N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025

THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as this ________day of________, 20_____, by and between______________________________(local board of education) hereinafter called "BOARD" and ___________________(contractor) herein after referred to as "CONTRACTOR." WITNESETH: WHEREAS, BOARD has engaged CONTRACTOR to provide the pupil transportation services described herein; and WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR desires to provide such transportation services; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants hereinafter contained, the parties agree as follows:

A. TERM: The term of this agreement shall commence______, 20____ and shall continue through______, 20____. This contract may be renewed annually thereafter on the same terms and conditions at the option of the BOARD.
(1) CONTRACTOR shall, during the term of the agreement supply the buses listed on Appendix A incorporated herein by reference and shall maintain such number of school buses specified to provide transportation services to the BOARD consistent with the terms of this contract.
(2) CONTRACTOR shall, provide for the efficient management of the transportation services as set forth herein. CONTRACTOR shall advise the BOARD of the name(s), address(s), and phone number(s) of individual(s) designated as responsible for the management of services.
(3) CONTRACTOR shall provide for the to-and-from transportation of students in grades kindergarten through twelve who attend school within the school district, of three and four year old children who meet the public education department approved criteria and definition of developmentally disabled, and for the transportation of students to and from their regular attendance centers and vocational programs approved by the public education department.
(4) Transportation services shall be provided for_________ school days in accordance with bus routes and schedules agreed to under the terms of this contract. For each day that a bus is not operated, the compensation paid the CONTRACTOR shall be decreased by 1/___th of the total compensation for services provided in Subsection C, Paragraph (1) of this contract.
(5) CONTRACTOR shall comply with all federal and state laws, regulations, policies and directives of the BOARD.
(1) The BOARD shall pay CONTRACTOR all sums due and calculated in accordance with the conditions of this contract. The BOARD agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR $________for purchase allowance/rental fees, and $__________for services herein for a total of $_________to be paid in consecutive monthly installments as follows: ___________equal installments of $_____________each, and a final installment of $_________, commencing on the ________day of_______, 20_______.
(2) The compensation payable pursuant to this contract is subject to adjustment by the BOARD for route changes, the addition of to-and-from buses approved by the public education department, or changes in the provision of services. Contract amendments required; as a result of such adjustments shall be approved by the BOARD.
(3) This contract may be further adjusted or payments withheld where audits or investigations by the BOARD or public education department verify overpayments, underpayment, or expenditures in violation of state laws or rules or the terms of this contract.
(4) The terms of this contract are contingent upon sufficient legislative appropriations for to-and-from transportation and authorization of the appropriation.
D. FUEL: CONTRACTOR shall furnish all fuel to be used in its performance of this agreement.
(1) CONTRACTOR shall furnish buses of a type and with the equipment required by federal and state law and regulations, including applicable public education department rules.
(2) CONTRACTOR shall provide for all operation and maintenance of buses utilized for service under the terms of this agreement.
(3) CONTRACTOR shall ensure that buses operating under this contract meet established public education department safety inspection requirements.
F. SALARIES: CONTRACTOR shall provide for salaries and benefits of all employees providing service under the terms of this agreement.
(1) CONTRACTOR shall operate the buses according to the routes approved by the BOARD. The BOARD on the basis of safety, efficiency and economy shall approve such routes.
(2) On the 40th day of the school year, CONTRACTOR shall furnish BOARD a complete route map and roster of eligible students who are transported. Additional reports shall be submitted as follows: _____________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(3) The BOARD reserves the right to modify the routes consistent with the terms of this contract, should circumstances require such modifications. The superintendent or designee may modify stops and time schedules as required. The CONTRACTOR shall be notified in writing by the BOARD's superintendent or designee when changes are necessary, and CONTRACTOR shall adjust its operations to incorporate such changes.
(1) All records required by state law or rules shall be subject to inspections and audits by the public education department, the office of the state auditor, and any auditor designated to conduct such inspections or audits. The public education department and the state auditor shall have the right to audit both before and after payment, and payment under this contract shall not foreclose the right of the BOARD to recover excessive or illegal payments.
(2) The CONTRACTOR shall complete appendix B, incorporated herein by reference, and shall submit annually a final expenditure report for fuel, operation and maintenance, and salary and benefits on forms provided by the public education department.
(3) The CONTRACTOR shall make such reports as may be required by the BOARD or the public education department. Failure to make required reports on time and with accuracy shall be considered a breach of contract and shall be cause to adjust payments or withhold payments until reporting requirements are met.
(4) The CONTRACTOR shall not refinance or use a school bus on which a school district has a lien as collateral for any other loan without prior written permission of the public education department.
I. INDEMNIFICATION: CONTRACTOR shall hold BOARD, its officers and employees harmless and does hereby indemnify the BOARD, its officers and employees from and against every claim or demand which may be made by any person, firm or corporation, or other entity arising from or caused by any act, neglect, default or omission of CONTRACTOR in the performance of this agreement, except to the extent that such claim or demand arises from or is caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of BOARD, its agents or employees.
(1) The BOARD shall provide automobile liability coverage to the CONTRACTOR, which includes bodily injury, property damage, and physical damage for all buses under contract to the BOARD. The terms, conditions and limits of coverage shall be in accordance with that provided by the New Mexico public schools insurance authority or any other coverage provided by the local BOARD and allowed by statute.
(2) The CONTRACTOR shall carry worker's compensation insurance as statutorily required by the state of New Mexico and shall provide evidence of insurance to the BOARD.
K. INCLEMENT WEATHER AND SCHOOL CLOSINGS: In the event of inclement weather or impassability of roads or whenever school is canceled, delayed or is dismissed early, BOARD shall notify CONTRACTOR not later than __________hours before service.
L. SAFETY: CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for meeting all safety requirements established by local, state, or federal laws or regulations. A record of training and other safety reporting requirements shall be provided to the BOARD upon request.
(1) CONTRACTOR shall employ a sufficient number of drivers and support personnel to carry out the terms of this contract.
(2) CONTRACTOR shall ensure that employees meet training requirements set forth by federal and state law, public education department rules and BOARD policies and shall assume the cost of training for drivers and bus assistants.
(3) CONTRACTOR shall establish rules, which prohibit the driver from smoking on the bus or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol while operating any bus.
(4) CONTRACTOR shall comply with federal laws and regulations for drug and alcohol testing and shall provide to the BOARD verification of compliance.
(5) CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for hiring and discharging personnel employed by CONTRACTOR to perform its obligations hereunder; provided, however, that the BOARD shall have the right to require CONTRACTOR to remove from service under this agreement any employee whose performance is, in good faith, deemed by the BOARD unsuitable to the provision of transportation services for BOARD; and provided further that BOARD shall provide the CONTRACTOR such notification in writing and provide justification for its determination.
(6) CONTRACTOR shall provide qualified drivers, trained and licensed in accordance with the laws of this state and the rules and regulations of BOARD.
N. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT BY BOARD: Subject to procedures hereinafter set forth, the BOARD may terminate this contract before its expiration date for violation of law, terms of the contract, or rules and policies of the public education department or BOARD. The procedures for termination of this contract are as follows:
(1) The BOARD shall serve notice upon the CONTRACTOR in person, or by registered or certified mail, specifying the charges against the CONTRACTOR under which the contract is sought to be terminated, with a copy of such notice provided to the state transportation director.
(2) The notice shall also specify a time and place at which the BOARD will hold a hearing on the charges made against the CONTRACTOR which hearing shall not be more than ten (10) calendar days after service of the notice upon the CONTRACTOR.
(3) The CONTRACTOR shall have the right to appear and be represented by legal counsel, to be heard, and to call witnesses in his/her own behalf.
(4) The BOARD shall have the power to suspend the CONTRACTOR pending a hearing on the charges.
(5) The decision of the BOARD shall be final and conclusive, subject only to the approval of the state transportation director.
(6) In the event that this contract is terminated or not renewed, the secretary of public education shall calculate the remaining number of years that the bus could be used based on a twelve-year replacement cycle and calculate a value reflecting that use. The DISTRICT shall deduct an amount equal to that value from any remaining amount due on the contract. If no balance remains on the contract, the CONTRACTOR shall reimburse the DISTRICT an amount equal to the value calculated.
(7) In the event that this contract is terminated, the buses owned by the CONTRACTOR and used pursuant to the terms of this contract as set forth in appendix A herein shall be appraised by three qualified appraisers appointed by the BOARD and approved by the state transportation director. The operator succeeding to the contract shall purchase, with the approval of the CONTRACTOR, all said buses at their appraised value.
O. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT BY CONTRACTOR: Subject to procedures hereinafter set forth, the CONTRACTOR may cancel this contract before its expiration by the following procedures:
(1) The CONTRACTOR shall serve a written notice upon the BOARD in person or by registered or certified mail, with a copy of such notice provided to the state transportation director, specifying the reason for cancellation.
(2) The notice shall also specify the date at which such cancellation shall be effective, but not less than sixty (60) calendar days after the service of notice.
(3) Cancellation of the contract shall be effective only after the BOARD grants written consent and notice provided to the state transportation director.
(4) This contract shall not be assigned to another individual or corporation.
(5) In the event that this contract is terminated or not renewed, the secretary of public education shall calculate the remaining number of years that the bus could be used based on a twelve-year replacement cycle and calculate a value reflecting that use. The DISTRICT shall deduct an amount equal to that value from any remaining amount due on the contract. If no balance remains on the contract, the CONTRACTOR shall reimburse the DISTRICT an amount equal to the value calculated.
(6) In the event that this contract is terminated or not renewed, the buses owned by the CONTRACTOR and used pursuant to the terms of this contract as set forth in appendix A herein shall be appraised by three qualified appraisers appointed by the BOARD and approved by the state transportation director. The operator succeeding to the contract shall purchase with the approval of the CONTRACTOR all said buses at their appraised value.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have set our hands and seals. _______________________________________ BOARD OF EDUCATION BY:____________________________________PRESIDENT ATTEST: _______________________________SECRETARY ________________________________ CONTRACTOR

P. Appendix A (Part I)


Bus # Owner Code Year Model Seating Lift Vehicle Identification License Plate Rental Fee

Q. Appendix A (Part II)


Bus# Route Mileage Route Description (area served)

R. APPENDIX B: FLEET CONTRACT PAYMENT SCHEDULE, 20_____ 20______SCHOOL YEAR This contract approved by the__________________________________(BOARD) on _____/_______/_______ for________________________________(CONTRACTOR) to operate ___________buses/routes set forth in appendix A to provide school transportation services includes the following amounts deemed necessary for CONTRACTOR to carry out the terms of the contract safely, efficiently, and economically:
(1) BUS PURCHASE/RENTAL FEE: $__________
(2) TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: (estimated budget)
(a) fuel $__________
(b) operation & maintenance and all other expenses $___________
(c) salary and benefits ___________
(3) total transportation services $___________
(4) total estimated budget $__________

N.M. Admin. Code §

12-31-98; NMAC - Rn, 6 NMAC & A, 10-15-01; A, 11-13-09