N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. Impartial review. Upon receipt of a complaint which meets the requirements of Section of this rule, the department will:
(1) acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing;
(2) provide written notice to the agency or consortium of agencies against which the violation has been alleged;
(3) conduct an impartial investigation which shall include a review of all relevant documentation presented and may include an independent on-site investigation, if determined necessary by the department;
(4) give the complainant the opportunity to submit additional information, either orally or in writing, about the allegations in the complaint; and
(5) review all relevant information and make an independent determination as to whether the agency or consortium of agencies is violating a requirement of an applicable federal statute or regulation.
B. Decision. A written decision, which includes findings of fact, conclusions, and the reasons for the decision and which addresses each allegation in the complaint, shall be issued by the secretary of education or designee and mailed to the parties within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the written complaint. In the case of a complaint filed pursuant to the McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Act, the decision must be issued within thirty (30) calendar days. Such decision will further include:
(1) procedures for effective implementation of the final decision, if needed, including technical assistance, negotiations, and, if corrective action is required, such action shall be designated and the decision shall include the time line for correction and the possible consequences for continued noncompliance;
(2) a statement of the right to request the secretary of the United States department of education to review the final decision at the secretary's discretion; complaints regarding participation by private school children must be appealed to the secretary no later than thirty (30) days after the department issues its decision; an appeal regarding participation by private school children must be accompanied by a copy of the decision and a complete statement of reasons supporting the appeal.
C. Failure or refusal to comply. If the agency or consortium of agencies fails or refuses to comply with the applicable law or regulations, and if the noncompliance or refusal to comply cannot be corrected or avoided by informal means, compliance may be effected by the department by any means authorized by state or federal statute or regulation. The department will retain jurisdiction over the issue of noncompliance with the law or regulations and will retain jurisdiction over the implementation of any corrective action required.
D. Informal resolution.
(1) Nothing herein shall preclude the availability of an informal resolution between the complainant and the agency or consortium of agencies, nor shall this rule preclude or abrogate the availability of any administrative hearing opportunities as provided for by federal statute or regulation.
(2) In the case of a complaint filed pursuant to the McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Act, each district shall have a written policy for concerned parties to resolve disputes, and every effort should be made to resolve the dispute at the district level. The district level procedure must adhere to the following parameters:
(a) The dispute resolution process shall be as informal and accessible as possible and the process should be able to be initiated directly at the school of choice as well as at the district level or with the LEA homeless liaison. Every LEA is required to have a homeless liaison.
(b) When a dispute arises over school selection or enrollment, pending resolution of the dispute, the homeless child or youth must be immediately enrolled in the school in which the child or youth is seeking enrollment, and provided all services to which student is entitled.
(c) The district must create and provide a simply stated notice of rights and provide that notice of rights to the student, parent or guardian, in a language the student, parent or guardian can understand. The notice of rights shall contain:
(i) contact information for the LEA homeless liaison and the state coordinator, with a brief description of their roles;
(ii) a step by step description of how to make use of the dispute resolution process;
(iii) notice of the right to immediately enroll in the school of choice pending resolution of the dispute and notice that immediate enrollment includes full participation in all school activities;
(iv) notice of the right to obtain the assistance of advocates or attorneys;
(v) notice of the right to appeal to the department if the district-level resolution is not satisfactory;
(vi) the timelines for resolving district and department-level appeals;
(vii) notice of the right to provide written or oral documentation to support their position; and
(viii) a simple form that parents, guardians or the student can complete and return to the school to initiate the process.
(d) The school with the dispute must provide notice of the dispute to the LEA's homeless liaison using the department's dispute resolution process form which requires the following information:
(i) school name, address, phone and fax number;
(ii) student's name, identification number, grade, and address;
(iii) parent, guardian or complaining party's name, relationship to student, address, and phone number;
(iv) whether student lives in a shelter;
(v) name of school child or youth chooses to be enrolled in pending resolution of dispute;
(vi) whether school enrolled in is school of origin;
(vii) reason for complaint;
(viii) signature of parent guardian or complaining party; and
(ix) the principal's actions on the complaint.
(e) The district will have 10 calendar days to review its initial determination and make a final decision as to the position taken.
(f) The district's final decision must be in writing and must state all factual information upon which it is based and the legal basis in support thereof. If the final decision of the district is adverse to the parent, guardian or student, the decision, along with the department's dispute resolution process form, must be forwarded by the LEA homeless liaison to the department's homeless liaison within 5 calendar days of issuing its final decision.

N.M. Admin. Code §

12-31-98; NMAC - Rn, 6 NMAC & A, 11-30-00; A, 10-17-05, A, 11-30-06