N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025

After reviewing the preliminary plan, if the commission determines that there is sufficient need for post-secondary educational services that cannot be met by existing institutions, that the proposed model promotes efficiency and effectiveness through the sharing of all types of resources among existing institutions, public schools, government agencies, communities, and/or the private sector, that the proposed model allows for rapid response to changing educational needs in the community, and that the community and organizing group are prepared to fully accomplish the goals of the proposed post-secondary entity, then the commission shall act to accept the preliminary plan. If the decision of the commission is to accept the preliminary plan, then the commission shall request a detailed plan and survey. The purpose of the detailed plan and survey shall be to document sound and verifiable evidence of significant need for the proposed post-secondary educational services, and to provide strong evidence that the proposed delivery model will be successful in addressing that need in an efficient and effective manner. The advocates shall meet with commission staff to agree upon a procedure and schedule for development and presentation of the detailed plan for consideration by the commission. It shall be the responsibility of the organizing group to prepare a detailed plan and survey of need consistent with specifications agreed upon between the commission and the organizing group. At a minimum, the detailed plan and survey shall include the components described below.

A. An objective survey of need for and support for establishment of the institution, learning center, or campus should be conducted. The survey shall be sufficient in its scope and methodology to provide reliable information about the extent of community endorsement for the project, and the likelihood of residents to enroll in courses.
B. A written statement of support for the establishment of the institution, learning center, or campus should be provided by the governing board of the sponsoring institution, if applicable, and by each local school board within the area to be served by the proposed institution or learning center. Each local school board within the proposed taxing district should indicate its support or objection to local taxation for support of the institution, learning center, or campus.
C. A statement of the educational mission of the proposed institution, learning center, or campus and a list of educational programs that will initially be available, including for each: a brief description of its purpose and content; the certificate or degree to be awarded; a draft of request for proposals for programs to be offered through learning centers or an objective analysis of available staff and qualifications of key faculty if the institution will provide programs directly; the method(s) for course delivery; and the number of students expected to enroll during each of the first three years.
D. The plan should include an analysis of the local economy which provides evidence that the proposed programs are needed in the community and will contribute to the community's economic growth.
E. A description of the nearest similar program(s), and the distance to those programs should be provided. This analysis should include a description of the nearest similar programs available through extended learning programs by other institutions.
F. The plan must identify all efforts made by the organizing group to work with existing institutions to address the educational need of the community by using extended learning methods.
G. The plan shall include detailed evidence that the physical facilities, equipment, and support services available through collaboration with other institutions, government agencies, or private sector entities or those provided directly by the new institution or learning center are sufficient to provide high quality educational programs. This analysis shall include information about academic support services, including library and electronic information resources and access to experiential education opportunities, and student support services, including academic and career advisement and financial assistance.
H. The plan must provide evidence that a proposed institution or campus of an institution will be of sufficient quality to receive regional accreditation either directly or through a possible parent campus's accreditation.
I. The plan shall include a detailed analysis of the financial need of the proposed institution, learning center, or campus over at least a five year period and how that need will be met. The financial plan operating revenue shall address all potential sources of revenue, including tuition and fees, local support, federal support, and the projected need for state general fund revenue. A proposed budget for the first two years of operation should be included.
J. The plan shall include enrollment projections for the next ten years.
K. The plan shall include a general plan for proposed construction for the next ten years.
L. For proposals that would establish an institution following guidelines found in existing statutes, the proposal must also include any additional requirements specified in the appropriate statute but not detailed here.

N.M. Admin. Code §

11/30/96; Recompiled 10/31/01