N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. ABUSE means an intentional or negligent infliction of physical or psychological harm; intentional or negligent sexual contact or sexual exploitation; intentional or negligent behavior that jeopardizes life or health; torture, cruel confinement or corporal punishment.
B. ACCREDITED means written acknowledgement from a national organization that an agency or program meets the published standards of the organization issuing the accreditation.
C. ACCREDITED RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT CENTER (ARTC) means a facility with 16 beds or less that may be attached to, or housed within, a hospital or other institution; that provides residential treatment services pursuant to these requirements; and that is accredited by JCAHO.
D. ACTION PLAN means a written document that may be required by the licensing and certification authority (LCA) detailing an agency's proposed actions for resolving deficiencies identified by the LCA.
E. ACTIVE STATUS means a type of certification granted to a program currently serving clients.
F. ADMINISTRATOR means the person in charge of the day-to-day operation of an agency. The administrator may also be referred to as the director or operator.
G. ADMISSIONS HOLD means a type of sanction under which a program is prohibited from admitting new clients until the LCA determines that identified deficiencies are corrected, and lifts the sanction.
H. ADVANCE DIRECTIVES means an optional component of the comprehensive service plan. An individual has the right to make decisions in advance, including behavioral health treatment decisions, through a process called advance directive. An advance directive can be used to state the individual's treatment choices, preferences or instructions regarding pre-cursor crisis strategies, or can be used to name a health care agent that is someone that will make health care decisions for the individual. This section of the comprehensive service plan provides the individual the opportunity to take part in behavioral health care decisions if at some point in the future the individual is unable. This document allows the individual to express consent or refusal to medications and other health care decisions, including use of the seclusion and restraints.
I. AGENCY means the legally responsible organizational entity administering the facility or program(s) of specific services identified and certified pursuant to these certification requirements.
J. ASSISTANCE WITH SELF-ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION means the supervision and assistance given to a client in the self-administration of a drug.
K. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT means an assessment by an integrated series of procedures conducted with an individual to provide the basis for the development of an effective, comprehensive and individualized treatment plan.
L. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES means services designed to meet behavioral and mental health and substance abuse needs of medicaid recipients in certified services.
M. BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT means the use of basic techniques, such as reinforcement, redirection and voluntary time-outs to teach clients skills for managing and improving their own behavior; and the use of verbal de-escalation, therapeutic holds, personal restraint and seclusion in order to maintain a safe and therapeutic environment and to enhance the abilities of clients and care givers to manage client behavior.
N. BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (BMS) means services provided on a staff-to-child ratio of at least 1:1. Behavior management skills development services are for children and adolescents with psychological, emotional, behavioral, neurobiological or substance abuse problems in the home, community or school when such problems are of such severity that highly supportive and structured therapeutic behavioral interventions are required. These services are designed to maintain the client in his/her home, community or school setting.
O. BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES PLAN means a service plan used in behavior management skills development services.
P. CANCELLATION means an LCA action nullifying a program's certification.
Q. CAPACITY means the maximum number of clients allowed to receive services in a licensed facility at any specified time in accordance with these certifications requirements.
R. CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES means services provided in order to assist children and adolescents with identifying and meeting multiple and complex, special physical, cognitive and behavioral health care needs through planning, securing, monitoring, advocating and coordinating services.
S. CARF means council on accreditation of rehabilitation facilities.
T. CERTIFICATION means an authorized status conferred by the department on a program that meets these certification requirements for providing service(s) to children and adolescents.
U. CERTIFIED FAMILY SPECIALISTS (CFS) means an individual 18 years of age or older who has personal experience navigating any of the child or family-serving systems or advocating for family members who have a knowledge of and are involved with the behavioral health systems and are certified by an approved state of New Mexico certification program.
V. CERTIFIED PEER SPECIALISTS (CPS) means a self-identified current or former consumer, 18 years of age or older, of mental health or substance abuse services and has at least one year of mental health or substance abuse recovery and is certified as a CPS by an approved state of New Mexico certification program.
W. CHEMICAL RESTRAINT means the administration of a medication(s) which is neither a standard treatment for the client's medical or psychiatric condition nor a part of the client's daily medication regimen, and is used for the primary purpose of controlling a client's behavior or restricting a client's freedom of movement.
X. CHILD/ADOLESCENT means a person under the chronological age of 21 years.
Y. CLEARED STAFF MEMBER means an individual who has been approved by the department for employment in the immediate presence of children and adolescents by means of a state and federal criminal background clearance.
Z. CLIENT means any child or adolescent who receives treatment from a service certified by the department.
AA. COA means council on accreditation for children and family services.
AB. CLINICAL STAFF means licensed mental health practitioners and treatment coordinators.
AC. CLINICAL SUPERVISOR means a staff member who is a licensed independent practitioner and who has responsibility and authority for supervising other clinical staff.
AD. COMMUNITY SUPPORTS means the coordination of resources to individuals/families necessary for them to implement strategies to promote recovery, rehabilitation and resilience.
AE. COMMUNITY SUPPORT WORKER (CSW) means the primary staff responsible for assisting the client and family with implementation of the comprehensive service plan and coordinating or facilitating family and treatment team meetings and is certified by an approved state of New Mexico certification program.
AF. COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES (CCSS) means a variety of interventions, primarily face-to-face and in community locations that address barriers that impede the development of skills necessary to independent functioning in the community. It provides assistance with identifying and coordinating services and supports identified in an individual's comprehensive service plan; supporting an individual and family in crisis situations; and providing individual interventions to develop or enhance an individual's ability to make informed and independent choices. The target population for CCSS includes children, youth and adults with significant behavioral health disorders and who meet other criteria as identified by the collaborative.
AG. CONTRACTOR means an individual who provides direct services to clients through contracts with the agency.
AH. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT means a form of discipline or behavior control that involves forced exercise or touching a child's body with the intent to induce pain and includes, but is not limited to, shaking, spanking, hitting, hair pulling, and ear pulling.
AI. CRIMINAL RECORDS CHECK (CRC) means the process of submitting state and FBI approved fingerprint cards and any additional required background information to the department for the purpose of determining whether or not an individual has state or federal convictions on record that may disqualify the individual from direct unsupervised contact with children/adolescents and, when applicable, for the purpose of obtaining and reviewing a record of convictions.
AJ. CRIMINAL RECORDS CLEARANCE means a determination made by the department, based on the results of the criminal records check, that an individual may work directly and unsupervised with children and adolescents.
AK. CRISIS MANAGEMENT SERVICES means those services identified in the individual's crisis plan. Such services are located in the community, include natural supports and are available to the client and family after the agency's normal operating hours.
AL. CRISIS PLAN means a component of the comprehensive service plan that clearly identifies the level of intensity and severity of potential crisis events and how they will be managed after normal business hours with specific resources identified for the client, family and natural supports. The crisis plan shall include defined client, family and treatment team roles and activities.
AM. CULTURAL COMPETENCE means the involvement, integration and transformation of knowledge, information and data about individuals and groups of people into specific clinical standards, service approaches, techniques and marketing programs. Cultural competence is illustrated by congruent behaviors, attitudes and policies that match a client's culture to increase the quality and appropriateness of behavioral health care and outcomes.
AN. CULTURALLY COMPETENT ASSESSMENT means the relevant cultural considerations in the assessment of the behavioral health needs of a client.
AO. DAY TREATMENT SERVICES (DTS) means a coordinated and intensive set of structured individualized therapeutic services, in a school, or a facility licensed by the LCA, provided for children, adolescents and their families who are living in the community.
AP. DEFICIENCY means a violation of, or failure to comply with, a provision(s) of these certification requirements.
AQ. DENIAL means a sanction imposed by the LCA to refuse to issue a certification, based on a determination made by the LCA.
AR. DEPARTMENT means the New Mexico children, youth and families department.
AS. DESIGNATED AGENCY means the agency that has the primary responsibility of partnering with the client and family for implementation of the comprehensive service plan.
AT. DIRECT PHYSICAL SUPERVISION means, with reference to criminal records clearances, either continuous visual observation or live video observation of a non-cleared agency staff member by a cleared agency staff member or by the client's legal guardian, while the non-cleared staff is in immediate presence of the client.
AU. DIRECT SERVICE STAFF means supervisors, physicians, nurses, therapists, client care workers, coordinators or other agency personnel who work in immediate direct unsupervised contact with children.
AV. DIRECT UNSUPERVISED CONTACT means physical proximity to clients, such that physical contact or abuse could occur, without being observed or noticed by another staff member who has been cleared by the department.
AW. DIRECTED ACTION means a formal action(s) specified by the LCA that the agency is required to undertake or complete in order to correct a deficiency(ies) within a specified time frame.
AX. DISCHARGE CRITERIA means specific clinically-based indicator(s) used to measure the client's degree of readiness for release from a given level of care stated in terms of achievement of treatment goals or reduction of symptoms; discharge criteria may also include indicators that a given level of care is inappropriate for a client due to such factors as dangerousness or non-responsiveness to treatment.
AY. DISCHARGE PLAN means a written section of a treatment plan/service plan and treatment plan/service plan reviews containing the following elements: behavioral and other clinical criteria that describe the conditions under which discharge will occur, identification of barriers to discharge; the level of care, specific services to be delivered, and the living situation into which discharge is projected to occur; the projected date of discharge, individuals responsible for implementing each action specified in the discharge plan, and, when indicated, revisions.
AZ. DISCIPLINE means non-abusive training that enables a client to develop self-control and orderly conduct in relationship to others.
BA. DOCUMENTATION means the written or printed record of information supporting the facts related to the certified services being provided to clients found in client files, personnel files, and other pertinent printed sources.
BB. EARLY AND PERIODIC, SCREENING, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT (EPSDT) means periodic, comprehensive services to persons under 21 years of age; these services are defined in the medicaid program policies.
BC. EMERGENCY SAFETY INTERVENTION means personal restraint or seclusion.
BD. EMERGENCY SANCTION means an immediate requirement that is imposed on a program by the LCA in response to a finding of health or safety deficiency(ies).
BE. EMERGENCY SERVICE means an unanticipated admission to an acute medical or psychiatric facility or the provision of other medical services by paramedics or other emergency or urgent care personnel.
BF. EMERGENCY SUSPENSION means an immediate and temporary cancellation of a certification due to an existing health or safety deficiency(ies), pending an appeal hearing and correction of health or safety deficiencies. During a period of emergency suspension, the medicaid provider agreement is not in effect.
BG. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY means a verifiable written summary of employment including names, addresses and telephone numbers of employers, immediate supervisors as well as dates of and explanations for any period(s) of unemployment for a minimum of three years immediately prior to hire for employment by a certified program.
BH. ENHANCED SERVICE means, in the medicaid managed care system, any and all services beyond the scope of the medicaid (fee-for-service) benefit package available to recipients in the medicaid managed care program.
BI. EXCLUSIONARY CRITERIA means agency-written criteria that define the diagnoses, behaviors, or conditions that preclude admission to the certified program.
BJ. EXEMPLARY means a certified status conferred by the LCA on a program that has no history of temporary certification, sanctions or loss of certification in the previous two years and meets all of the certification requirements with minor or no deficiencies.
BK. EXPANSION HOLD means a type of sanction under which an agency is prohibited from obtaining certification for additional services until the LCA determines that identified deficiencies are corrected and lifts the sanction.
BL. EXPLOITATION means the act or process of using a client or client's property for another person's profit, advantage or benefit.
BM. FACILITY means the physical plant and building(s) licensed by the LCA in which residential or day treatment mental health services are provided.
BN. FUNCTIONAL LEVEL means a determination of the client and as applicable, his family's, functional skills in multiple domains.
BO. GENERAL PROVISIONS means the series of certification requirements found in Sections 9 through 25 of these certification requirements.
BP. GOVERNING BODY means the organizational entity of an agency that has the ultimate responsibility for all planning, direction, control, and management of the activities and functions of a program certified pursuant to these certification requirements.
BQ. GROUP HOME SERVICES (GHS) means mental and behavioral health services offered in a supervised, licensed facility that provides structured therapeutic group living for children/adolescents with moderate behavioral, psychological, neurobiological, or emotional problems, when clinical history and opinion establish that the needs of the client cannot be met in a less restrictive environment.
BR. HEALTH OR SAFETY DEFICIENCY means a deficiency that poses an immediate threat to the welfare of clients up to and including loss of life; physical harm; physical, sexual, psychological abuse or exploitation.
BS. HUMAN SERVICES DEGREE means an approved bachelors or masters degree from an accredited school in one of the following degrees: counseling and therapy, rehabilitation, psychology, criminal justice, social work/social services, or human development. If workforce issues are identified in a region of the state, the some other defined degrees may be considered as human services degrees. However, any experience required in the service definition must be met. In order for an agency to utilize staff with these degrees, they must submit a written waiver request to LCA with documentation supporting the workforce issues. Those alternative degrees may include nursing, sociology, public health, education, occupational therapy, speech and hearing sciences, speech-language pathology, communication sciences and disorders, gerontology, or social sciences.
BT. INACTIVE STATUS means a type of certification granted to a program that is not currently serving clients.
BU. INCIDENT REPORT means the document(s) describing a serious incident or alleged serious incident.
BV. INFORMAL RESOLUTION CONFERENCE means an informal meeting and problem-solving process between the department and an agency to resolve any filed or potential appeal arising from the imposition or potential imposition of a sanction(s).
BW. INFORMED CONSENT means a document that reflects that a client and the legal guardian(s) are advised of the benefits, risks, and alternatives of a given medication or treatment and agree to the use of the medication or treatment. Clients age 14 and above may consent to the use of a medication or treatment without the approval of their legal guardian(s).
BX. INITIAL CERTIFICATION means a type of certification granted to a program that has met the minimum requirements to implement a program to provide services pursuant to these requirements.

BY. INVESTIGATION means a formal process of inquiry used by the LCA to: determine the validity of complaints or allegations made against certified agencies; or to determine whether trends in incidents reported to the LCA that affect the health and safety of clients are the result of negligent practices, insufficient supervision of personnel or clients, or any other factor that requires correction; or to determine whether or not an agency has made corrective responses to resolve matters of threat to client health and safety substantiated by the LCA.

BZ. JCAHO means the joint commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations.
CA. LICENSE means the written authorization issued by the LCA pursuant to 7.20.12 NMAC granting right to operate the designated facility for a specified period of time; or, in context, any necessary authorization by the appropriate credentialing authority to undertake the professional activity in question.
CB. LICENSED INDEPENDENT PRACTITIONER means New Mexico-licensed clinical staff who are authorized to practice at the independent level.
CC. LICENSED INDEPENDENT MEDICAL PRACTITIONER means a New Mexico licensed medical doctor (MD), doctor of osteopathy (DO), certified nurse practitioner (CNP), clinical nurse specialist (LCNS), or physician assistant (PA).
CD. LICENSING AND CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY (LCA) means the licensing and certification unit of the children's behavioral health and community services bureau of the prevention and intervention division of the department.
CE. MAINTENANCE OR REDUCTION IN PROGRAM CAPACITY means a sanction that directs the agency to maintain or reduce the capacity of the program to a designated census until the LCA determines that deficiencies resulting in the sanction have been corrected.
CF. MECHANICAL RESTRAINT means use of a mechanical device(s) to physically restrict a client's freedom of movement, performance of physical activity, or normal access to his or her body, and is distinct from personal restraint as defined below.
CG. MEDICAID means Title XIX of the Social Security Act; the joint federal-state program that pays for medical care for low-income persons.
CH. MONITORING means the ongoing review of a program's progress in correcting deficiencies. During a period of certification, monitoring is done at the discretion of the LCA. Monitoring may be implemented by means of a monitoring plan, and may require that specified documentation be submitted to the LCA by the agency or may include the use of on-site surveys by the LCA to ascertain compliance in specified areas.
CI. MONITORING PLAN means a written set of guidelines and instructions specified by the LCA for a program to follow for the purpose of correcting deficiencies.
CJ. MORAL TURPITUDE means conduct contrary to justice, honesty, modesty or good morals, as further specified in 8.8.3 NMAC.
CK. MULTI SYSTEMIC THERAPY (MST) is an intensive family and community-based treatment program that addresses the known determinants of serious antisocial behavior in adolescents and their families. MST treats the factors in the youth's environment that are contributing to his or her behavior problems. Such factors might pertain to individual characteristics of the youth (poor problem solving skills), family relations (inept discipline), peer relations (association with deviant peers) and school performance. Treatment goals for therapeutic change are developed on an individualized basis in collaboration with the family.
CL. NEGLECT by individuals or an agency means:
(1) failure to provide any treatment, service, care, medication or item that is reasonably necessary to maintain the health or safety of a client; or
(2) failure to take any reasonable precaution that is necessary to prevent damage to the health or safety of a client; or
(3) failure to carry out a duty to supervise properly or control the provision of any treatment, care, good service or medication reasonably necessary to maintain the health or safety of a client; or
(4) failure to take any reasonable precaution that would prevent the physical abuse, sexual abuse, or sexual exploitation of a client, as defined in the Children's Code at 1978 NMSA 32A-4-2, or the lack of which causes the client to become an abused child or neglected child as defined in the Children's Code at NMSA 1978 32A-4-2.
CM. NON-ACCREDITED RTC means a program that provides residential treatment services pursuant to these requirements that is not accredited by JCAHO.
CN. NON-RENEWAL means a sanction whereby certification is cancelled on or about the date of expiration.
CO. NON-RESIDENTIAL SERVICES means a program that provides certified services other than twenty-four-hour continuous care within the confines of a facility or treatment foster home.
CP. NOTICE OF CONTEMPLATED ACTION means a letter issued by the LCA identifying grounds for sanction of a program.
CQ. NOTICE OF EMERGENCY SANCTION means a letter issued by the LCA when an emergency sanction is imposed.
CR. NOTICE OF FINAL ACTION means a letter issued by the LCA stating that the sanctions proposed in a previous notice of contemplated action are in effect. This letter is issued upon the conclusion of any appeal/informal resolution proceeding or the expiration of the appeal period to the notice of contemplated action.
CS. PARTIAL COMPLIANCE means a determination by the LCA that a program is found to have moderate and few deficiencies, none of which immediately compromises the health or safety of the clients.
CT. PARTIALLY SUBSTANTIATED COMPLAINT means a complaint that the LCA has determined is factually accurate in part, but not factually accurate in its entirety.
CU. PERMANENCY PLAN means the long-term plan for the child/adolescent developed by the protective services division of the department with one of the following outcomes: reunification, permanent guardianship, adoption, permanent placement with a fit and willing relative, or planned permanent living arrangements.
CV. PERSONAL RESTRAINT means the application of physical force without the use of any device, for the purposes of restraining the free movement of a client's body. The term personal restraint is distinct from therapeutic hold and mechanical restraint as defined herein and does not include briefly holding a client, without undue force, in order to calm or comfort him or her, or holding a client's hand to safely escort a client from one area to another.
CW. PHYSICAL ESCORT means the temporary touching or holding of the hand, wrist, arm, shoulder or back for the purposes of inducing a client who is exhibiting unsafe or potentially unsafe behavior to walk to a safe location.
CX. PHYSICAL HARM means physical injury that requires treatment beyond basic first aid; or that results in loss of functional use of a bodily member or organ or of a major life activity for a prolonged period of time; or results in loss of consciousness for any amount of time.
CY. PHYSICIAN means an individual who has received a degree of doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathic medicine and is licensed to practice medicine in the state of New Mexico.
CZ. POLICY means a statement of principle that guides and determines present and future decisions and actions.
DA. PREMISES means all parts of buildings, grounds, vehicles and equipment of a facility.
DB. PRE-SERVICE TRAINING means training that is provided to a newly hired employee prior to the employee's provision of direct services.
DC. PROCEDURE means the action(s) that will be taken to implement a policy; and the written description of such action(s) that serves as instruction to agency staff.
DD. PROGRAM means an agency, or subdivision of an agency, operated with the intent to provide certified services.
DE. PROVIDER means an agency or its personnel who have a medicaid provider number and deliver direct services to clients.
DF. PSYCHIATRIST means a physician who specializes in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, has completed an accredited psychiatric residency program, and holds a current license to practice medicine in the state of New Mexico.
DG. PSYCHOLOGICAL HARM means harm that causes symptoms of mental or emotional trauma, or that causes distress of sufficient magnitude to cause behavioral change, or physical symptoms that may require psychological or psychiatric evaluation or treatment.
DH. PSYCHOLOGIST means a doctoral level psychologist who specializes in assessing and treating psychological disorders and holds a current license to practice in the state of New Mexico.
DI. PUNISHMENT means a penalty imposed on a child/adolescent by one in authority for wrongdoing.
DJ. RECOVERY means the process, outlook, vision and guiding principle that stresses that hope and restoration of a meaningful life are possible, despite serious mental illness. Instead of focusing primarily on symptom relief, as the medical model dictates, recovery casts a much wider spotlight on restoration of self-esteem and identity and on attaining meaningful roles in society (adapted from Mental Health: A Report to the Surgeon General, Chapter 2, 1999).
DK. RECOVERY/RESILIENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN means the foundational component for building the comprehensive service plan. The recovery/resiliency management plan component focuses on strengths and preferences based on identified competencies, the process of autonomy (independence), and developing a system of natural supports (satisfying and supportive social relationships). The recovery/resiliency management plan component shall include:
(1) the client and family's personal choice of service options and priorities in service delivery with a client centered focus;
(2) client driven interventions including attainable objective to address the client's defined needs;
(3) a clear identification of the environment in which the client lives including: family, school peers, community and home, and how each will play a part in the comprehensive service plan; and
(4) a clear approach to the development of resiliency based on life skills identified by the client and service team.
DL. REFERENCE CHECK means a documented contact with previous employers, supervisors, co-workers, or other sources, initiated by the agency to evaluate a prospective employee prior to hire by establishing the accuracy of his/her employment history and to obtain other information relevant to potential hire.
DM. REHABILITATION means a process that enhances the efficacy of clients with functional limitations due to behavioral health disorders to obtain information, develop skills and access resources needed to make decisions and implement strategies to be successful and satisfied in the living, working, learning, and social environments of their choice. Rehabilitation services are driven by the client's desire for recovery and resiliency based outcomes and are individualized, collaborative and person directed.
DN. RESIDENTIAL FACILITY means a facility licensed by the LCA, in which 24-hour continuous therapeutic care is provided to a group of children/adolescents in accordance with these certification requirements.
DO. RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT SERVICES means a program that provides 24-hour therapeutic care to children/adolescents with severe behavioral, psychological, neurobiological, or emotional problems, who are in need of psychosocial rehabilitation in a residential facility.
DP. RESTRAINT/SECLUSION CLINICIAN means a New Mexico licensed medical doctor (MD), doctor of osteopathy (DO), certified nurse practitioner (CNP), clinical nurse specialist (LCNS), physician assistant (PA) or doctoral level psychologist (Psy.D., Ph.D., or Ed.D.), who is trained in the use of emergency safety interventions.
DQ. REVOCATION means a type of sanction making a certification null and void through its cancellation.
DR. SANCTION means a measure imposed by the LCA on a certified program, pursuant to these certification requirements, in response to findings(s) of a deficiency(ies), with the intent of obtaining increased compliance with these certification requirements.
DS. SECLUSION means a behavior management technique that involves locked isolation. Seclusion is distinct from therapeutic time-out.
DT. SERIOUS INCIDENT means an incident involving the death of a client, suicide attempt by a client; psychological or physical harm to a client; serious homicidal threat to or by a client; physical or sexual abuse/perpetration to, or by, a client or a staff member; the use, possession, or distribution of illegal substances by clients or staff; neglect or exploitation of a client by staff; AMA or emergency discharge; arrest or detention of a client; natural disasters, or contagious disease outbreaks; or agency knowledge that a staff member has been charged with, or convicted of, a felony or of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, including but not limited to convictions referenced in 8.8.3 NMAC.
DU. SEXUAL ABUSE means any intentional and uninvited contact, demand or enticement of a sexual nature, including contact with another person's clothed or unclothed genital area, anus, buttocks, or breast(s) if the recipient is female; or, intentional causing of another person to touch any of these areas on one's own or a third party's body; or, consensual contact with any of these areas if the initiator is in a position of significant influence over the recipient by reason of differences in age, physical size, development, intellectual sophistication, sexual sophistication, or position of authority; or, a verbal request, offer, or demand such as would initiate such contact when the initiator of the verbal behavior is in a position of significant influence as described above. Physical contact, as described above, includes contact between clothed or unclothed body parts of individuals, or may be between clothed or unclothed body parts of one person and an object.
DV. STAFF means a person who has contact with children in a certified program and includes the owner, operator or director of a program, volunteers, full-time, part-time, contract employees, and treatment foster parents.
DW. STAY means the department is temporarily refraining from taking an action on a sanction, revocation, or suspension of certification.
DX. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE means a determination by the LCA that a program is found to be without deficiencies, or with minor and few deficiencies, none of which compromise the health and safety of clients.
DY. SUBSTANTIATED COMPLAINT means a complaint or allegation that the LCA has determined is factual.
DZ. SUPERVISION means one of the following, as indicated by context: the monitoring of clients' whereabouts and activities by the program staff in order to ensure their health, safety, and welfare; or the clinical or managerial oversight of staff.
EA. SURVEY means examination, or other review, of a program's premises, records or other documents; or interview of client(s) or staff, at the discretion of the LCA, pursuant to these certification requirements.
EB. SUSPENSION means a type of sanction whereby certification is temporarily revoked, during which time the medicaid provider agreement is not in effect.
EC. THERAPEUTIC HOLD means the brief physical holding of a client, without undue force, used as part of a behavioral plan by an individual trained and certified by a state recognized body in the use of therapeutic holds and personal restraints, in a manner consistent with written agency policy, for the purpose of providing emotional comfort or calming to the client, or physical safety to the client, other clients, staff member(s) or others. Therapeutic hold is distinct from personal restraint and mechanical restraint as defined above.
ED. THERAPEUTIC LEAVE means a period of time during which a treatment foster care services client is temporarily placed in a different treatment foster home. This affords the primary treatment foster parents a period of authorized leave.
EE. THERAPEUTIC TIME-OUT means a technique involving individual isolation used as part of a written behavioral plan to prevent or decrease the potential for unsafe behavior and to give the client the opportunity to regain control.
EF. THERAPIST means a person who has a license from an appropriate licensing authority to provide direct clinical care services such as individual, family, or group therapy.
EG. TREATMENT FOSTER CARE SERVICES (TFC) LEVEL I means a program that provides therapeutic services to children or adolescents who are psychologically or emotionally disturbed, or behaviorally disordered, in a foster family setting, pursuant to these certification requirements.
EH. TREATMENT FOSTER CARE SERVICES LEVEL II means a program that provides therapeutic services to children or adolescents who are psychologically or emotionally disturbed, or behaviorally disordered, in a foster family setting, pursuant to these certification requirements. It is distinct from treatment foster care services level I in that it is provided to children and adolescents who have successfully completed treatment foster care services level I as determined by the treatment team, and are in the process of returning to biological family and community, or who meet other established criteria.
EI. TREATMENT FOSTER HOME means a licensed residence overseen by a certified program and licensed child placement agency in which treatment foster care services are being provided to agency clients by licensed treatment foster parents.
EJ. TREATMENT PLAN means a written document formulated on an ongoing basis by a treatment team that guides and records for each client: individualized therapeutic goals and objectives; individualized therapeutic services provided; individualized discharge plans and aftercare plans.
EK. TREATMENT PLANNING means an ongoing process, based on assessment and regular reassessment of a client's needs, of documenting those needs, the interventions intended to address those needs, and the client's behavioral responses to interventions. Treatment planning includes initial treatment plans, comprehensive treatment plans, treatment plan reviews and discharge plans.
EL. TREATMENT TEAM means the group of individuals that assesses, plans, coordinates, implements, evaluates, reviews, and adjusts all aspects of a client's care over the course of treatment in a certified program. The treatment team includes the client, and as applicable, the client's family or legal guardian(s), therapist, direct service staff, treatment coordinators, treatment foster parents, the department's social worker or juvenile probation/parole officer, case manager, a representative from an educational agency, or other significant individuals in the client's life.
EM. UNSUBSTANTIATED COMPLAINT means a complaint or allegation that could not be verified by the LCA based on its investigation.
EN. VARIANCE means a deviation from a portion(s) of these certification requirements approved in writing at the sole discretion of the LCA. It is based upon stipulated conditions to be met by the agency, for an unlimited time period, provided that the health, safety, and welfare of the clients and staff are not in danger.
EO. VOLUNTEER means an individual who works without compensation at an agency in the physical presence or proximity of clients.
EP. WRAPAROUND means a team-based activity that helps groups of people involved in a family's life work together toward a common goal.
EQ. WAIVE/WAIVER means a deviation(s) from any part of these certification requirements approved in writing by the LCA, at the sole discretion of the LCA. It is based on stipulated conditions to be met by the agency, for a limited period of time, provided the health, safety, and welfare of clients and staff is not in danger.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp 7 NMAC 20.11.7, 03/29/02; A, 04/14/05; A, 01/01/08; A, 12/31/08