N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. In addition to the prohibited acts identified in Section 74-9-31(A) and Section 74-13-4(J), and subject to the exemptions in Section 74-9-31(B) of the Solid Waste Act, no person shall:
(1) store, process, or dispose of solid waste except by means approved by the secretary and in accordance with board rules;
(2) dispose of any solid waste in this state in a manner that the person knows or should know will harm the environment or endangers the public health, welfare or safety;
(3) dispose of any solid waste in a place other than a solid waste facility that meets the requirements of 20.9.2 - 20.9.10 NMAC;
(4) dispose of any solid waste, including special waste, in a solid waste facility when that facility's permit does not authorize the disposal of the particular type of solid waste in that facility;
(5) construct, operate, modify or close a solid waste facility unless the facility has approval under 20.9.2 - 20.9.10 NMAC from the department for the described action;
(6) modify permit conditions or modify a solid waste facility unless the facility has applied for and received permission from the secretary for the modification pursuant to 20.1.4 NMAC Permit Procedures - Environment Department;
(7) dispose of petroleum waste, sludge which that does not meet the analytical criteria of NMAC, septage, domestic sewage, or treated domestic sewage at any solid waste facility;
(8) dispose of hazardous wastes which are subject to regulation under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 USC 6901 et seq, at any solid waste facility, unless the facility is permitted for the disposal of hazardous wastes;
(9) dispose of liquid waste at any landfill unless:
(a) the liquid waste is household waste other than septic waste and is in a small container similar in size to that normally found in household waste and the container is designed to hold liquids for use other than storage;
(b) the liquid waste is leachate or landfill gas condensate generated on-site which is recirculated in accordance with applicable laws and rules; or
(c) the liquid waste is managed in accordance with an approval issued by the secretary;
(d) the use of uncontaminated water for dust control or to improve vegetation on a final or intermediate cover is not considered disposal;
(10) process, recycle, transfer, transform, or dispose of radioactive waste in a solid waste facility;
(11) dispose of lead-acid batteries at any landfill or incinerator;
(12) dispose of any infectious waste in a landfill;
(13) dispose of any material regulated under the federal Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. Sections 2601 - 2692, except in a solid waste facility, registered facility or operation authorized to accept such waste;
(14) allow open burning at a solid waste facility;
(15) excavate or trench a closed cell or solid waste disposal area without written approval by the department and a determination whether an excavation plan will be required, unless in response to an emergency situation; excavation and trenching do not include excavations or trenches of less than 120 cubic yards or exploratory borings for the purpose of waste characterization, site investigation or mapping, nor does it include removal of waste for routine maintenance on gas collection and control and venting systems;
(16) violate a term or condition of a closure and post-closure care plan, a registration, or conditions contained in an approval of the department under NMAC;
(17) allow liquid extraction from sludge at a solid waste facility unless authorized by permit; or
(18) process, transfer, store, dispose, or allow the disposal of special waste at a collection center;
(19) dispose at a solid waste facility any type of non-hazardous material that is excluded from the definition of solid waste, unless permitted to do so, except that a landfill may dispose of non-hazardous excluded waste listed under the following subparagraphs of Paragraph (9) of Subsection S of NMAC unless prohibited from doing so in its permit; Subparagraphs (d) (agricultural), (f) (sand and gravel), (i) (densified refuse derived fuel), (m) (scrap tires), (n) (recyclable materials), (o) (compost), and (p) (materials, other than those that are regulated as hazardous, toxic or special waste, that are retained as evidence in a criminal proceeding and that are required to be destroyed or managed in accordance with a court or administrative order, and ash derived from such materials).
B. Any person who generates, stores, processes, transports or disposes of solid waste shall take reasonable measures to determine the characteristics of the waste being handled to assure that no prohibited act is being performed.
C. A Subtitle C facility authorized to accept special waste for disposal may accept solid waste if allowed under its permit.
D. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a person for whom a drug or dangerous drug has been dispensed in accordance with a valid prescription from transferring the drug or dangerous drug to a law enforcement agency that collects, stores, transports, or disposes of drugs or dangerous drugs pursuant to a program in compliance with applicable state or federal law or a law enforcement household pharmaceutical take-back program that complies with the solid waste rules.
E. Household pharmaceutical waste collected through a law enforcement household pharmaceutical take-back program may only be disposed of or incinerated in accordance with the solid waste rules.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, 20 NMAC 9.1.I.107, 08/02/07; A, 07/30/11