N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. To apply for a state tax credit an applicant shall submit an application package to the division. An applicant may obtain a state tax credit application form and system installation form from the division.
B. An application package shall include a completed state tax credit application form and written attachments for a solar thermal system or photovoltaic system. The applicant shall submit the state tax credit application form and any attachments required at the same time as a complete application package. An applicant shall submit one application package for each solar energy system. All material submitted in the application package shall be capable of being provided on 81/2-inch x 11-inch paper.
C. The application package shall meet 3.3.28 NMAC's requirements. If an application package fails to meet a requirement, the department shall disapprove the application.
D. The completed application form shall consist of the following information:
(1) the taxpayer's name, mailing address, telephone number and social security number;
(2) the address where the solar energy system is located, if located at a residence, business or agricultural facility or, a location description if located at an agricultural enterprise;
(3) the solar energy system's type and description;
(4) the date the solar energy system started continuous operation or that an upgrade to an existing system became operational, if applicable;
(5) if a contractor installed the solar energy system, the contractor's name, address, telephone number, license category and license number;
(6) acknowledgement that the homeowner installed the solar energy system; if applicable;
(7) the net cost of equipment, materials and labor of the solar energy system, excluding the expenses and income listed in 3.3.28 NMAC;
(8) a statement that the applicant signed and dated, which may be a form of electronic signature if approved by the department, agreeing that:
(a) all information provided in the application package is true and correct to the best of the applicant's knowledge;
(b) applicant has read the certification requirements contained in 3.3.28 NMAC;
(c) applicant understands that there are annual aggregate state tax credit limits in place for solar thermal systems and photovoltaic systems;
(d) applicant understands that the department must certify the solar energy system documented in the application package before becoming eligible for a state tax credit;
(e) applicant agrees to make any changes the department requires to the solar energy system for compliance with 3.3.28 NMAC; and
(f) to ensure compliance with 3.3.28 NMAC applicant agrees to allow the division or its authorized representative to inspect the solar energy system that is described in the application package at any time from the application package's submittal to three years after the department has certified the solar energy system, upon the division providing a minimum of five days notice to the applicant; and
(9) a project number the division assigns to the application.
E. The application form shall request the following as optional information provided by the applicant:
(1) taxpayer's email address; and
(2) contractor's email address.
F. The application form shall include optional selections where the applicant can indicate interest in allowing the department to take the following actions:
(1) adding energy monitoring equipment to the solar energy system;
(2) conducting an analysis of solar energy system operation and performance; or
(3) conducting an analysis of taxpayer's utility bill records.
G. The application package shall consist of the following information provided as attachments:
(1) a copy of a current property tax bill to the taxpayer for the residence, business or agricultural enterprise where the solar energy system is located;
(2) a copy of the invoice of itemized equipment and labor costs for the solar energy system;
(3) a copy of the solar energy system's design schematic and technical specifications as described in 3.3.28 NMAC;
(4) a photographic record of the solar energy system after installation is completed;
(5) a completed system installation form;
(6) a completed taxpayer and contractor statement of understanding that shall include NMAC;
(7) if application is for a solar thermal system, a completed solar thermal list form that includes the:
(a) manufacturer or supplier of system components and their model numbers;
(b) number of collectors;
(c) collector aperture dimensions;
(d) orientation of collectors by providing the azimuth angle from true south and tilt angle from horizontal;
(e) SRCC solar collector certification identification number or, if SRCC has not certified the collector and the application package is submitted on January 1, 2007 or later but before January 1, 2010, a copy of the application for solar collector certification form the manufacturer has submitted to the SRCC and report status of SRCC certification process;
(f) a description of the freeze protection;
(g) a description of overheating protection;
(h) thermal storage fluid or material and its volume, if thermal storage is a part of the system and if the thermal storage does not have energy provided from a non-solar or non-renewable source; and
(i) manufacturer's specifications for collectors, if collectors are unglazed;
(8) if application is for a photovoltaic system, a completed solar photovoltaic list form that includes the:
(a) manufacturer or supplier of major system components and their model numbers;
(b) number of modules;
(c) module rated direct current power output in watts under manufacturer's standard test conditions;
(d) collectors' orientation by providing the azimuth angle from true south and tilt angle from horizontal;
(e) inverter capacity in kilowatts, if an inverter is a part of the system;
(f) battery storage capacity in kilowatt-hours, if battery storage is a part of the system; and
(g) a copy of the signature and specifications pages of the fully executed interconnection agreement with the electric utility if the photovoltaic system is interconnected to a utility transmission line or distribution system; and
(9) other information the department needs to evaluate the specific system type for certification.
H. The completed system installation form shall include the following information:
(1) printed name of the taxpayer who is identified on the application form,
(2) printed name, title and telephone number of the contractor's authorized representative, if applicable, who approves the system installation form;
(3) printed name, title and telephone number of the building code authority's authorized representative, if applicable, who approves the system installation form;
(4) date on which solar energy system installation was complete and ready to operate;
(5) if a contractor installed the solar energy system, a statement that the contractor's authorized representative has signed and dated, which may be a form of electronic signature if approved by the department, agreeing that:
(a) the solar energy system was installed in full compliance with all applicable federal, state and local government statutes or ordinances, rules or regulations and codes and standards that are in effect at the time of installation;
(b) contractor has read 3.3.28 NMAC's certification requirements;
(c) the date on which the solar energy system was ready to operate;
(d) the installed solar energy system will work properly with regular maintenance; and
(e) contractor provided written operations and maintenance instructions to the applicant and posted a one-page summary of these instructions in a sheltered accessible location acceptable to the taxpayer and which is near or at the solar energy system's array or balance of system components;
(6) a statement that the building code authority's authorized representative has signed and dated, which may be a form of electronic signature if approved by the department, that the solar energy system was installed in full compliance with all applicable codes; and
(7) if the applicant is unable to obtain a signed and dated statement from the building code authority's authorized representative on the system installation form, then the applicant may provide one of the following instead:
(a) a photograph or copy of the permit tag clearly identifying the building code authority's authorized representative's signature, the date and the permit number;
(b) an official document from the building code authority that includes the:
(i) agency's name;
(ii) authorized representative's name, title, telephone number and signature;
(iii) date of authorized representative's signature; and
(iv) permit number; or
(c) a web-based application the building code authority approves.
I. The division shall return an incomplete application to the applicant.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N, 7-1-06; A, 1-31-08; A, 7-16-09