N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. Volume of wastewater and wastewater/stormwater land applied - measurement and reporting. A permittee shall measure all wastewater discharges from a wastewater or combination wastewater/stormwater impoundment to each fields within the land application area using flow meters. A permittee shall maintain a log recording the date and location of each discharge, flow meter readings immediately prior to and after each discharge, and the calculated total volume of each discharge reported in gallons and acre-feet. A permittee shall submit a copy of the log entries including units of measurement to the department in the quarterly monitoring reports.
B. Volume of stormwater land applied - measurement and reporting. A permittee shall measure all stormwater applications from a stormwater impoundment to each fields within the land application area using flow meters. A permittee shall maintain a log recording the date and location of each application, flow meter readings immediately prior to and after each application, and the calculated total volume of each application reported in gallons and acre-feet. A permittee shall submit a copy of the log entries including units of measurement to the department in the quarterly monitoring reports.
C. Wastewater to be land applied - sampling and reporting. A permittee shall collect and analyze wastewater samples on an annual basis for nitrate as nitrogen, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, chloride, total sulfur and total dissolved solids pursuant to Subsection B of NMAC. Representative samples shall be collected from the wastewater impoundments unless an alternative method is approved for good cause, including safety. The representative samples shall consist of eight samples taken from eight different locations evenly distributed throughout the impoundment or using an alternative method approved by the department for good cause. A permittee shall submit the analytical results to the department in the quarterly monitoring reports.
D. Manure solids -nitrogen content. The nitrogen content of the manure solids applied to each fields within the land application area shall be estimated at 25 pounds of nitrogen per ton. Should a permittee choose to use actual nitrogen content values of on-site manure solids, the permittee shall collect a composite sample on an annual basis. The composite sample shall consist of a minimum of 30 sub-samples collected on the same day and thoroughly mixed. Manure samples shall be analyzed for total Kjeldahl nitrogen and moisture content. The permittee shall submit the analytical results to the department in the quarterly monitoring reports.
E. Irrigation water - sampling, volume applied, and reporting. A permittee shall monitor irrigation wells used to supply fresh water to the fields within the land application area to account for additional potential nitrogen supplied to the land application area in the following manner.
(1) Each irrigation well shall be identified in association with the fields(s) to which it supplies fresh water.
(2) An annual sample of irrigation water supplied from each well or a group of physically connected wells shall be collected and analyzed for nitrate as nitrogen and total Kjeldahl nitrogen, pursuant to Subsection B of NMAC. If the results are consistent for the first five years of annual sampling, sampling frequency may be reduced to once every other year.
(3) The annual volume of irrigation water applied to each fields within the land application area shall be estimated for each well.
(4) The permittee shall submit the analytical results and the estimated annual volume of irrigation water applied from each well to each fields within the land application area to the department in the monitoring reports due by May 1.
F. Fertilizer application reporting. A permittee shall maintain a log of all additional fertilizer(s) applied to each fields within the land application area. The log shall contain the date of fertilizer application, the type and form of fertilizer, fertilizer analysis, the amount of fertilizer applied in pounds per acre to each fields, and the amount of nutrients applied in pounds per acre to each fields. The permittee shall submit a copy of the log entries to the department in the quarterly monitoring reports.
G. Land application data sheets. A permittee shall complete land application data sheets for each fields within the land application area to document the crop grown and amount of total nitrogen applied from wastewater, stormwater, manure solids, composted material, irrigation water and other additional fertilizer(s), and the residual soil nitrogen and nitrogen credits from leguminous crops. The permittee shall submit a land application data sheet or a statement that land application did not occur to the department in the quarterly monitoring reports. The land application data sheet shall include the following elements.
(1) The total monthly volume, reported in acre-feet, of wastewater and stormwater applied to each fields within the land application area. Total monthly volumes shall be obtained from flow meter readings of each application pursuant to Subsections A and B of this section.
(2) The total nitrogen concentration of wastewater and stormwater obtained from the corresponding quarterly or annual analyses collected pursuant to Subsection C of this section and Subsection D of NMAC.
(3) The total monthly volume, reported in tons per acre, of manure solids applied to each fields within the land application area.
(4) The total nitrogen content of the manure solids estimated at 25 pounds of nitrogen per ton or determined from analysis of manure solids samples collected pursuant to Subsection D of this section.
(5) The total nitrogen concentration within the irrigation water and the amount of irrigation water applied pursuant to Subsection E of this section.
(6) The amount of nitrogen reported in pounds per acre from additional fertilizer(s) applied pursuant to Subsection F of this section.
(7) The amount of residual soil nitrogen and nitrogen from leguminous crops credited to each fields within the land application area pursuant to Subsections K and L of this section.
H.Crop yield documentation. A permittee shall submit crop yield documentation and plant and harvest dates of each crop grown to the department in the quarterly monitoring reports. Crop yield documentation shall consist of copies of scale-weight tickets or harvest summaries based on scale-weights.
I.Nitrogen concentration of harvested crop. A permittee shall determine the total nitrogen concentration of each harvested crop. A composite sample consisting of 15 sub-samples of plant material shall be taken from each fields during the final harvest of each crop grown per year. Samples shall be analyzed for percent total nitrogen and percent dry matter. A permittee shall submit the analytical reports to the department in the quarterly monitoring reports.
J.Nitrogen removal summary of harvested crop. A permittee shall develop a nitrogen removal summary to determine total nitrogen removed by each crop grown on each fields within the land application area. Nitrogen removal shall be determined using crop yield and total nitrogen concentration information collected pursuant to Subsections H and I of this section. A permittee shall submit the summary to the department in the quarterly monitoring reports.
K.Soil sampling - initial event in a discharge permit term. A permittee shall collect composite soil samples from each fields within the land application area for the first soil sampling event during the first year following the effective date of the discharge permit. Composite soil samples shall be collected for all fields regardless of whether the fields is cropped, remains fallow, or has received wastewater or stormwater. One surface composite soil sample (first-foot) and two sub-surface composite soil samples (second-foot and third-foot) shall be collected from each fields. Composite soil samples shall be collected and analyzed according to the following procedure.
(1) Each surface and sub-surface soil sample shall consist of a single composite of 15 soil cores collected randomly throughout each fields. Should a fields consist of different soil textures (i.e., sandy and silty clay), a composite soil sample shall be collected from each soil texture within each fields.
(2) Surface soil samples (first-foot) shall be collected from a depth of 0 to 12 inches.
(3) Each second-foot sub-surface soil sample shall be collected from a depth of 12 to 24 inches.
(4) Each third-foot sub-surface soil sample shall be collected from a depth of 24 to 36 inches.
(5) Each surface and sub-surface composite sample shall be analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrate as nitrogen, chloride, organic matter, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium, sulfate, soil texture, and sodium adsorption ratio.
(6) pH, electrical conductivity, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfate shall be analyzed using a saturated paste extract in accordance with the analytical methodology required by Subsection B of NMAC. Phosphorus shall be analyzed using the Olsen sodium bicarbonate method in accordance with the analytical methodology required by Subsection B of NMAC. Nitrate as nitrogen shall be analyzed by a 2 molar KCl extract in accordance with the analytical methodology required by Subsection B of NMAC. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen, chloride, organic matter, potassium, soil texture, and sodium adsorption ratio shall be analyzed in accordance with the analytical methodology required by Subsection B of NMAC.
(7) The permittee shall submit the analytical results and a map showing the fields and the sampling locations within each fields to the department in the monitoring report due by May 1 following the effective date of the discharge permit.
L.Soil sampling - routine. Beginning in the year following the initial soil sampling required by this section, the permittee shall collect annual soil samples from each fields within the land application area that has received or is actively receiving wastewater or stormwater. For those fields that have never before received wastewater, the permittee shall collect soil samples immediately before initial wastewater application and annually thereafter. Once a fields has received wastewater it shall be sampled annually regardless of whether the fields is cropped, remains fallow, or has recently received wastewater or stormwater. One surface composite soil sample (first-foot) and two sub-surface composite soil samples (second-foot and third-foot) shall be collected from each fields. Composite soil samples shall be collected and analyzed according to the following procedure.
(1) Each surface and sub-surface soil sample shall consist of a single composite of 15 soil cores collected randomly throughout each fields. Should a fields consist of different soil textures (i.e., sandy and silty clay), a composite soil sample shall be collected from each soil texture within each fields.
(2) Surface soil samples (first-foot) shall be collected from a depth of 0 to 12 inches.
(3) Each second-foot sub-surface soil sample shall be collected from a depth of 12 to 24 inches.
(4) Each third-foot sub-surface soil sample shall be collected from a depth of 24 to 36 inches.
(5) Surface soil samples shall be analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity, nitrate as nitrogen, chloride, organic matter, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium adsorption ratio.
(6) Subsurface soil samples shall be analyzed for electrical conductivity, nitrate as nitrogen, and chloride.
(7) pH, electrical conductivity, sodium, calcium, and magnesium shall be analyzed using a saturated paste extract in accordance with the analytical methodology required by Subsection B of NMAC. Phosphorus shall be analyzed using the Olsen sodium bicarbonate method in accordance with the analytical methodology required by Subsection B of NMAC. Nitrate as nitrogen shall be analyzed by a 2 molar KCl extract in accordance with the analytical methodology required by Subsection B of NMAC. Chloride, organic matter, potassium, and sodium adsorption ratio shall be analyzed in accordance with the analytical methodology required by Subsection B of NMAC.
(8) The permittee shall submit the analytical results and a map showing the fields and the sampling locations within each fields to the department in the monitoring report due by May 1.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N, 1/31/2011; A, 12/31/2011
Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVI, Issue 11, June 16, 2015, eff. 6/16/2015