The New Mexico Environment Department (the Department) has received an application for a Radioactive Material License from____________________________________________________(company name and address) for ___________________________(proposed activity) to be located at ____________________________(location).
During the early part of the evaluation period, the Department will review and comment upon the application. The NMED may, at its discretion, retain consultants to assist it in its evaluation of the application. Relevant comments and questions received by the NMED from various agencies and interested parties will be forwarded to the applicant for its response. Correspondence associated with the application will be on file with the Radiation Control Bureau and will be available for inspection by the applicant and any other interested parties.
The Department has required the applicant to provide complete plans and other materials addressing, among other things, the public health, safety and environmental aspects of the proposed activity.
The Department will analyze the license application carefully. During this analysis, the application will be reviewed to ensure that there are no deficiencies, that the application meets all applicable requirements and that there is no reason to believe that the operation will violate any laws or regulations. If the Department is so satisfied, it will issue a Radioactive Material License, to expire in five years.
The activities of all licensees are inspected periodically to assure compliance with regulations and license conditions.
The application is available for review at NMED's offices of the Radiation Control Bureau in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
It is anticipated that the review period will require about _________ months. Written comments and requests for public hearing will be accepted for _________ days after publication of this notice.
Written comments regarding this license application should be directed to Radiation Control Bureau, Environment Department, P.O. Box 5469, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502-5469.
The secretary may allow an additional written comment period upon submission of additional information to the license application, amendment request or renewal license application described by Subsection A of this section by the applicant, or upon request by members of the public. A written request for a hearing may be made by the members of the public within the time period specified in the public notice described in Subsection C of this section.
N.M. Admin. Code §