Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - STATEMENT OF GROUNDS OF A PROTESTA. A statement of the grounds for a protest must include an explanation of the law and facts supporting the protest. It should include for each ground asserted the legal basis under the constitution, statute, regulation, or case law for the challenge to the assessment or other action of the department and a summary of the evidence expected to be produced. A summary of the evidence to be produced means the facts expected to be proven by testimony and documentary evidence surrounding the taxpayer's transactions that support relief under the cited legal standards. It is the facts alleged, not the evidence to prove them, that must be stated. If the taxpayer changes the legal theory or facts supporting the protest, the taxpayer must file a supplemental statement of grounds for the protest prior to the date of the hearing or, if a scheduling order has been issued, by the date set in the scheduling order. For protests filed on or after July 1, 2000, the statement of grounds for the protest must be supplemented no later than ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing or, if a scheduling order has been issued, by the date set in the scheduling order. A prehearing statement filed in conformance with a scheduling order issued by the hearing officer will qualify as a supplemental statement of grounds for the protest.B.To accelerate the processing and review of the protest, copies of the evidence may be included with the statement of the grounds for protest. Evidence included with a protest still must be introduced and admitted at the formal hearing on the protest before it will be considered by the hearing officer.C. Example: A taxpayer's protest of penalty and interest for late payment of gross receipts tax would be valid if it stated "Taxpayer, I.D. No. 00-123456-00 -0, protests Assessment No. 1234567 issued December 14, 1993, imposing interest and penalty pursuant to Sections 7-1-67 and 7-1-69 NMSA 1978 (allegedly for late payment) on the grounds that taxpayer's payment of gross receipts tax for August, 1993, was timely delivered to the department on September 24, 1993". It would be helpful, but not necessary, to specify with submission of the statement of grounds what documentary or testimonial evidence will prove the facts alleged by the taxpayer, such as, "The date of delivery of the payment will be shown by the date of deposit on the canceled check." It would be even more helpful to attach a copy of the canceled check, which, in this circumstance, would probably permit the department to resolve the matter in the taxpayer's favor without even a hearing. The taxpayer may choose to submit the evidence at a later time, but not later than the hearing.N.M. Admin. Code §
3/11/94, 10/31/96; NMAC - Rn, 3 NMAC 1.7.12, 1/15/01; A, 8/30/01