N.M. Code R. §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 11, June 11, 2024
A. A permittee may request a modification to a permit at any time. The permittee shall submit a written request of the proposed permit modification to HPD and concurrently to the state agency archaeologist, if the state agency has one and the modification affects permit activities on state land under their jurisdiction. The request shall be approved or denied by the CPRC or HPD as specified in this section, taking into consideration comments provided by the state trust archaeologist or state agency archaeologist.
B. The CPRC shall review requests for a permit modification that propose a significant or substantive change in the scope of work, a change in the curatorial facility to a facility other than MIAC, and all other modifications that are not subject to administrative action by HPD as specified below in Subsection C of NMAC.
C. HPD shall review and may approve requests for a permit modification for the following situations.
(1) If the modification to the permit involves adding individuals who are listed in the SHPO directory in the same position or deleting individuals from the permit staff roster, HPD shall review and approve the request within five working days of receipt of the request.
(2) If the archaeological investigation is delayed as a result of unforeseen circumstances and cannot be completed within the permit period specified on the permit, the permittee shall write HPD and request an extension of the term of the permit. This request shall be received by HPD at least 10 working days prior to the expiration date of the permit to be considered. The request for the extension shall be accompanied by an interim report summarizing the excavations completed at that date and a proposed date when the excavations will be completed and when the final report will be submitted. HPD may approve one extension of the permit term not to exceed one year from the expiration date of the original permit. Additional requests for an extension will be reviewed by the CPRC.
(3) When a permittee notifies HPD of a change in a permittee's business address or facilities, HPD shall acknowledge receipt of the change within five working days and update the permittee's records.
(4) HPD may approve minor adjustments to the investigation that do not result in a reduction of the scope of work. HPD shall notify the permittee of its decision within 10 working days of receipt.
(5) If the archaeological investigation is discontinued and cannot be completed as a result of unforeseen circumstances, the permittee shall notify HPD in writing to request a cancellation of the permit. Disposition of material remains collected under the permit and copies of all written and photographic records resulting from a discontinued investigation shall be in accordance with NMAC and the provisions of this section. The permittee shall obtain a receipt showing that the collections and records have been submitted to the repository and shall upload a copy of the receipt in NMCRIS. HPD shall document the cancellation in the permit files.
D. If fieldwork has not been initiated within the permit period or an extension has not been requested before the expiration of the permit, the permit shall become void at the end of the permit period.

N.M. Code R. § NMAC - N, 10/01/05, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXX, Issue 01, January 15, 2019, eff. 1/16/2019