N.M. Code R. §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 7, April 9, 2024
Section - Gross Receipts of Marketplace Providers and Marketplace Sellers
A.Gross Receipts of Marketplace Providers: Under Section 7-9-3.5 NMSA 1978, the receipts of marketplace providers are defined to include receipts collected by a marketplace provider engaging in business in the state from sales, leases and licenses of tangible personal property, sales of licenses and sales of services or licenses for use of real property that are sourced to this state and are facilitated by the marketplace provider on behalf of marketplace sellers, regardless of whether the marketplace sellers are engaging in business in the state. As used here, the term "collected by a marketplace provider" means amounts paid by the customer directly to the marketplace provider or indirectly through third parties, where the marketplace provider either retains the receipts or transmits all or part of the receipts to the marketplace seller, regardless of whether the marketplace provider retains any portion of the gross receipts as consideration in exchange for the marketplace provider's services. The receipts of the marketplace provider, therefore, include all gross receipts collected from the customer for the sales, leases and licenses, regardless of whether any amount is paid over to the marketplace seller. The gross receipts collected by the marketplace provider are treated as receipts of that marketplace provider from sales, leases and licenses for purposes of the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act, including exemptions and deductions, as though the marketplace provider had gross receipts from selling, leasing or licensing.
B.Gross Receipts of Marketplace Sellers: Under Section 7-9-3.5 NMSA 1978, a marketplace seller that sells, licenses or leases through a marketplace provider to customers in New Mexico has gross receipts in New Mexico from selling, licensing or leasing under Section 7-9-3.5 NMSA 1978. A marketplace seller may be entitled to deduct gross receipts for sales, licenses or leases facilitated on its behalf by a marketplace provider under Section 7-9-117 NMSA 1978. A marketplace seller that is not entitled to deduct gross receipts for sales, licenses or leases facilitated on its behalf by a marketplace provider under Section 7-9-117 NMSA 1978 may be entitled to other exemptions and deductions under the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act that would otherwise apply to those gross receipts.

N.M. Code R. §

Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXII, Issue 13, July 7, 2021, eff. 7/7/2021, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXII, Issue 19, October 13, 2021, eff. 10/13/2021