The material in this Part was derived from that previously filed with the State Records Center and Archives under Air Quality Control Regulations (AQCRs): 670 - Gasification Plants - Monitoring, filed Nov. 16, 1973 and Feb. 8, 1983; 671 - Gasification Plants - Coal Briquet Forming Facility - Particulate Matter, filed Nov. 16, 1973, Feb. 8, 1983, and July 24, 1984; 673 - Gasification Plants - Hydrogen Sulfide - Carbon Disulfide - Carbon Oxysulfide, filed Nov. 16, 1973, Feb. 8, 1983, and July 24, 1984; 674 - Gasification Plants - Hydrogen Cyanide, filed Nov. 16, 1973, and Feb. 8, 1983; 675 - Gasification Plants - Hydrogen Chloride - Hydrochloric Acid, filed Nov. 16, 1973, and Feb. 8, 1983; 676 - Gasification Plants - Particulate Matter, filed Nov. 16, 1973, and Feb. 8, 1983; 677 - Gasification Plants - Ammonia, filed Nov. 16, 1973 and Feb. 8, 1983; 678 - Gasification Plants - Gas Burning Boilers - Particulate Matter, filed Nov. 16, 1973 and Feb. 8, 1983; 679 - Gasification Plants - Gas Burning Boilers - Sulfur Dioxide, filed Nov. 16, 1973, Feb. 8, 1983, and July 24, 1984; 680 - Gasification Plants - Sulfur, filed Nov. 16, 1973, Feb. 8, 1983, and July 24, 1984; 681 - Gasification Plants - Hydrocarbons - Storage - Handling - Pumping - Safety Relief Valves - Blowdown System, filed Nov. 16, 1973 and Feb. 8, 1983; 682 - Boilers Operated in Conjunction With Gasification Plants - Enforcement, filed Nov. 16, 1973, Feb. 8, 1983, and July 24, 1984.
N.M. Admin. Code §