in this rule.
(2) Patient transport is allowed in two distinct situations:
(a) saving of life or limb: when a transport medical rescue agency is dispatched without the intent to transport, but transports patient(s) due to life or limb-saving necessity;
(b) system demand: a transport medical rescue agency may transport a patient when there is no ambulance service available, or may intercept with any air or ground ambulance service when it is beneficial for the patient.
(3) All transport medical rescue agencies shall additionally maintain the following agreements and protocols:
(a) a fully executed written agreement between the public regulation commission-certificated ambulance service serving the area and the transport medical rescue agency that describes the transport protocol to be followed;
(b) a written medical protocol that clearly specifies situations when transport is allowed and has been approved by the transport rescue agency medical director.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N, 3/15/2010