Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - GENERAL PERMITSA. Issuance of General Construction Permits: (1) The Department may, after notice under Subsections A and B of NMAC and a public hearing with opportunity for public participation under Subsection C of NMAC issue one or more general construction permits, each covering numerous similar sources. Sources registered for coverage under a general permit shall be generally homogeneous in terms of operations, processes and emissions, subject to the same or substantially similar requirements, and not subject to case-by-case standards or requirements.(2) Each general construction permit shall: (a) Describe which sources may qualify to register under the general construction permit;(b) Specify the contents of a complete application to register under the general construction permit. The Department may, in the general construction permit, provide for applications which deviate from the requirements under NMAC, provided that such applications include: i. All information necessary to determine qualification for, and to assure compliance with, the general construction permit; andii. Applicant's public notice requirements including, at a minimum, a notice: a) published once in the legal notices section of a newspaper in general circulation in the county or counties in which the property on which the facility is proposed to be constructed or operated is located; and b) posted at the proposed or existing facility entrance in a publicly accessible and conspicuous place on the property on which the facility is, or is proposed to be, located, until the general permit registration is granted or denied;(c) Contain permit terms and conditions which apply to all sources registered under the general construction permit, and which include: i. Sufficient terms and conditions to assure that all sources registered under and operating in accordance with the general construction permit will meet all applicable requirements under the federal Act, the New Mexico Air Quality Control Act and this Chapter (Air Quality), including 20.2.74 NMAC (Prevention of Significant Deterioration), 20.2.77 NMAC (New Source Performance Standards), 20.2.78 NMAC (Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants), 20.2.79 NMAC (Permits - Nonattainment Areas), and 20.2.82 NMAC (Maximum Achievable Control Technology Standards for Source Categories of Hazardous Air Pollutants), and will not cause or contribute to air contaminant levels in excess of any National or New Mexico Ambient Air Quality Standard; andii. Monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements appropriate to the source and sufficient to ensure compliance with the general construction permit. At a minimum, the general permit shall specify where the records shall be maintained, how long the records shall be retained and that all records or reports shall be made available upon request by the Department;iii. As appropriate, terms and conditions to address and report emissions occurring during upsets, startups and maintenance; and(d) Specify that any document, including any application form, report, compliance certification and supporting data, submitted pursuant to this section ( NMAC) shall contain a certification that meets the requirements of Paragraph 10 of Subsection A of NMAC.B. Revisions to a General Construction Permit: (1) The Department may, after notice under Subsections A and B of NMAC and a public hearing with opportunity for public participation under Subsection C of NMAC, revise a general construction permit. Notice of the proposed revision shall also be sent to the owner or operator of all sources registered under the general construction permit.(2) Revisions to a general construction permit shall include a reasonable transition schedule for existing registered sources to comply with the revised permit. The Department shall revise the general permit terms and conditions only to the extent necessary to ensure that the requirements of Sub-paragraph (c) of Paragraph 2 of Subsection A of NMAC are met.C. Registration under a General Construction Permit:(1) The owner or operator of a source required to obtain a permit pursuant to this Part and which qualifies to register under a general construction permit shall either: (a) Apply to the Department to register under the terms of the general construction permit; or(b) Apply for a construction permit under NMAC.(2) Within thirty (30) days of receiving an application to register under a general construction permit, the Department shall review the application for completeness and shall grant or deny the registration. The Department shall not grant the registration until at least fifteen (15) days after the date the applicant's public notice was initiated. The Department shall notify the applicant of its determination by certified mail. The Department shall attach a copy of the general construction permit to registration approvals. (3) The Department shall grant registration under a general permit to a source only if: (a) The application is complete and meets the requirements of this section ( NMAC); and(b) The source meets the terms and conditions of the general permit.(4) The Department may grant or deny an application to register under a general construction permit without repeating the public notice and participation procedures required under NMAC. (5) Administrative review under Sections 74-2-7.H through L NMSA 1978 shall be available for a determination made by the Department of whether or not a source qualifies to register for coverage under a general construction permit. However, administrative review of a registration for coverage under a general construction permit shall not extend to administrative review of the general permit itself. Administrative review of the general construction permit shall be available under Sections 74-2-7.H through L NMSA 1978 only upon issuance or revision of the general permit as a permitting action. (6) Sources shall be subject to enforcement action for construction without a permit if: (a) Construction of a source is commenced prior to the receipt of the Department's written approval of registration under a general construction permit; or(b) It is determined after construction commences that a source does not qualify for coverage under the general construction permit.(7) A general permit registration may be canceled, consistent with the provisions of NMAC, for any source which ceases operation for five years or more, or permanently, and for any source for which the construction or modification is not commenced within two years from the date of issuance or, if during the construction or modification, work is suspended for a total of one year. The owner or operator shall notify the Department of the anticipated and actual startup of a source, consistent with the provisions of NMAC.D. Modifications to Sources Registered Under a General Construction Permit: Each general construction permit shall provide that, prior to modification of a source which is registered under a general construction permit, the owner or operator shall: (1) For those modifications for which the facility will continue to meet the conditions of the general construction permit after the modification, notify the Department in writing of such modification; and(2) For those modifications for which the source will not continue to meet the conditions of the general construction permit after such modification, obtain a construction permit from the Department under this Part prior to the modification.N.M. Admin. Code §
N, 04/22/98; NMAC - A, 02/02/01