N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. When a storage tank system is in temporary closure and the tank contains greater than one inch or 0.3 percent by weight of the total capacity of the storage tank system of a regulated substance, owners and operators shall:
(1) continue to operate, maintain, and monitor corrosion protection systems in accordance with 20.5.107 NMAC and 20.5.110 NMAC;
(2) continue to maintain financial responsibility in accordance with 20.5.117 NMAC;
(3) continue to meet the requirements for operator training in 20.5.104 NMAC;
(4) continue to meet operation and maintenance requirements for secondary containment, spill prevention equipment, overfill prevention equipment, and release detection, in accordance with 20.5.107 NMAC and 20.5.110 NMAC;
(5) continue to meet release detection requirements in 20.5.108 NMAC and 20.5.111 NMAC;
(6) continue to meet piping release detection requirements in 20.5.108 NMAC or 20.5.111 NMAC until the piping is purged of regulated substances and capped; and
(7) continue to comply with 20.5.118 NMAC, 20.5.119 NMAC, and 20.5.120 NMAC if a release is suspected or confirmed.
B. As long as a storage tank system is in temporary closure and the tank contains one inch or less or the storage tank system contains 0.3 percent by weight or less of the total capacity of the storage tank system of a regulated substance, owners and operators shall comply with Subsection A of this section except for the following:
(1) release detection requirements in 20.5.108 NMAC and 20.5.111 NMAC;
(2) periodic testing and inspection requirements for spill prevention, overfill prevention, release detection, and secondary containment in 20.5.107 NMAC and 20.5.110 NMAC;
(3) periodic operation and maintenance walk-through inspections in NMAC and NMAC; and
(4) If the storage tank system does not have steel components that are in contact with soil, water, or concrete, owners and operators are exempt from operator re-training requirements in 20.5.104 NMAC.
C. When a storage tank system is temporarily closed for three months or more, owners and operators shall also comply with all of the following requirements:
(1) leave vent lines open and functioning;
(2) cap and secure all other lines, pumps, manways, and ancillary equipment; and
(3) for AST systems, disconnect and cap all associated piping from the AST as soon as the tank is emptied in accordance with Subsection B of this section.
D. When a UST system is temporarily closed for more than 12 months, owners and operators shall permanently close the UST system if it does not meet either performance standards for new UST systems or the UST system upgrade requirements in 20.5.106 NMAC, except that the spill and overfill equipment requirements do not have to be met. Owners and operators shall permanently close any substandard storage tank systems at the end of this 12-month period in accordance with 20.5.115 NMAC, unless the department provides an extension of the 12-month temporary closure period. Owners and operators shall complete a site assessment in accordance with 20.5.115 NMAC and shall be current with all tank fees before applying for such an extension.
E. When an AST system is temporarily closed for more than 12 months, owners and operators shall permanently close the AST system if it does not meet the performance standards for new AST systems in 20.5.109 NMAC except that the spill and overfill equipment requirements do not have to be met. Owners and operators shall permanently close any substandard storage tank systems at the end of this 12-month period in accordance with 20.5.115 NMAC, unless the department provides an extension of the 12-month temporary closure period. Owners and operators shall complete a site assessment in accordance with 20.5.115 NMAC and shall be current with all tank fees before applying for such an extension.
F. When a storage tank system will be temporarily closed for more than 12 cumulative months, owners and operators must apply for an extension at least 30 days prior to the end of the twelfth cumulative month. In order to apply for an extension, owners and operators shall:
(1) empty the tank and purge the piping of regulated substances so that the tank contains one inch or less or the system contains three-tenths percent by weight or less of the total capacity of the storage tank system of a regulated substance;
(2) perform a site assessment in accordance with NMAC;
(3) pay all annual tank fees and all accrued late fees for all tanks they own or operate in accordance with 20.5.103 NMAC;
(4) meet financial responsibility requirements in 20.5.117 NMAC;
(5) apply in writing to the department and include records demonstrating completion of Paragraphs (1) through (4) of Subsection F of this section and include all of the information in Subsection D of NMAC.
G. When a field-erected AST system or field constructed UST system has been temporarily closed for three months or more and meets the performance standards for new storage tank systems in 20.5.106 NMAC, 20.5.109 NMAC, or 20.5.114 NMAC, prior to placing any regulated substance in the system, owners and operators shall:
(1) perform an internal inspection, integrity test, or tightness test on the tank in accordance with the requirements in 20.5.108 NMAC, 20.5.111 NMAC, or 20.5.114 NMAC;
(2) perform a tightness test on all piping in accordance with the requirements in 20.5.108 NMAC, 20.5.111 NMAC, or 20.5.114 NMAC; and
(3) perform functionality testing or inspections on leak detection equipment in accordance with the requirements for annual or periodic testing in 20.5.108 NMAC, 20.5.111 NMAC, or 20.5.114 NMAC.
H. After temporary or permanent closure and before returning any part of a storage tank system to service, owners and operators shall demonstrate the integrity of the entire storage tank system in a manner approved in advance by the department.
I. A delivery of a regulated substance into a tank in temporary closure shall be considered a return to service and all of the requirements for a tank in service shall be met.
J. Owners and operators of temporarily or permanently closed storage tank systems shall use one or more of the following as applicable to the type of storage tank system to meet the requirements in this section:
(1)American Petroleum Institute Publication RP 1615, "Installation of Underground Petroleum Storage Systems";
(2)American Petroleum Institute Standard 653, "Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction";
(3)American Petroleum Institute Publication RP 1110, "Recommended Practice for the Pressure Testing of Steel Pipelines for the Transportation of Gas, Petroleum Gas, Hazardous Liquids, Highly Volatile Liquid, or Carbon Dioxide";
(4)Petroleum Equipment Institute Recommended Practice RP 200, "Recommended Practices for Installation of Aboveground Storage Systems for Motor-Vehicle Fueling";
(5)Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-460-01, "Petroleum Fuel Facilities"; or
(6)National Fire Protection Association Standard 30, "Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code".

N.M. Admin. Code §

Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 14, July 24, 2018, eff. 7/24/2018