Because there is an outstanding educational loan judgment balance which has not been paid, your name has been referred to the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department for the collection of this obligation. Any tax refund to which you may be entitled may be retained in full or partial satisfaction of this obligation. This action involving the Taxation and Revenue Department is authorized by the Tax Refund Intercept Program Act, Sections 7-2C-1 through 7-2C-13 NMSA 1978.
Our records shows $ _________________ total unpaid judgment balance, including principal, accrued interest, costs and attorney's fees as of_____________, 20_____.
Case Number:
Judgment Creditor: _____________________
Social Security No: Date of the Notice
Refund Amount:
Applied to Judgment Balance:
If you disagree with this notice, you have the right to a hearing. In order for you to request a hearing, you must return this portion of the notice within 30 days from the date indicated on the notice, and you must indicate to the office below that you are requesting a hearing based on one or more of the following grounds:
Telephone Number: ______________________________ Best Time to Call ___________________
Send request for hearing to:
New Mexico Higher Education Department
N.M. Admin. Code §