N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025

The SHPO shall maintain a directory of historic preservation professionals including but not limited to individuals who act in the capacity of principal investigator, project director, supervisory archaeologist, historic archaeologist, biological archaeologist, architectural historian, historic architect, historic landscape architect, historian, or cultural anthropologist, or who meet the SOI standards in another historic preservation discipline. The CPRC reviews the SHPO directory application form and materials specified in this section to determine whether an applicant meets the standards in NMAC.

A. In order to be listed in the SHPO directory, individuals shall submit a SHPO directory application form, curriculum vitae, chart of experience for archaeological, cultural anthropology and historic architecture positions, transcripts or copy of diploma, and work samples as specified below to HPD. A chart is not required for all disciplines but shall be prepared to supplement an application when requested by the CPRC.
(1)SHPO Directory Application form. The applicant shall complete a SHPO directory application form for each discipline for which an individual requests listing. The application form can be downloaded from HPD's website or obtained from HPD upon request and shall include but not be limited to the following information:
(a) applicant name, address and telephone number, email;
(b) employer name, employer address, employer phone number, employer email;
(c) highest degree obtained, field of study, institution, year of degree;
(d) license number and date of New Mexico architectural license for historic architects;
(e) for archaeology, the position for which the applicant is applying;
(f) number of years full-time professional experience
(g) number months of New Mexico experience; and
(h) short statement of qualifications ;
(i) signature.

The applicant shall certify that the information contained in the application form is true and complete through an original signature on the application submitted by mail, an application with original signature transmitted by fax or a scanned application with the original signature transmitted by email. Applications lacking a signature shall be considered incomplete.

(2)Curriculum vitae. Curriculum vitae shall demonstrate the qualifications and professional experience following the guidance provided in the SOI standards. Curriculum vitae shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:
(a) name, address, telephone number, and email;
(b) education (date of degree, degree held, institution issuing the degree, and major and minor fields of study);
(c) professional experience by month and year with exact dates, if possible; list experience by employer and include position held and responsibilities, project name and location, types of resources documented and types of activities including but not limited to types of archaeological investigations (survey, testing, excavation, monitoring, excavation of burials), historic building survey, preparation of plans and reports, historic structure reports, and register nominations;
(d) publications and unpublished reports;
(e) papers presented;
(f) training; and
(g) references.
(3)Chart of experience for archaeology and cultural anthropology. Charts shall summarize experience and shall be on file at HPD. It shall be the responsibility of the individual to provide an updated chart with each new application. Experience shall be demonstrated in number of days, with one day equaling a minimum of 6 hours within a 24-hour work period or months; with one month equaling 20 days. Separate charts shall be prepared for experience in New Mexico, experience relevant to the cultural resources of New Mexico, and other experience. Charts can be downloaded from HPD's website or obtained upon request. Charts for archaeology and cultural anthropology shall contain the following columns of information:
(a) project name;
(b) location by county and state;
(c) position held (principal investigator, supervisory archaeologist, crew member, analyst, etc.);
(d) specific type of experience (survey, field research, archival research, excavation of archaeological sites or burials, oral history, laboratory work, and report writing);
(e) total number of months experience listed by project; and
(f) total number of months at the bottom of the chart for each type of experience.
(4)Chart of experience for historic architecture. Charts shall summarize experience and shall be on file at HPD. It shall be the responsibility of the individual to provide an updated chart with each new application. Experience shall be demonstrated in number of days, with one day equaling a minimum of 6 hours within a 24-hour work period or months; with one month equaling 20 days. Separate charts shall be prepared for experience in New Mexico, experience relevant to the cultural resources of New Mexico, and other experience. Charts can be downloaded from HPD's website or obtained upon request. Charts for historic architecture shall contain the following columns of information:
(a) project name and owner;
(b) location by county and state;
(c) employer and position held on the architectural and engineering (AE) team;
(d) specific type of experience (project or report description, design and construction);
(e) total number of months experience listed by project; and
(f) total number of months experience at the bottom of the chart for each activity and project.
(5)Transcripts and diplomas. An official university or college transcript or a notarized copy of the diploma for the highest degree in the appropriate discipline shall be submitted with the SHPO directory application. Transcripts shall be submitted only once and at the time of the initial application under this rule, unless an individual is updating their educational experience and degrees obtained. It shall be the responsibility of the individual to provide an official transcript or notarized copy of the diploma if a higher degree is obtained after the initial application. HPD shall retain all submittals in the SHPO directory files.
(6)Work Samples for history and architectural history. Provide the following work samples of your experience documenting cultural resources in New Mexico for history and architectural history.
(a) at least three HCPI forms;
(b) detailed architectural description; submit no more than 10 pages as a sample of work; and
(c) contextual history based on primary sources for an architectural or historic resource taken from a cultural resources report, state or national register nomination, professional paper or other related document where you were the principal author; submit no more than 10 pages as a sample of work.
(7) Work Samples for Historic Architecture.
(a) site plans, plans, and elevations prepared for a historic restoration or rehabilitation project; submit three sheets for review; and
(b) historic structure report or similar document assessing the historical significance of a structure and providing recommendations for treatment; submit no more than 10 pages of each document, to demonstrate a representative sample of work; include a table of contents if applicable.
B. Submit all documentation electronically to nm.shpo@state.nm.us. HPD shall review the SHPO directory application and documentation for sufficiency, accuracy and consistency with the minimum standards in this section and in NMAC. A submission that does not contain the required documentation or lacks signatures will be considered incomplete. HPD shall inform the applicant of omissions or clarifications necessary to complete the application.
C. If the documentation is sufficient, accurate and consistent with the minimum standards, HPD shall forward the request to the CPRC at the next meeting for approval or denial. If approved, the individual's name will be listed in the SHPO directory for the discipline and position or positions approved for which the individual applied.
D. Listing in the SHPO directory demonstrates that the individual meets the standards for the discipline set forth in NMAC. Listing does not authorize an archaeologist to work on state land unless the individual is listed on a staff roster of a current general or project-specific permit.
E. Once an individual has been approved for listing in the SHPO directory, they may be listed on the staff roster for a new general or project-specific permit or may be added to an existing permit without additional CPRC review by requesting a permit modification. To be added to an existing permit, an authorized representative of the permittee such as the permit coordinator, principal investigator or signatory on the general permit or project-specific permit, shall request the addition from HPD. HPD will confirm that the individual is listed in the SHPO directory and add the individual's name to the staff roster. An updated permit will be sent to the permittee via email to show the personnel addition.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, 4 NMAC 10.8.8, 4 NMAC 10.8.9 & 4 NMAC.10.8.10, 10/01/05, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXX, Issue 01, January 15, 2019, eff. 1/16/2019