Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWA. With the exception of compliance determinations under through NMAC, an owner, operator or contractor aggrieved by a decision made by the department under 20.5 NMAC may obtain review of the decision using the procedures and subject to the limitations set forth in 20.5.125 NMAC.B. An offeror aggrieved by a selection decision made by the department and the owner or operator pursuant to through NMAC may obtain review of the decision from the secretary by submitting a written request for hearing. (1) Timelines. The request must be made in writing to the secretary by the offeror within 10 days after the department has notified the owner or operator and all submitting firms of the highest scoring proposal. If an appeal is received within the 10-day time limit, the secretary shall hold a hearing within 15 days after receipt of the request, unless the parties agree to an alternate timeframe. The secretary shall notify the person who requested the hearing of the date, time and place of the hearing by certified mail.(2) Burden of proof. In the appeal hearing, the burden of proof is on the person who requested the hearing.(3) Procedures. (a) Appeal hearings shall be held at a place designated by the secretary, unless other mutually agreed upon arrangements are made. The secretary may designate a person to conduct the hearing and make a final decision or make recommendations for a final decision. The secretary's hearing notice shall indicate who will conduct the hearing and make the final decision.(b) The department shall make an audio recording of the hearing. If either party wants the hearing transcribed, that party shall bear the costs of transcription.(c) In appeal hearings, the rules governing civil procedure and evidence in district court shall not apply. Hearings shall be conducted so that all relevant views, arguments, and testimony are amply and fairly presented without undue repetition. The secretary shall allow department staff and the hearing requestor to call and examine witnesses, to submit written and oral evidence and arguments, to introduce exhibits, and to cross-examine persons who testify. All testimony shall be taken under oath. At the end of the hearing, the secretary shall decide and announce if the hearing record will remain open, for how long, and for what reason(s) it will be left open.(4) Secretary's decision. Based upon the evidence presented at the hearing, the secretary or designee shall sustain, modify, or reverse the action of the department. The secretary or designee's decision shall be by written final order within five business days following the close of the hearing record. The order shall include the reason(s) on which the decision is based, and shall be sent by certified mail to the hearing requestor and any other affected person who requests notice.(5) Stay of action. The filing of an administrative appeal shall stay execution of the contract by the owner or operator until the secretary or designee issues a final order on the appeal.(6) Judicial review. Judicial review of the secretary or designee's final order shall be as provided by law. The filing of a judicial appeal shall not stay the execution of the contract, corrective action, compliance with the regulations, or any other action required by the secretary.C. An individual denied designation by the department as a representative pursuant to NMAC may obtain review of the department's decision using the procedures and subject to the limitations set forth in 20.5.125 NMAC.D. Compliance determinations shall be appealed as provided in and NMAC.N.M. Admin. Code §
Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 16, August 28, 2018, eff. 7/31/2018, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 24, December 27, 2018, eff. 12/27/2018