N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. Within 15 days of written notification from the department that remediation is required, the owner or operator shall provide to the department either a written list with a minimum of five names of consultants from which the department and the owner or operator shall solicit proposals for remediation or a written request that the department solicit proposals for remediation on its website. The department and the owner or operator shall follow the procedures outlined in subsections B through E of this section where site evaluation, remediation selection and justification, and design may be required. The department and the owner or operator shall follow the procedures outlined in subsection F for bids at sites where limited remediation is such that no additional infrastructure is needed, plans and specifications that require a professional engineer signature and stamp are not required, the cost is less than $80,000 (not including NM gross receipt tax), and the proposed activities can be accomplished within two years. Limited remediation includes but is not limited to the injection of contaminant-reducing agents and the use of portable units for soil vapor extraction ("SVE"). The department shall follow the procedures outlined in subsection G for proposals at sites where the owner or operator is the state of New Mexico or a subdivision thereof.
B. Specifications.
(1) The department and the owner or operator shall develop specifications for remediation, which shall state which sections of 20.5.119 NMAC or 20.5.120 NMAC the work is intended to fulfill.
(2) The department and the owner or operator may require that specifications including primary responsibility for operation or maintenance of remediation systems with electrical or mechanical components contain the requirement that winning proposals shall include pay-for-performance criteria as defined in this part.
(3) Proposals shall meet all requirements outlined in the specifications.
(4) Costs for all tasks outlined in the specifications shall be submitted by short-listed firms only and shall be submitted under separate, sealed cover from the technical portion of the proposal.
C. Solicitation of proposals.
(1) If the owner or operator provides a list of contractors, the department shall mail the specifications to those contractors. However, if the owner or operator, within 15 days of receiving written notification from the department that remediation is required, fails to provide the department with the names of five contractors, fails to respond to the department's notice that remediation is required, or chooses to allow the department to solicit proposals on behalf of the owner or operator, the department may solicit proposals from and make specifications available to any interested contractor using the department's webpage.
(2) Any questions concerning the solicitation, including any requests for clarification of the specifications, shall be submitted in writing to the department and the owner or operator, within two weeks prior to the deadline for submission of proposals. Any response from the department and the owner or operator shall be provided promptly to all contractors through a posting on the department's webpage.
(3) Each proposal shall contain a notarized affidavit signed by the contractor certifying under oath that the contractor has participated and will continue to participate in the competitive contractor selection process as described in this section and Section 74-6B-7C NMSA 1978 without misrepresentation and without collusion with other contractors during the entire solicitation, evaluation and selection process.
D. Evaluation of proposals and contractor selection.
(1) Once the department and the owner or operator have received a proposal, they shall not discuss the solicitation or any proposal received in response to the solicitation with anyone other than department staff or the owner or operator.
(2) If fewer than three responsive proposals are obtained by the deadline in the solicitation, the department shall consult with the owner or operator and solicit additional proposals pursuant to subsection A of this section or paragraph (1) of subsection C of this section.
(3) If fewer than three responsive proposals are obtained after two attempts, the department and the owner or operator may select a proposal following the procedures in this section, provided the technical merit is acceptable for the proposed work.
(4) The department shall, and the owner or operator may, evaluate proposals based on technical merit as defined in this part. The technical merit score shall be based on an understanding of site-specific conditions and the appropriateness of proposed remediation technology.
(a) A team approved by the department shall evaluate the proposals in a timely manner. The owner or operator or their representative is encouraged to participate as a part of the evaluation team. Each team member shall independently evaluate each proposal for technical merit. After discussion, the team shall determine the preliminary technical merit score for each proposal.
(b) The team shall prepare a short list of proposals for further consideration. The short list shall consist of the names of the firms that have submitted proposals with the highest preliminary technical merit scores.
(c) The team shall present the short list of firms to a department task force for a discussion of proposals to ensure consistency among team evaluation and scoring. The department task force shall consist of senior department technical staff. After discussion with the department task force, the team shall assign the technical merit scores.
(5) The department and the owner or operator may request all firms selected for the short list to conduct an oral presentation outlining their proposals for the department task force, the team and the owner or operator. The owner or operator's attendance during the oral presentations is encouraged, but not required. During the oral presentations, members of the department task force, the team and the owner or operator may ask questions. Only the team shall assign the scores to each proposal on the short list.
(a) Any firm that is requested by the department and the owner or operator to conduct an oral presentation and chooses not to do so, shall be eliminated from the short list.
(b) All short-listed firms shall submit a sealed cost proposal to the department and the owner or operator no later than two days prior to the oral presentations. The team shall open and review the sealed cost information submitted for each proposal on the short list.
(c) Prior to or during the oral presentations, contractors on the short list may withdraw the original cost submission and substitute a best and final offer for the cost portion of the proposal.
(6) Following the oral presentations, the team may adjust the technical merit score, based on demonstrated general expertise, site-specific knowledge and application, or information clarified or provided.
(7) At any point in the evaluation process, when, in the team's opinion, a proposal does not substantially meet the technical merit or cost effectiveness standards set forth in the solicitation, the team may reject the proposal.
(8) The team shall assign a final score for each proposal on the short list, which shall be the cost effectiveness score plus the technical merit score.
(a) The technical merit score, with a maximum of 700 points, shall be assigned pursuant to the procedure described in this subsection.
(b) The cost effectiveness score is the technical weight factor times the cost weight factor times 300, where the technical weight factor is the proposal's technical merit score divided by the highest technical merit score of proposals on the short list; the cost weight factor is the lowest cost of proposals on the short list divided by the proposal's cost; 300 is the maximum cost effectiveness score.
(9) The department shall notify the owner or operator and all submitting firms of the highest scoring proposal. The owner or operator shall enter into a contract with the selected firm not less than 10 days or more than 30 days after the notification. If, for any reason, the selected firm cannot complete the project, the department and the owner or operator shall either select the firm with the second highest scoring proposal, provided the technical merit is acceptable for the proposed work, or repeat the contractor selection process in accordance with this section. In order for the work to qualify for payment from the fund, the owner or operator shall use the firm selected in accordance with this part.
(10) After the department has notified the owner or operator of the highest scoring proposal, the department and the owner or operator shall make available to the contractors and the public all proposals submitted and the evaluation team's scores.
(11) An owner or operator aggrieved by the department's selection may request administrative review pursuant to NMAC within 15 days of the post mark on the notification.
(12) An offeror aggrieved by the department's selection may request administrative review pursuant to NMAC within 10 days of the post mark date on the notification.
(13) For purposes of owner and operator participation in the process set forth in this subsection, the owner or operator may appoint a representative who is not affiliated with any individual who submitted a proposal. Any owner or operator representative may not later work for the contractor, the owner, or the operator on any work generated by the proposal.
E. When proposals are received from nonresident businesses and resident businesses, and the proposal with the highest evaluation is from a nonresident business, the contract shall be awarded to the resident business whose technical merit is comparable and whose cost is nearest to the cost of the high-scoring nonresident business proposal if the cost of the resident proposal is made lower than the cost of the nonresident business when multiplied by a factor of 0.95.
F. The department and the owner or operator shall follow the procedures outlined in this section at sites where limited remediation is such that no additional infrastructure is needed, plans and specifications that require a professional engineer signature and stamp are not required, the cost is less than $80,000 (not including NM gross receipt tax), and the proposed activities can be accomplished within two years.
(1) Specifications.
(a) The department and the owner or operator shall develop specifications for limited remediation, which shall state which sections of 20.5.119 NMAC or 20.5.120 NMAC the work is intended to fulfill.
(b) Bids shall meet all requirements and include costs for all tasks outlined in the specifications.
(2) Request for bids.
(a) The owner or operator shall provide to the department either a written list with a minimum of three names of consultants from which the department shall request bids for the limited remediation or a written request that the department request bids on its website.
(b) Any questions concerning the request for bids, including any requests for clarification of the specifications, shall be submitted in writing to the department and the owner or operator within one week prior to the deadline for submission of bids. Any response from the department and the owner or operator shall be provided promptly to all contractors identified by the owner or operator or by posting the responses on the department's webpage consistent with the method that the bids were requested.
(3) Bid content and specifications. The request for bids shall include but not be limited to:
(a) the scope of work including a list of tasks,
(b) a request for costs associated with each task and a total project cost;
(c) a request for a description of the technical approach; and
(d) the schedule for implementing the limited remedial strategy.
(4) Evaluation of the bids and contractor selection.
(a) Once the department and the owner or operator have received a bid, they shall not discuss the request for bids or any responses to the request for bids received with anyone other than department staff and the owner or operator.
(b) Only one responsive bid is required for evaluation, provided the technical merit is acceptable for the proposed work.
(c) The department shall, and the owner or operator may, evaluate the bids based on technical responsiveness to the limited remediation strategy and cost. The responsive bids shall be evaluated by a team approved by the department, and owner or operator if requested. The team shall make a recommendation to a department task force for approval.
(d) The department shall notify the owner or operator and all submitting firms of the selected bid. The owner or operator shall enter into a contract with the selected firm not less than 10 days or more than 30 days after the notification.
(e) After the department has notified the owner or operator of the selected bid, the department and the owner or operator shall make available to the contractors and the public all bids submitted and the evaluation team's scores.
(f) An owner or operator aggrieved by the department's selection may request administrative review pursuant to NMAC within 15 days of the post mark on the notification.
(g) An offeror aggrieved by the department's selection may request administrative review pursuant to NMAC within 10 days of the post mark date on the notification.
(h) For purposes of owner and operator participation in the process set forth in this subsection, the owner or operator may appoint a representative who is not affiliated with any individual who submitted a bid. Any owner or operator representative may not later work for the contractor, the owner, or the operator on any work generated by the bid.
G. For responsible party-lead sites where the owner or operator is the state of New Mexico or any subdivision thereof, including but not limited to municipalities, counties, school districts, or other political subdivisions and their agencies, the department shall accept the use of the state procurement code, provided the department is involved in the development of the specifications and the evaluation of the submitted proposals.

N.M. Admin. Code §

Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 16, August 28, 2018, eff. 7/31/2018, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 24, December 27, 2018, eff. 12/27/2018