Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMA. Each school district, including those school districts not applying for grant assistance pursuant to the Public School Capital Outlay Act, shall develop and implement a preventive maintenance plan meeting the requirements of this section.B. A school district shall not be eligible for funding pursuant to Section 22-24-5 NMSA 1978 unless: (1) the school district has implemented a preventive maintenance plan that has been approved by the council; and which plan has subsequently been updated within the last twelve (12) months for any changes in facilities, equipment, available resources, new policies, new procedures, and added capabilities; and(2) the school district is effectively using the facility information management system (FIMS).C. The preventive maintenance plan for each public school building, including portable classrooms and any charter school buildings under the authority of the school district, must at a minimum include: (1) the maintenance mission statement and maintenance goals which specify the broad purpose of the maintenance department and list the goals to be undertaken during the next twelve (12) months;(2) the maintenance organization and staffing responsibilities, by providing an organization chart depicting the supervisory chain for directing maintenance and custodial activities, and listing the general responsibilities of each group;(3) the maintenance priorities and procedures, by listing the priorities for the accomplishment of maintenance related work and providing implemented procedures for the conduct of the maintenance program, such as work order processing, material and equipment acquisition, contractor oversight, safety, staff professional development, equipment upgrades and data updates;(4) equipment inspection and maintenance schedules which shall provide the schedule for the reoccurring inspection and maintenance, at prescribed frequencies, for all facility systems and equipment;(5) scheduled preventive maintenance tasks which detail the specific inspection and maintenance requirements to be employed;(6) established custodial duties, responsibilities, and a schedule of tasks performed at each of its schools; and(7) major maintenance, repair and replacement projects required to be in its current facility master plan that the school district will execute under the capital renewal program.D. The school district's preventive maintenance program includes scheduled activities intended to provide fully functional and reliable building systems aimed at advancing the learning process, providing healthy, safe conditions and preventing breakdowns and premature failures. Common tasks consist of diagnostic tests, inspections, cleaning, lubrication, calibration and replacement of expendable components of building systems and equipment to address each of the following school facility systems and elements:(1) substructure; including foundations and floor slabs;(2) shell; including exterior walls, doors, windows, roof coverings and openings;(3) interior; floors, walls, partitions, ceilings, interior doors, equipment rooms and restrooms;(4) services; including electrical distribution, lighting, fire and life safety equipment, heating; ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, plumbing fixtures, elevators and lifts;(5) equipment; including kitchen equipment and furnishings; and(6) sitework; including roadways and parking lots, fencing and walls, sidewalks, grounds drainage, signage, playgrounds and exterior utility distribution.E. All school districts shall participate in the facility information management system (FIMS) in accordance with the schedule and policies adopted by the council. The facility information management system shall:(1) provide for a comprehensive and systematized process for identifying maintenance requirements, scheduling work and documenting completed work; and(2) provide a database of maintenance and related service activities to allow for analysis and decision making for school district and statewide maintenance efforts, with maintenance measures established and periodic analysis conducted by both school districts and the authority to identify opportunities for improved school facilities.F. Commensurate with the above provisions, school districts shall provide comprehensive professional development programs for its maintenance personnel to provide requisite skills and the authority will assist as necessary with implementing such programs.G. A school district identified by the council to have an exemplary preventive maintenance program may be eligible for up to a five percent (5%) reduction in its local match on a capital outlay award. (1) Exemplary maintenance is demonstrated by achieving and sustaining optimum performance of all building systems expected useful life anticipated to be met or exceeded through highly efficient use of resources.(2) The council shall annually review and adopt the specific criteria and process for confirming that a district is demonstrating exemplary maintenance.N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N, 06/15/04; A, 08/31/05; A, 07/15/10